Savage Resurrection Guide

A Complete Guide to Savage Resurrection [Version 0.1.37] [work in progress] for Savage Resurrection

A Complete Guide to Savage Resurrection [Version 0.1.37] [work in progress]


This guide will cover the everything you need to know in Savage Ressurection. Regardless if you are a field player or a commander, strategies for both you will find here. It will provide simple explanations and purposes for all items, weapons, units, buildings and buffs. You will also find general tips to newbies here, and how you can stay alive in the battlefield. Note: Guide is based on version 0.1.37 of Savage Ressurection . We try to keep it up to date but lately the devs have been patching real hard and we got limited time to edit this. Forgive us for any information that might be incorrect. Due to a lot of exams I cant finish the enire guide at this point. However, if you want to help, feel free to contact me on PM on Steam.A lot of this guide is copy-pasted from guides others have written for the original Savage 1. They are listed as contrubutors & sources to this guide.

Getting started – Settings you need

First thing you want to do, is change the settings in your options to your preference.

Taunt Image & Message, and language

The first screen you will see is this. in options:
Here you can set your clan tag which will appear infront of your steam nick in the game. My nick is Madmod, and my tag is NOR, so it appears like this: [NOR]Madmod

The taunt image and message is the image that is displayed to anyone you kill. The language option is self-explanatory. However, currently as of version 0.1 there is only english voice supported (other languages are supported in text/hud/menus though).

Graphical options, performance and FoV

The next thing you want to look at is your graphical options. In its current state, good performance can be hard to achieve for some players. In such a case I would recommend lowering the graphics. Most options are self-explanatory, and are entirely for the visual look. However, the FoV setting at the bottom of the graphical options, can help you enhance your gameplay. FoV at 1,5 for instance, gives you much more control of your surroundings and who is close to you. This can be useful in melee situations. However, this will also make units smaller the further away they are, since the screen is showing more of the map, which again, is likely to affect you aiming with ranged weapons. In the end, its up to yourself to choose what you prefer.

Mouse and independent sensitivity

Next up is the controls section of the menu. This section cover mainly mouse usage, and the sensitivity. As a long time Savage: The Battle for Newerth (Savage 1) player, I would recommend and encourage you to use “Independent Melee/Ranged sensitivity”. This is due to the very nature of the melee of Savage Resurrection. You do need to turn fast, and spin sometimes as much as 180 degress or even more, in a very short amount of time (<1000 ms). In ranged gameplay, you will not need as high sensitivity. As you can see from my screenshot, my ranged sensitivity is about 1/3 of my melee sensitivity. A basic guideline for melee sensitivity is that you need to be able to turn 360 degrees during one jump, and for ranged sensitivity you should be able to precisly hit any target within a 90 degree arc in front of you. For ranged sen Ultimately, you have to figure out for yourself what suits you. Different mice will also affect this.

Useful keybinds

The last section I will cover from the options menu is the keybindings. In general, the keybindings are pretty much very self-explanatory; W for forward, S for backward etc. However, there is a particular option I would like to point out, that almost any Savage: The Battle for Newerth player would use, and also you should use. There is a keybind option called “Swap and block/leap”. The usefulness of this option cannot be stressed enough. Simply explained it lets you swap straight to your leap/block when pressing the bound key, regardless of what you are holding in your hand ( weapons, items, etc).
What I strongly recommend is making this key bound to “right mouse button”. This will make you block instantly, and not manually having to go to melee mode first. You can find the setting under keybinding –> combat –> almost at bottom of the keybinds.

userface settings and Sound & Voice settings

The last 2 sections are User Interface Settings and Sound & Voice. Currently, I haven’t done much testing regarding these, and as far as I know, some choices and options are not entirely working there (feel free to test for yourself the different options) .

Using the loadout menu(WIP)

First meeting with the loadout screen

When you have entered your first game, you will have the option to join one of the teams.
When you select a team, a loadout menu like this will appear:

In general, this is the area you are when you are not alive on the field. This is the respawn menu, where you can customize what weapon you want to bring with you into the field, and what items and class your character shall be. When a new game starts, only the first class (Scavenger for beasts, Nomad for humans) will be available to choose from, and humans also start with the bow as a free weapon. Be aware the picture above shows the human team loadout screen, with all weapons, items and classes researched.


The importance of gold in the loadout is essential, it’s your main currency for buying items, weapons and classes.

  • Gold you use get subtracted from “current gold”
  • If your loadout costs more than the ammount of gold you have, the price on the items will be made red, like the stalker example image below
  • In general, allways try to use your own gold and not the team gold. You do not want to be a economical burden to your teammates. It’s a tactical decision to use your teams gold.
  • You can request to get gold support from the team’s common gold account, but your team can be out of gold , or the commander can deny the request.
  • How you request gold, is you click the item that is too expensive, but you only receive the gold, and not the item itself. As ov version 0.18 you konw instantly get the classes you request if the request is approved. It’s unsure if this applies to items and weapons, most likely you wqill have to click again on them to use the gold you got to buy them,
  • As of version 0.18 you do get a short notice in the loadout menu if the auto-accept for all is turned on. The requests also have a slight delay sometimes.

These images below show you how I cannot afford a Stalker unit with 1000 gold in my own, personal account. Items and weapons will also get a red font it you cannot afford it.

Be selective, you cannot have all items and multiple weapons with you into combat

The image below show you the preview of the selected gear (weapon, items) screen you have chosen. This will also show in bottom right corner, when you are in the field.

As you can see, you only have 5 slots. In Savage Resurrection you can build your own custom loadout, with one weapon, up to three items and whatever class you have chosen’s specific melee attack (In the example, Its a nomad’s hatchet). You dont have to use all spots, but it isnt posible to remove the class-specific melee weapon from the selection.

Selecting class

One the left side of the loadout menu, you can select the class you want to spawn with. Be aware that all classes will not be available the entire game, and the commander needs to reserach the one that costs gold, and only then you can use your gold to buy it and spawn with it. However, if you die with your chosen unit, it will be lost, and also the gold you used – so be careful and think trough, what are you gonna do when you spawn with your unit?

Things to be aware of when selecting unit:
  • Have a plan- What are you gonna do the battlefield? Lay siege to enemy buildings? Fight enemies on the battlefield? Support your team with healing?
  • Watch your gold level. You can use more gold than you have, by requesting gold from the commander by clicking the unit- However, this will drain team gold, so be sure not to waste it.
  • Do not use more than you need. If you only plan to deploy sensors around your base to help your team, there is no need for a legionaire [4000 gold] to do that, thats a nomads work [Free].

[more work needed to finish this, WIP]

First spawn- What you should know(WIP)

Work in progress

Beast units

There are 6 units for the beast race:

The Scavenger

Scavengers are the first unit available to the Beast Horde and like the Human Nomad, they are free. Starting with the Bonesword , they are not as strong and resilient as other units they are quite effective in early game play. These are not the ideal units to use when going after enemy buildings or siege as their modifier is moderately lower than their base damage output. Their real power lies in their ability to hurt non-siege units. Scavengers are often used to build sublairs or repair buildings.

The Stalker

Stalkers become available when your commander has completed the stalker research which becomes available when the lair reaches level 2. They are significantly stronger and more powerful than the Scavenger. They do the most melee damage fastest, of all the main beast units. Simular to the human Savage, who does the most(fastest) melee damage of all the main human units.

The Predator

These critters are hell on two clawed feet. One swipe from a Predator will just about kill a Nomad and two swipes will kill a lower level Stalker. A level 6+ Predator can sustain 2 direct hits from a marksman bow to give you some indication of their strength.You can use this unit for just about anything, but at 4500 gold and any accompanying items you might want to use with it, the price tag for a fully loaded Predator can be steep. Hope for a very rich commander or make sure you are picking up any loot you earn to keep putting these on the field.

The Shaman

Main function for this unit is support. Do not go into the battlefield alone with this unit. He a melee attack, that can be used for repairing, mining and hitting enemies. His melee is the only attack he has. The second item is for healing allies. Shoot at wounded units, damaged siege units or damaged buildings to restore some of their health. The third item is the resurrect. You can only resurect main units (not siege) and other shamans. You can only resurrect people if they didn’t go to the load screen yet. The fourth item is the shield ray. Use it on allied units or buildings that are under attack. It decreases the damage received byquite a high % (needs to be confirmed). Only one ray can have effect on each individual target at any time. The shield effect does not stack. Both the healing and the shield abbilities have autoaim & lock on as of version 0.1 of Savage Resurrecion.

The Summoner

Main purpose: siege unit, killing buildings. The Summoner has no melee attack. Shoots bolts of magic that can kill nearly any enemy unit (except siege units) with one hit. However, they are also very effective long range Boom Buggy killers, as they kill them in two hits.(It can be blocked). Kills unshielded guard towers in two hits. Summoners have infinite ammo, because their mana regenerates pretty quickly. You need full mana to shoot and each shot takes all your mana.

The Behemoth

Main purpose: Siege unit, killing buildings. The only siege unit with a melee attack, but however has no ranged attack. Enemy legionnaires can survive a direct hit from a behemoth, but that’s not easy. Kills unshielded guard towers in one hit. Behemoths have infinite ammo too, since their attack does not require ammo. Note: Behemots are very powerful units, but they are also very expensive units, and loosing one costs 8000 gold. Do not pick behemoth for standard fighitng versus only units, as humans will easely avoid your melee strikes, since they can run faster.

Starting unit
Lair lvl 2
Lair lvl 3
Lair lvl 2 & Charm Shrine
Lair lvl 3 & Charm Shrine

Beast Weapons

Melee weapons

Unlike the Humans the Beast team can equip enhancements to their melee weapon.


Tier 1 weapon: The enemy gets a damage-over-time effect when hit. The poison works even if the attack is blocked. You can poison one target twice, but you can poison several targets at the same time. You can’t repoison the same target until the poison effect has worn out.


Tier 2 weapon: Improves your health regeneration. Restores your stamina when you hit an enemy. Excellent melee weapon. Use the stamina to leap around. Avoid being hit and keep hitting enemies to replenish your stamina. If done well you can survive pretty long.


Tier 3 weapon: Restores health when you hit a target. Only gives you health if the target does not block your attack. Useful weapon for when you’re low on health when it’s used on NPCs.

Lair lvl 2 & Nexus
Lair lvl 2 & Nexus


Ranged Weapons

If not using a melee weapon, beasts can use a ranged weapon along with their units default melee attack (the default melee attack is not loadout item).

Entropy weapons

Chaos bolt

Tier 1 weapon: Chaos bolt shoots blobs of green stuff.


Tier 2 weapon: Ray weapon. Can be used to assist melee teammates, because it makes blocking difficult. Twice as long range as the Flux Gun and deals a fair amount of damage.


Tier 3 weapon: Radius damage weapon. It does damage to everyone in a small area. It’s good at killing nomads or chaplains. Works well to kill the enemy support units, the nomads that stay back and repeater at your teammates from a distance for example. It isnt so good at killing legionnaires, but it can weaken them.

Chaos bolt
Entropy Shrine
Lair lvl 2 & Entropy Shrine
Lair lvl 3 & Entropy Shrine
Strata weapons

Frost Bolts

Tier 1 weapon: Scatters, comparable to a shotgun. Does much damage when close to the enemy if it’s a full hit. Does pretty good damage against towers too, if they are unshielded.


Tier 2 weapon: Can be a bit difficult to hit stuff with cause any enemy that is smart and that knows you are aiming at them doesnt stand still, although it is still useful in this application. Excellent to kill Boom Buggies from a distance. It is also very useful in the beginning of the game because it kills nomads in 2 shots(assuming they dont use med packs).


Tier 3 weapon: Sniping weapon. Not allways researched cause most people dont like the weapon and if too many people on a team are sniping, the team tends to lose ground. It’s also pretty easy to hide somewhere with lighting, cause there are no traces that point back to you when you fire. Lightning kills nomads in lvl 1 with one shot.

Frost Bolts
Strata Shrine
Lair lvl 2 & Strata Shrine
Lair lvl 3 & Strata Shrine
Fire weapons


Tier 1 weapon: Good weapon. Short range. One of the best weapons early in the game. Does good damage against buildings and siege units too.


Tier 2 weapon: Basicly sprays embers. Short range as well. Does great damage against siege units. Can be a bit hard to hit enemies with, so combine it with snare. Note that using snare + blaze all the time can make you unpopular cause it’s fairly annoying, but beware if they block your blaze, as your attack will be fairly unsuccesful. Nomads stand no chance against a well done snare+blaze, lego’s can survive it (block + medkits). They can also relocate if you arent careful, and they may also dodge the snare. Blaze also does a huge amount of damage to siege units, so if you are ever attacked by a siege rush, be sure to have Blaze with you.


Tier 3 weapon: Charges up. Radius damage weapon. If you hold the mouse button for the max amount of time, it does great damage and has great range. If you click fast it’s comparable to blaze. Can be used to kill shield towers from a distance if summoners are unavaible or dont live long enough to kill the shield tower. Also good as a distance block-breaker if you have many units using melee weapons.

Fire Shrine
Lair lvl 2 & Fire Shrine
Lair lvl 3 & Fire Shrine

Beast Items

Basic items

Mana Crystal

Slowly replenishes your mana, the ammo of the beast. This gives the weapon effectively unlimited ammo, but dont expect it to regenrate quickly. You may still pick up mini-mana crystals from fallen humans and NPCs. Also, a mini-mana crystal picked up from smaller NPCs like chiprels replenish the same amount of mana conpared to one from a larger unit.


Quickly replenishes your stamina for a few seconds. Use it to flee from the battle, get somewhere fast, combine it with sacrifice for a deadly assault. It is most commonly used in melee, but make sure that you have a lot of stamina when the effect runs out.

Mana Crystal
Entropy items

Sixth Sense

Marks nearby enemies with a ray of light. Not really necessary in open areas, but great in dense foliage or around difficult terrain. You will rarely be ambushed from cover. It doesnt make enemies show up on the map. It is also worthy to note that your allies cant see the rays of light you see.


Throw it at enemies to slow them down. When used well it’s a lethal tool. You can carry at most 3 and they stack. Is very good combined with blaze. Very similar to immobiliser.

Sixth Sense
Arcana & Entropy Shrine
Arcana, Entropy Shrine & Lair lvl 2
Strata items

Storm Shield

You recieve no damage from radius effects for a brief period of time. This doesnt make you survive your own sacrifice. It prevents damage from Pulse Cannons, Mortars, Launchers, K.O.N.G, Land Mines and Demolition Packs.

Mist Shroud

Makes you harder to see for several seconds. The usefulness depends on the map (background colour), the intelligence and experience of the enemy team and whether there are sensors deployed nearby or not. If the enemy commander marks you, there is big red ray of light exposing you so the mist effect is lowered alot. Your opponent cannot see what “melee strike” you are on; this helps slightly. Allows units to destroy towers easily that are not near a sensor.

Storm Shield
Arcana & Strata Shrine
Mist Shroud
Arcana, Strata Shrine & Lair lvl 2
Fire items


A great tool in destroying enemy towers and buildings. Activate it and after exactly 10 seconds you explode. The idea behind is that try to be near enemies or enemy buildings at the moment of the explosion to damage them. The tricky part is getting where you want to blow yourself up alive and stay alive long enough to blow yourself up. If you master this, you can blow up nearly anything. Most buildings are not destroyed by one sacrifice, but when done in group it can quickly level a base.

Fire Wards

A magical ward. Place it on the ground, it explodes when enemies come near it. NPC also make fire wards explode. Your team can deploy at most 25 ward at the same time, so place them well. They need a few seconds to arm themselves after being placed. They damage buildings too when they explode, including your buildings. Very similar to land mines in function, however disrupters can remove them. Human units can block the wards, reducing their effectiveness.

Arcana & Fire Shrine
Fire Wards
Arcana, Fire Shrine & Lair lvl 2

Beast combat- Master the leap(WIP)

Work in progress

Beast Offensive Strategies (WIP)

Taking Down an Opponents Shield Tower

A well placed Shield Tower inside of a Human base can be a real pain in the buttocks. Most of the time, a well-placed Shield can mean the difference between winning and losing a game. The fact that the Shield Tower gives everything within a close enough radius an increased durability of 80% makes everything almost 3 times a tough as normal. The Shield Tower should be your team’s number one objective before continuing to lay waste to your opponent’s base. If the Shield Tower is not destroyed your team will end up having to do many times the amount of damage to get the same results. Encourage your team to go for this structure and try to provide the necessary buffs to any unit that is doing his best to take it out. Make sure to target key structures for long range siege units. By doing this they will be able to hit these structures while looking over a hill without actually exposing themselves.

[More work needed on this one]

Human Units

There are 6 units for the Human race:

The Nomad

Is the best player controlled builder/miner/repairer of the Legion, other than chaplains. The default melee weapon is his hatchets. At lvl 10, you can survive a predator hit, and retaliate.
Lightning kills a level 1 nomad in one hit.

The Savage

The Savage has a pretty fast attack, can do more damage faster then a legionnaire. Is the best melee building damager. Its beast-counterpart is the Stalker unit.

The Legionaire

The Legionnaire swings relativly slowly. Can block and survive behemoth swings. Even at lvl 10, with 620 hp, the legionnaire still dies from one (unblocked) hit of a summoner. Legionnaires are the thoughest unit the humans have. They do less damage per minute then savages, but they compensate that with more health. Their swing circle is pretty large, they can easily hit multiple enemy units and/or buildings at the same time.

The Chaplin

The Chaplain is a relatively small and weak unit that has the unique ability of being able to heal other units. Unlike the main human units, the Chaplain cant choose his equipment. This means that the Chaplain can never do ranged damage.
The Chaplain has a staff for a melee weapon and this is the only way for the Chaplain to attack. His attacks do low damage but he hits fast. Combined with blocking and selfhealing with healing potions, a highly skilled chaplain can be a very though adversary. Chaplain-specific items are automatically assigned to the Chaplain as soon each item has been researched by the commander. The items he can get resarched are : healing, potion and resurrection. Healing can heal other units and buildings. Resurrection works like the shamans “revive”, but he cannot resurrect siege units or workers. The potion is a throwable Area-of-effect item, that gives small healing to all within its area for a limited time.

The Boom Buggy

Main purpose: Siege, killing buildings.
The Boom Buggy have a tower on top, with limited turn radius. The buggy itself have 4 wheels, and limited turning speed. This means the buggy is vulnerable in close-combat. It is also hard to aim with at longer distances, so you are vulnerable to ranged fire aswell. However, should you manage to hit any enemies, they all die in one shot (except the Behemoth, which can withstand several hits). You can eject from the Boom Buggy by pressing default keybind X.

The K.O.N.G

Main purpose: Siege, killing buildings. The K.O.N.G shoots rockets over a great distance but also cannot hit targets that are close to it. The K.O.N.G starts with 20 rounds of ammunition and can not restore said ammunition on the field. The rockets have a large AoE damage effect on impact. The K.O.N.G shoots in an arc, which makes hitting what you want to hit a bit tricky sometimes. Has a smaller range then the ballista.
The turning speed is also limited on this unit , like the boom buggy, and the degree you can turn the dual canons is limited aswell. This makes the K.O.N.G very vulnerable in close combat, and should be guarded by its teammates. You can eject from the K.O.N.G by pressing default keybind X.

Starting unit
Stronghold lvl 2
Stronghold lvl 3
Boom Buggy
Stronghold lvl 2 & Siege Workshop
Stronghold lvl 3 & Siege Workshop

Human Weapons

Ranged Weapons

The Human team only have the option to use ranged weaponry and do not have melee enhancements like the Beasts. Instead they always start with the Hunting Bow.

Basic weapons

Hunting Bow

Tier 1 weapon: Charge up weapon. Hold longer to shoot further. Comes with 18 ammo. Is always avaible.


Tier 2 weapon: Good weapon early in the game. Comes with 20 ammo.

Marksman’s Bow

Tier 3 weapon: A sniping bow that only comes with 5 ammo but you can zoom in with it. The only tier 3 weapon that can be researched with Stronghold level 2 without needing any other building.

Hunting Bow
Starting weapon
Markman’s Bow
Stronghold lvl 2 & Arsenal
Magnetic Weapons


Tier 1 weapon: It is comparable to a shotgun. Does good damage in close range. Comes with 12 shells.


Tier 2 weapon: It acts just like a sub-machine gun. It fires bullets very rapidly but is inaccurate at long distance. It’s pretty quickly out of ammo. Good for giving supportive fire from a distance. Comes with a 110 bullet clip.

Coil Gun

Tier 3 weapon: Precision weapon. Has a zoom. The shot gets more powerful after some distance, making it able to shoot through multiple enemies. Good for the occasional sniping. Excellent if your aim is perfect. Comes with a 13 round clip.

Arsenal & Magnetic Factorium
Stronghold lvl 2, Arsenal & Magnetic Factorium
Coil Gun
Stronghold lvl 3, Arsenal & Magnectic Factorium
Electric Weapons


Tier 1 weapon. Charge up weapon. It does more damage when fully charged. Short range.

Flux Gun

Tier 2 weapon. Ray weapon. Does good damage and slows down the enemy it hits. One of the better and most used weapons. Comes with 250 ammo.

Pulse Cannon

Tier 3 weapon. Radius damage weapon. Hurts. It’s shots fly pretty slowly so can be dogded pretty easily. One of the best weapons. Devastating against opponents that just got blocked or that are immobilized or being fluxed cause they move slower/stand still so they cant dogde it well. Excellent against behemoths too, brings them down pretty fast. Kills summoners in a few shots. Because it’s radius damage, it can kill multiple enemies at the same time if they pack together.

Arsenal & Electrical Factorium
Stronghold lvl 2, Arsenal & Electrical Factorium
Pulse Cannon
Stronghold lvl 3, Arsenal & Electrical Factorium
Chemical Weapons


Tier 1 weapon: In its current state it sucks, will drain your FPS as well as make you look like a total and utter noob.


Tier 2 weapon: Sort of grenade launcher. Radius damage. Bounces several times. Explodes on contact or after 2-3 bounces. Can bounce around corners. Good against buildings if no siege is avaible if done in large groups. Difficult to use effectively as it is necessary to lead the targets. With a little practice it is easy to master and suits those who have a compliment of melee skills.


Tier 3 weapon: fires bigger grenade shells then the mortar. Radius damage. These dont bounce. It fires more powerfully then the mortar, higher and further. Good against buildings if no siege is avaible and if done in groups.

Arsenal & Chemical Factorium
Stronghold lvl 2, Arsenal & Chemical Factorium
Stronghold lvl 3, Arsenal & Chemical Factorium

Human Items

Basic items

Med Pack

Health pack. You can carry 3 of these at most (takes 1 inventory space). Refills roughly 1/3rd of your unit’s maximum HP. Takes a small interval of time to use, so be careful when using them in areas with enemies present.

Ammo Pack

Doubles the ammo you spawn with. Does not increase the max capacity of the ammo you can pick up.

Med Pack
Research Center
Ammo Pack
Research Center
Magnetic items


One of the most important item. Provides line of sight for the commander and gives red dots on the map when enemies are near it.


Throw it at enemies to slow them down. When used well it’s a lethal tool. You can carry at most 2 and they stack. Very useful against saccers. It almost always results in an insta-kill of a beast if they are outnumbered or outgunned. It is difficult to use effectively, but often worth the risk if you are proficient with the weapon.

Research Center & Magnetic Factorium
Research Center & Magnetic Factorium & Stronghold lvl 2
Electric items


Radius damage hand grenades. Temporarily disables enemy upgraded defensive buildings, making them stop shooting for a couple of seconds. Disruptors also destroys fire wards. Very useful to get past enemy defenses. You can also hold them in your hand until they explode, which always kills you. You can carry up to three of these and they stack.


A teleport device. Place it somewhere and then use the detonator to zap yourself to where you placed the disk. Very useful to survive nasty situations. Zapping home is cheaper then buying a new legionnaire every time. In other words, it can keep you alive and save you some money. Downside is of course that if everyone zaps home everytime it gets dangerous, nobody is left to stop the enemy and your team is not pushing forward. That can result in defeat.

Research Center & Electric Factorium
Research Center & Electric Factorium & Stronghold lvl 2
Chemical items

Demolition Pack

A great tool in destroying enemy buildings. You place it on the ground, it beeps and smoke for a few seconds until it explodes. It can kill a spire in one blow. Combine it with disruptors to kill enemy defense without getting harmed. Can also be used on the battlefield, if placed well. It damages you as well, but not your allies. Enemies can destroy it before it explodes by hitting it with melee. you can carry at most one of these.

Land Mines

A mine. Place it on the ground, it explodes when enemies come near it. NPC also trigger mines. Your team can deploy at most 25 mines at the same time, so place them well. They need a few seconds to arm themselves after being placed. They damage buildings too when they explode, including your buildings. Often used to guard workers, relocator patches and sensors.

Demolition Pack
Research Center & Chemical Factorium
Land Mines
Research Center & Chemical Factorium & Stronghold lvl 2

Human combat- Block and read enemies(WIP)

work in progress

Human Offensive Strategies(WIP)

Taking down an Opponent’s Healing Spire

Healing Spires are just like having a fountain of youth for all of your
surrounding buildings. It manages to keep Horde buildings young and
fresh by constantly repairing all of the damage that is being done over
time. The longer an opponent’s Healing Spire is up, the more the
enemy can concentrate on attacking you and the less time they have
to worry about repairing their base. Encourage your team to go for this
structure and try to provide the necessary buffs to a unit that is doing
their best to take it down.

[More work needed]

Commanding- How does it work?(WIP)

Real-Time Strategy

As the commander of your team, you will manage your economy and resources while building a secure and cost efficient base, develop units, weapons and items based on 4 different tech trees, plan your assault and direct up to 12(as of Version 0.1) real human players into battle.Mining, constructing and repairing can be ordered to up to 10 AI-workers that are fully controlled by the commander, as well as to real human player of the team. Once the technology tree has been sufficiently developed, the commander can give buffs to players, such as temporary speed increase, quad-damage, damage protection or health and stamina regeneration. The Beast commander can use buff mana to create a gateway for his army.


There are two types of resources: Redstone and Gold. Redstone mines is available in limited amounts on the map and is required for anything built or researched by the commander. You can mine them with workers or players on the field can do it. The workers can drop off resources they mine at Stronghold/ Lair, or at Sublair/Garrison. Sublairs/Garrisons and defensive structures additionally require gold to be built, which is infinitely available if the team fights well. 30 % of the gold a player earns , goes to the team economy, and not his own personal pocket (Version 0.1).

Furthest Mine First

The reason it is so important to use the furthest mine first is that while things are going well now, you never know how things may change later in the game. I recommend having about 3 to 4 workers mining Red Stone from an outside source while the 6 to 7 workers still left in base do a combination of building base structures and mining. The larger group of workers that are left in the base should focus on constructing new buildings and defenses, only returning to mine Red Stone when they have no other task at hand. This way, if you are backed into your base later in the game, you should still have a good amount of Red Stone available for use.

Mining Gold

Don’t do it! You will immediately be impeached from the commander’s seat, and on some servers you may even be kicked. Gold is a necessary resource in the game, but it can be obtained through a number of different methods. Red Stone is the main resource in the game; it is only found in limited supplies and also required for all buildings and upgrades. It is not a good idea to have your workers waste valuable time mining Gold since just one player can earn 4 times as much by killing NPCs or assaulting the enemy base in the same amount of time. If you come to a point in the game where your base is secure, you have researched all of the necessary buildings and, upgrades and you have exhausted all available Red Stone mines only then would it be OK to have your workers start mining Gold.

Don’t Bail

One strategy is to resign from command to come out and help defend a position, giving your team an extra man on the battle field. On the other hand, some players who care more about their player statistics than about the team will just leave from command when they realize that they have no chance of winning, due to the fact that they would rather not have the loss added to their record. This is usually grounds for being kicked from the game on most servers. A commander who resigns from command to take out a rogue unit that is terrorizing the base can often save other players the trouble of leaving battle just to comeback for one enemy player. The down side is that sometimes another player may hop into command during this time. He may chose to stay for a while, research, or build something that the original commander had no intention of, or a number of other weird and unnecessary things. Also, while the commander is out of the command seat other players will most likely not receive any team buffs. The bottom line is if you do leave command; try to do it for only brief moments to limit the confusion. Make sure that you return to the command seat before the game ends so that you can receive proper credit for your actions, whether your team wins or loses.

[More work needed here, not finished].

Commanding: Countering techs

Countering an Opponent’s Tech

A good strategy for commanders is to try to counter their opponent’s technology route. There is no exact formula for countering an opponent’s tech, but some do work much better than others. Do not slow down your team’s development by delaying the construction of your team’s base until you have information on what your opponent is doing. You should continue the development of your base as initially planned if you are able to find out what your opponent is developing and have not yet constructed one of the necessary buildings that would take your team down a specific tech route. In this situation use one of the following strategies:

For Human Commanders:

If beasts go Strata first…

Strata provides the Horde team with great range, damage, and accuracy. The best counter for this is Magnetic due to its long range. The Stata tempest weapon is very powerful, but a cluster of humans with repeaters can repell them. Even though it is quite inaccurate early in the game, the large clip of the repeater gun will help your team to lay down suppressive fire and keep the enemy searching for cover.

If beasts go Entrophy first…

Not necessary to counter with any specific Tech. Most Entrophy weapons are less effective when compared to other ranged attacks in the game. Choosing to counter with any of the available tech routes is a viable option. Your main concern when your opponent goes with the Entrophy route is that he will be able to open a Gateway anywhere on the map, which can drop an entire army right into the center of your base if you’re not careful. Frequently scan the map and your base in order to see any Enemy Gates that may have been placed in and around your base. Also make sure your team has placed a few sensors around the main base, expansion bases and any blind spots on the map.

If beasts go Fire first…

Chemical Flux gun and Land Mines are great Human weapons when it comes to stopping Beast from sacrificing your base. The only problem with this is that they are both level two weapons, and Sacrifice is level one. Building a Chemical Factorium will provide your team to an equal playing field with Land mines and Demolition Packs. If you are commanding on a large map, Chemical would probably be a bad choice because of the short range, low ammo, and inaccuracy of the weapons. Using the Magnetic route can also be good for defense since
you will be able to erect a Shield Tower in your base to help defend against sacrificing Beast and long-range flame attacks. The only problem with this is that the second tier Magnetic weapon Repeater is inaccurate, and good beast players can sometimes manage to slip through your team’s defenses and sacrifice themselves before being killed.

If Beasts attempt Siege Rush…

The best counter for a siege rush is to not let your opponent build a Sub-lair close enough to your base in the first place. This can be achieved by having other players scout blind spots on the map and by placing sensors. It is also a good idea to have workers recon or guard a likely spot that your opponent may try to use to his advantage. Since Summoners have a very slow rate of fire and movement speed, an early game Summoner rush is not very likely, but late game
Summoner rushes happen all the time. All it takes is a large group of Summoners well positioned on high, inaccessible ground to cause a major threat. The best solution to this type of attack is to counter with Boom Buggy and quickly destroy the Sub-lair or Gateway that they are using to spawn from. Second-tier Magnetic weapons have good range and second-tier Chemical weapons deal a decent amount of damage at short range which would help to nullify this type of threat. The most important thing to do would be to alert your team so that they can get back as fast as possible and help out.

For Beast Commanders:

If Humans go Chemical first…

The Strata item Wind Shield works great against Land Mines and Chemical Towers. The ability of Tempest to be accurately fired over long distances will help to keep the humans pinned down. Fire is also a good choice because it creates a level playing field as far as destructive devices. A great way to counter the damage done by Human Demolition Packs and Mines is with the destructive power of Sacrifice and Fire wards. When attempting to Sacrifice the Human’sLand Mines can easily bring down a willing martyr.

If Humans go Electricity first…

Once again Tempest has both good damage and outstanding range. It is by far the best choice when dealing with flux wielding humans. Tempest also works well later in the game due to its rapid refresh rate.

If Humans go Magnetic…

Entrophy is actually the weakest of all the tech routes for the Beast. The weapons and items gained from going this tech can be some of the least used in the game. The main reason Entrophy is listed as first choice versus Magnetic is because it acts similar to the Human’s Shield
Tower by protecting and healing damaged buildings over time. This way it places your team on an almost level playing field because your team won’t have to worry about constantly repairing damaged buildings. Take into account that if your team does not already have some other type of ranged weapon, Strata can be considered a good option with tempest. The real threat to Humans that comes from constructing an Entropy shrine is the fact that a Gateway can be opened up once the Shrine is fully charged. A well-placed Gate has proven to be one of the most
destructive features in the game.

If Humans go Siege rush…

Sacrifice is the ultimate siege unit killer versus the Humans, and even better with blaze. A skillful beast player is easily able to get in close to a Human siege unit and sacrifice himself. This method of defending the base from siege is cheap, fast, and effective. If the siege units are grouped together, a sacrificing beast can sometimes take down multiple enemies at the same time. Tempest also works well. Instead of having units run all the way out to the location of an enemy siege unit, two or more players using Tempest can make short work of one Boom Buggy. As with the Humans guide, map terrain plays a huge role. If the enemy garrison is positioned on a hill it can make it very difficult for your team to reach or even see the threat in time. The best solution for dealing with siege rush is to keep a look-out so that it doesn’t happen in the first place.

Human Buildings & setting up defenses(WIP)

Not building Defenses

The decision to not build defenses sometimes works just as well if not better, than actually building defenses. One reason is that by building defenses, you are distracting your players from combat. They go into build mode, and there is less attacking of the enemy taking place. It normally takes between 10 and 45 seconds to build a new Guard tower or Spire, depending on how many players and workers you have helping with the task. This gives the enemy a chance to muster their forces and launch an attack. If the Guard tower or Spire is not completely constructed, by losing this structure you have just lost 250 Red Stone. Sometimes building tall defensive structures can block the view of your players to the point where they are not even aware of an enemy presence until it is right on top of them, and usually by that time it is too late. Another reason is that once an enemy Shield Tower or Healing Spire has been constructed, the fact that it provides so much protection to you base makes it the most important structure on the field. Enemies will stop at nothing to go after it and take it down.

Base Defenses

In order for towers and defensive spires to be most effective, they need to be positioned properly. If you are commanding the Humans make sure to set up your towers close together and staggered. This prevents your Shield Tower from being open to Summoner strikes, which can take down a Shield Tower in just four hits. Mortar towers might seem to be very powerful at first glance, and they are good at killing behemoths. But be aware that the damage can be ignored by beasts Stormshield, and not to mention- if there is no sensors placed out- none of the towers will attack mist-shrouded enemy units (Mist Shroud last 10 seconds). Elec towers are currently preventing enemy ranged fire, but not all typer of fire (doesn’t stop Summoner shots).

A Well-placed Shield Tower

Being able to place a Shield Tower in a position where it is safe from both Beast units attempting to Sacrifice and the projectiles fired by Summoners can be quite tough. Try your best to stagger you towers like bowling pins so that none of them will be exposed from the front. Don’t forget to build an access point for your team so that if any enemy attacks do make it through, your team will have easy access to repair the damaged structure. Whenever possible, don’t leave the enemy any chance to access your Shield Tower from the ground; that would just be asking for trouble. On the same note do not lock your Shield Tower into an area that neither you nor the Beast players have access to. If your enemy was to drop a Gateway into that location, there would be little chance of getting to it in time.

This is a short video I made for explaining how to build a decent defense for the humans:

Hidden Defenses

Try to place some of your defensive structures that provide radius effects (like Healing Spires and Shield Towers) behind structures or inside of the foliage of nearby trees. Just make sure that it is out of the enemy’s reach and view. If they cannot see the structure that is causing all of the trouble, they will be less likely to try to attack it.

Using Inexpensive Building as Defense

A similar strategy to the one above is to block a valuable building (such as an expansion base) from enemy attacks with a cheaper structure, such as an Arsenal or Nexus. These smaller buildings have just as many hit points but cost 300 less Stone than other structures of the same size. On some maps where there is bottle necks, this can delay the enemy push or advance quite a lot. Make sure that you are commanding on a map where you have a relatively good idea which direction your opponent will be attacking from. With proper placement, you should be able to effectively hide your Shield Tower or atleast protect it from melee attacks. Incoming siege projectiles will hit the whatever buildings you place infront of the Shield Tower.

Work in progress

Humans Early Game Strategies

Early Game Strategies for Humans

The size of the map and how the terrain is setup will cause your strategy to vary. If you are playing on a large map and you know that you will have more time to setup your base, you can sometimes go without constructing base defenses until later. With smaller maps you can usually expect that at least a few rogue enemy players will try to sneak in early and try their best to kill off your workers. If the map you are playing on is relatively flat and open, provide your team with a long range weapon such as Tempest or Coil Rifle which will let them take advantage of the open terrain. Here are some early game build strategies. These are not map-specific so you will have to decide what will work best for your team.

Siege rush

In order to make this work, you need to upgrade your base to Stronghold lvl 2 and have your Siege Workshop up and running as fast as possible. During this time, try to have a few players get into position to construct a Garrison just out of the enemy commander’s view. The rest of the players on you team should proceed with assaulting, defending, killing NPCs, and various other things that will help your team to build up the amount of Gold that will be necessary to spawn multiple siege units at one time. Try and coincide the construction of the new Garrison with the availability of your Tier 2 siege units for maximum effectiveness. The optional upgrades are there just in case you have additional Red Stone and all the required upgrades and structures have already been put into place. If everything does not go as planned, your team will not be left defenseless, provided that you have Crossbow and Health Packs available.

Flux Rush

With good damage and lots of ammunition, a group of players using the Flux gun shouldn’t have too many problems taking out enemies at short range. The fact that Flux is a tier 2 weapon means your Savage units and your team’s Electric power-up will also be available early-on. This strategy can provide a nice offensive boost to your team and place your team into a dominate position early in the game.

Repeater Rush

This is similar to the Flux strategy. Repeater rounds provide good damage, but are very inaccurate at long range. If you can get part of your team to concentrate their fire into one area, it’s possible to blanket the area with enough projectiles to effectively bring all enemy movement to a halt for a short period of time. After reaching Tier 2, you will be able to construct Shield Towers that will provide an increased defensive bonus to you base. This will allow your team to
spend more time focusing on the enemy and less time repairing.

Demo Rush

If you happen to be playing on a small map, this strategy can effectively cripple your opponent. In order for this to work, you will need to have a forward base that is near the enemy’s Lair and preferably on elevated terrain. Try to time the completion of your forward base with the availability of the Demolition packs. If your Garrison has been placed on terrain that is just above the enemy’s Lair, members of your team can easily bunny hop down the terrain, drop their Demo Packs, and continue assaulting the enemy position.

Demo Rush + Mortar

Exactly the same as Demo rush strategy earlier, just add Mortar for extra damage. The Mortars and mines will only add to the building damage that your team will be able to drop onto the other team. At this stage in the game, if you have not already won, the road ahead may be a little bumpy. This is due to the fact you have decided to go the Chemical route, your team will be limited to short range and inaccurate weapons until you are able to construct a new Factorium
and research more versatile weapons.

Beast buildings & setting up defenses(WIP)

Base Defenses

In order for towers and defensive spires to be most effective, they need to be positioned properly. The Beast commander’s Spires should also be positioned in a staggered formation, although it is quite unnecessary to completely block off any one spire. The Healing Spire should be placed in the back with Flame Spires up front. A Wind Spire is optional, but if you choose can be placed between the Fire and Healing Spires in order to provide protection for the entire group. Be aware that all spires upgraded (fire, wind, healing) can be disabled for a small amount of time by disruptors.

Using Inexpensive Building as Defense

A similar strategy to the one above is to block a valuable building (such as an expansion base) from enemy attacks with a cheaper structure, such as an Arsenal or Nexus. These smaller buildings have just as many hit points but cost 300 less Stone than other structures of the same size. On some maps where there is bottle necks, this can delay the enemy push or advance quite a lot. This type of strategy works better for the Beast commander on maps with level terrain, since Humans Boom Buggy fire relatively low to the ground. Make sure that you are commanding on a map where you have a relatively good idea which direction your opponent will be attacking from. With proper placement, you should be able to effectively hide your Healing spire or atleast protect it from melee attacks. Incoming siege projectiles will hit the whatever buildings you place infront of the spire.

work in progress

Beasts Early Game Strategies

Early Game Strategies for Beast

The size of the map and how the terrain is setup will cause your strategy to vary. If you are playing on a large map and you know that you will have more time to setup your base, you can sometimes go without constructing base defenses until later. With smaller maps you can usually expect that at least a few rogue enemy players will try to sneak in early and try their best to kill off your workers. If the map you are playing on is relatively flat and open, provide your team with a long range weapon such as Tempest or Coil Rifle which will let them take advantage of the open terrain. Here are some early game build strategies. These are not map-specific so you will have to decide what will work best for your team.

Sacrifice Rush

For this strategy, you need to get Lair to lvl 2 and build a Fire Shrine and Arcana.The concept is that you build a forward sub preferably on elevated terrain close to enemy garrison or main base, and everyone on your team spawns with frenzy and sacrifice. This way your players can use gravity in their favor and bunny hop their way to victory. With precise timing and maneuvering, a player can cause heavy building damage and also kill some enemy players in the process. You should also research blaze as fast as possible, as it is excellent for killing Boom Buggies and preventing them from shooting down your forward sub,

Melee Champions

Stalkers are great fighting units but, Predators are better. This strategy relies on getting Rabid, Frenzy, and going fast to Lair lvl 3 to get Predators. If you choose to use this strategy, make sure that you have a team of veteran players who will be able to hold their own as the Humans
advance to level 2 tech and Beast players remain at Tier 1. The battle should turn in your favor once the Predator unit becomes available to your team and the Humans are far behind still using second tier technology. Just hope that your team can be patient and can hold out
until everything is made available.

Tempest Pin

This trategy relies on the Strata Shrine. Tempest does more damage than any other tier 2 weapon in the game. A group of Beast players using Tempest can effectively keep a team pinned down and ducking for cover. Tempest can only be fired 10 times without having to return to base for more ammo. Not counting any Mana pickups or a player who is carrying a Mana Crystal. Your team members should do a combination of the following things to keep their Mana levels up:

  • Stay near a Sub-lair so that once their Mana runs low they can enter and recharge their Mana Crystal and then return to battle.
  • Keep a Mana Crystal with them during battle; this way they can gain an additional shot of Tempest every 10 seconds.
  • Keep close to a group of NPCs so that as Mana starts to get low, they can kill small NPCs and receive some Mana Crystal drops.
  • Combine ranged and melee attacks. As long as they are carrying a Mana Crystal in their inventory, their Mana will slowly regenerate over time. This way while your players are attacking
    with their claws, their Mana will continue to be recharged.

Semi-Early Gate

You will need to get entrophy first as beast commander for this strategy. This strategy will allow your team to have a Gateway up-and-ready just five minutes after the building has been completed. If the Human commander has not gone with Magnetic technologies, you should be able to drop a Gate and not have to worry about it being spotted by an enemy Sensor. Immediately after constructing your Entropy Shrine, you should build either Fire or Strata so that your players can have more damaging ranged attacks to keep up with the tech of their enemy.

Buffs explained- for commanders

Buffs 101

Commander’s powers, which are also known as “Buffs”, can help individual units by giving them a range of special abilities for a short amount of time. These powers are only available after a building’s energy pool builds up to a certain amount. Then the commander can buff a selected player of his wishing, granting them a advantage in the field. Make sure that as commander you are using your power-ups to aid your team during battle. If a building’s pool of energy is always
at max, then you are doing nothing but holding back your team. On the other hand, if energy pools are always low and you never have enough power for buffs when needed, you should consider constructing more buildings. If you construct more buildings, your team will have a larger pool of energy to take from. You could also restrain from giving too many buffs and disable auto buffing.

Humans and beasts have different kind of buffs:

  • Human Buff: Shield Power-up Cost: 75 Magnetic points

    This buff is a great way to prolong a player’s life by providing a defensive shield that will absorb 80% of all incoming damage for 10 seconds. Shield buffing a unit that is attempting to take down an enemy Spire can sometimes give the unit just enough time to put a demolition pack into place. If you are trying to complete an expansion base located in a key position, shield power-up one unit. This will allow the unit to concentrate more on getting the building up and even take a few hits in the process. This is also a good way to help that one player to stay alive until more help arrives.

  • Human Buff: Electricity Power-up Cost: 75 Electric points

    This power-up lasts for 10 seconds and allows a unit to deal 3 times normal damage. The best time to use this power up is when one of your medium or heavy units is attempting to take down an enemy structure. Another good tactic is to wait until one of your players is completely surrounded by enemy players; with just one swing a skilled player will be able to take out multiple units that in come too close. It is not recommended to use this buff on a Nomad unless that is the only unit that is in position and you have no other options. A Nomad’s low hit points and short range limit their effectiveness with this buff.

  • Human Buff: Adrenalin Power-up Cost: 50 Chemical points

    This power up gives a player a 10 second burst of speed. Combine this power up with sprint or bunny hopping and your opponents will be forced to stop and catch their breath. Adrenalin is best when used to send one unit into action to capture a spawn flag or to take down a distant enemy Gateway. It can also be used to help one player catch up to the group or to quickly slip past enemy defenses.

  • Beast buff: Fire Shield Cost: 75 Fire points

    With this power-up, one player becomes completely engulfed in flames and is able to damage anything that comes in too close. By buffing a unit that is completely surrounded by a group of enemies, you can take out multiple enemies or force some to relocate back to base, effectively removing them from combat. Combine the Fire Shield with a skilled Beast player, and a sacrifice relic, and you will be able to cause massive damage to any unprotected enemy buildings if the other team is not quick to react.

  • Beast Buff: Replenish Cost: 50 Strata points

    This commander power allows you to completely heal one unit back to full health, stamina and, mana. The best time to use this buff is when a unit is down to about one third of their total hit points. This way the buff won’t be wasted on a unit that still has a lot of life left. Timing this buff is also very important. A unit that is engaged in combat may lose health at a rapid rate, and as the commander you must make the right decision as to who needs this buff the most and when. Sometimes it is necessary to conserve this power-up and just focus on one player who is attempting to destroy a key enemy structure. Repeatedly Replenish- buffing one unit is one of the best ways to capture a spawn flag or take down an opponent’s shield tower.

  • Beast Buff; Gateway Cost: 300 Entropy points

    This is the most powerful commander’s ability in the game. This power-up allows the Beast commander to open a gateway between any two locations on the map. As well as being one of the most powerful structures in the game it is also the most fragile. A fully constructed Gateway will only take 200 hit points worth of damage before being destroyed. Once the second half of the Gateway has been put into place it is only a matter of seconds before it will be fully constructed and ready for use. While the two sides of the gateway are open, they will remain that way until any one side is destroyed. Also while the Gateway remains open, any unit from the Beast team is able to pass through to the other side regardless of size. The most common place for the first gate to be dropped is in a safe spot at the commander’s main base. Then once the Gateway is almost complete the commander should call for players to return to base. Once they arrive at the base they can immediately pass through the gate into a new area of the map. There are many different tactics that involve Gateway placement; below are a few of the more common techniques for placement of the second half of your Gateway.

    1. Directly behind the enemy Strong hold. If your opponent has set up his base with areas that are not accessible by his team this may work well. You may be able to drop and complete a Gateway inside of the Human base if the other team has not put up a sensor or the Human commander is too busy tending to other parts of the map (or just not paying attention).
    2. Behind a large tree or any other large structure that will provide cover and concealment.
    3. Behind an Arrow Tower. Your Gateway will receive damage but not enough damage for it to be destroyed. One Gateway is able to absorb attacks from two separate Arrow towers at once without being destroyed.
    4. Any infrequently traveled space on the map
    5. Behind any type of cover and just outside of enemy commanders view
    6. You can also combine an expansion base with your Gateway. As long as some of the units that pass through the gate way are

work in progress

Communicating with your team(WIP)

In Savage Resurrection you have lots of tools available that will help you communicate with your team.

Chat window

The default button to chat with your team is ENTER while talking to all people on the server you’ll have to press the somewhat odd combination of SHIFT+ENTER. It’s suggested you change these to the more common Y and T.

Voice commands

Pressing Q will bring up the voice command wheel where you can pick various voice commands. Pressing V brings up a number-based voice command menu that you can use without needing to pick a command using the mouse, which is slightly faster once learned and can be used while fighting, repairing or building.


Tapping Q will make a spot marker show up for the whole team. Spotting gives you EXP.

Voice chat

Default button ??? will enable you to use your microphone to talk to your team.

Basic tactics w/ teamwork in the field

Savage have a lot of subtle teamwork in the battlfield

In many games, players tend to either consciously or not, to do teamwork. There is some tactics which are more common than others, and are useful to know. If you’re a veteran player you will nod and recognize these tactics from situations in the game. If you’re new to the game, look at these and try to understand the idea behind them. Knowing these tactics in competetive play can prove very valuable.

Operation TTD (Tower Take Down)

  • (2) Non-siege units, one with ranged weapon.

This strategy is great for taking down enemy towers. The only method that works better than this approach is to use an actual Siege unit. The number two player should stand far enough away from the tower that he is able to use his ranged weapon to hit the Tower or Spire with enough distance that he will be able to strafe left and right, in order to avoid the incoming projectiles. While the number two man has the towers attention, the number one man will sprint towards the defensive structure and begin to attack.If yu are human and have rocket/grenade launcher, or demo pack , now would be a great time. For beasts, the weapons which are useful in their case is Blaze/Fireball and Sacrifice. A defensive structure will fire a series of 5 projectiles over 8 seconds and then redirect fire. The number two man needs to continue firing ranged attacks from afar, in order to keep the defensive units attention and allow the number one man to do as much damage as possible. Unless the structure is shielded or has a Healing Spire recharging its hit points, it should go down without a problem.

Operation TT (Tag Team)

  • (1) 2nd-tier Siege Unit
  • (1) Healer unit

Position the Siege unit into a location that provides the most cover and still allows you to attack your target. The Healer unit should remain completely behind cover and should constantly provide healing to the Siege unit. By combining heave damage with supportive healing, you will be able to fire more attacks than normal due to the fact that you will be able to absorb more of the incoming damage. Second tier siege units work better than third tier siege units when defending themself against enemy counter-attacks against this strategy. Simply because they are easier to kill enemy players with. If you’re playing beasts, make sure to use the shaman shield ability on the summoner. This way, any damage the summoner take is reduced heavely, and increases the chance of bringing the targetted tower/structure down.

Human Tactics which requires Teamwork

Operation SPMin (Siege Protection Minor)

  • (1) 2nd-tier or 3rd-tier Siege Unit
  • (1) Non-siege unit
  • (1) Healer unit

While traveling along a straghit path towards your objective, keep a look out for enemy units that may try to attack the formation from above or behind. The enemy’s main objective will be to take out the Siege unit first since it has potential to do the most damage. The next most likely target would be the Healer unit, followed by the number one man eventually. Before the formation becomes under attack, the number one man should drop demolition pack or landmines in the siege units path. This way, the Siege unit can continue to move forward without having to slow down or change direction. If the siege unit continue to move forward, it will make it hard for enemies to keep attacking along its side. The number one man should be able to maneuver around the Siege unit and kill any units that come to close. If the Beast unit makes the mistake of walking on front of a Boom Buggy, the Siege unit should go ahead and take the shot. The healers objective while all this is going on is to heal the units with his healing ray and staying alive. The healer should not engage in combat, only block any incoming damage to him, and do his best to stay close to the formation. If the need comes, he can run up infront , betwen the Siege unit and man number one.

Work in progress

HP and damage tables for each unit (WIP)

Work in progress

Ranking, score and different divisions(WIP)

Cosmetics & Trading/swapping(WIP)

Who stole me pirate hat??!!

Hosting your own server from the game(WIP)

Work in progress

Sources & contributors to this guide

Some sources I have used which should be mentioned: (imagines of units, logos, icons)
[link] (descriptions for units, slightly changes on some units). Thanks to the Newerth community for having made this site.
[link] (Strategies)

Contributors :
Muhammed Ali (Creator of Strategy Guide for Sav1)