SuperPower 2 Steam Edition Guide

how 2 bee real beer tycoon or the most powerful dictator for SuperPower 2 Steam Edition

how 2 bee real beer tycoon or the most powerful dictator


this is guide how 2 be powerful germany


we let start with choose country. austria or germany. tage germany cos hes teh powerful gloriopus country yeas??

now wee start with the badf economy. jest go into economy and put 100% tax becouse pipl is just resoursez for war ja??

now to go schwarz merket and buy some war machines for attacking fronce

starting war with frankreich

now we are readdy for swar wyth france just START BLITZKRIEG!!

congragulations!! u blietzkrieged france!! now do it with other europe


now u read dis giuode and u have been real dictatr. gut lo k