This Guide Pertains to the countries to the nations in the Divided We Stand Mod in Victoria II.
The Country Tags
# DWS Mod States
ABR = “countries/Alberta.txt”
ACA = “countries/Acadia.txt”
ALA = “countries/Alabama.txt”
ARI = “countries/Arizona.txt”
ARK = “countries/Arkansas.txt”
CAA = “countries/Cordoba.txt”
CAL = “countries/Californian Republic.txt”
CDO = “countries/Colorado.txt”
CNN = “countries/Connecticut.txt”
CRN = “countries/North Carolina.txt”
CRS = “countries/South Carolina.txt”
DAK = “countries/Dakota.txt”
DEL = “countries/Delaware.txt”
DES = “countries/Deseret.txt”
FLO = “countries/Florida.txt”
GOR = “countries/Georgia Republic.txt”
IDA = “countries/Idaho.txt”
ILL = “countries/Illinois.txt”
INA = “countries/Indiana.txt”
IWA = “countries/Iowa.txt”
JEF = “countries/Jefferson.txt”
KAN = “countries/Kansas.txt”
KEN = “countries/Kentucky.txt”
LIN = “countries/Lincoln.txt”
LOU = “countries/Louisiana.txt”
MAI = “countries/Maine.txt”
MAR = “countries/Maryland.txt”
MAS = “countries/Massachusetts.txt”
MIC = “countries/Michigan.txt”
MIN = “countries/Minnesota.txt”
MIS = “countries/Missouri.txt”
MSS = “countries/Mississippi.txt”
MTN = “countries/Montana.txt”
NEB = “countries/Nebraska.txt”
NEV = “countries/Nevada.txt”
NHM = “countries/New Hampshire.txt”
NIK = “countries/Nickajack.txt”
NJS = “countries/New Jersey.txt”
NWM = “countries/New Mexico.txt”
NYK = “countries/New York.txt”
OHO = “countries/Ohio.txt”
OKA = “countries/Oklahoma.txt”
ORE = “countries/Oregon.txt”
PEN = “countries/Pennsylvania.txt”
SEQ = “countries/Sequoyah.txt”
SUP = “countries/Superior.txt”
RHD = “countries/Rhode Island.txt”
TEN = “countries/Tennessee.txt”
TEX = “countries/Texas.txt”
VER = “countries/Vermont.txt”
VIR = “countries/Virginia.txt”
WAS = “countries/Washington.txt”
WES = “countries/Westsylvania.txt”
WIS = “countries/Wisconsin.txt”
WYM = “countries/Wyoming.txt”
BCA = “countries/Baja California.txt”
CHU = “countries/Chihuahua.txt”
CPS = “countries/Chiapas.txt”
DUR = “countries/Durango.txt”
GMH = “countries/Guerrero Michoacan.txt”
HID = “countries/Hidalgo.txt”
JAL = “countries/Jalisco.txt”
OAX = “countries/Oaxaca.txt”
RGD = “countries/Rio Grande.txt”
SON = “countries/Sonora.txt”
VRA = “countries/Veracruz.txt”
YUC = “countries/Yucatan.txt”
ZCT = “countries/Zacatecas.txt”
ONT = “countries/Ontario.txt”
#DWS Mod Federations
CAS = “countries/Cascadia.txt”
FED = “countries/Federal States.txt”
GLK = “countries/Great Lakes.txt”
PLA = “countries/Plains.txt”
WST = “countries/Western States.txt”
# Common Great Powers
ENG = “countries/United Kingdom.txt”
RUS = “countries/Russia.txt”
FRA = “countries/France.txt”
PRU = “countries/Prussia.txt”
GER = “countries/Germany.txt”
AUS = “countries/Austria.txt”
USA = “countries/USA.txt”
♥♥♥ = “countries/Japan.txt”
ITA = “countries/Italy.txt”
KUK = “countries/Austria-Hungary.txt”
# Scandinavia
DEN = “countries/Denmark.txt”
FIN = “countries/Finland.txt”
NOR = “countries/Norway.txt”
SCA = “countries/Scandinavia.txt”
SWE = “countries/Sweden.txt”
# Western Europe
BEL = “countries/Belgium.txt”
CAT = “countries/Catalonia.txt”
FLA = “countries/Flanders.txt”
IRE = “countries/Ireland.txt”
NET = “countries/Netherlands.txt”
POR = “countries/Portugal.txt”
SCO = “countries/Scotland.txt”
SPA = “countries/Spain.txt”
WLL = “countries/Wallonia.txt”
# Germany
ANH = “countries/Anhalt.txt”
BAD = “countries/Baden.txt”
BAV = “countries/Bavaria.txt”
BRA = “countries/Braunschweig.txt”
BRE = “countries/Bremen.txt”
COB = “countries/Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.txt”
DZG = “countries/Danzig.txt”
FRM = “countries/Frankfurt am Main.txt”
HAM = “countries/Hamburg.txt”
HAN = “countries/Hanover.txt”
HES = “countries/Hesse-Darmstadt.txt”
HEK = “countries/Hesse-Kassel.txt”
HOL = “countries/Holstein.txt”
LIP = “countries/Lippe-Detmold.txt”
LUB = “countries/Lubeck.txt”
LUX = “countries/Luxemburg.txt”
MEC = “countries/Mecklenburg.txt”
MEI = “countries/Saxe-Meiningen.txt”
NAS = “countries/Nassau.txt”
NGF = “countries/North German Fed.txt”
OLD = “countries/Oldenburg.txt”
SAX = “countries/Saxony.txt”
SCH = “countries/Schleswig.txt”
SGF = “countries/South German Fed.txt”
WEI = “countries/Saxe-Weimar.txt”
WUR = “countries/Wurttemberg.txt”
# Italy
LOM = “countries/Lombardia.txt”
LUC = “countries/Lucca.txt”
MOD = “countries/Modena.txt”
PAP = “countries/Papal States.txt”
PAR = “countries/Parma.txt”
SAR = “countries/Sardinia-Piedmont.txt”
SIC = “countries/Two Sicilies.txt”
TRE = “countries/Trieste.txt”
TUS = “countries/Tuscany.txt”
VEN = “countries/Venice.txt”
# Eastern Europe
BOH = “countries/Bohemia-Moravia.txt”
KRA = “countries/Krakow.txt”
CRI = “countries/Crimea.txt”
EST = “countries/Estonia.txt”
HUN = “countries/Hungary.txt”
LIT = “countries/Lithuania.txt”
LAT = “countries/Latvia.txt”
POL = “countries/Poland.txt”
SLV = “countries/Slovakia.txt”
SWI = “countries/Switzerland.txt”
RUT = “countries/Ruthenia.txt”
SIE = “countries/Siebenburgen.txt”
UKR = “countries/Ukraine.txt”
CZH = “countries/Czechoslovakia.txt”
# Balkans
ALB =”countries/Albania.txt”
BOS =”countries/Bosnia-Herzegovina.txt”
BUL =”countries/Bulgaria.txt”
CRE =”countries/Crete.txt”
CRO =”countries/Croatia.txt”
CYP =”countries/Cyprus.txt”
GRE =”countries/Greece.txt”
ION =”countries/Ionian Islands.txt”
MOL =”countries/Moldavia.txt”
MON =”countries/Monte♥♥♥♥♥.txt”
ROM =”countries/Romania.txt”
SER =”countries/Serbia.txt”
SLO =”countries/Slovenia.txt”
TUR =”countries/Ottoman Empire.txt”
WAL =”countries/Wallachia.txt”
YUG =”countries/Yugoslavia.txt”
# Africa
ALD =”countries/Aldjazair.txt”
CNG =”countries/Congo Free State.txt”
EGY =”countries/Egypt.txt”
ETH =”countries/Ethiopia.txt”
MAD =”countries/Madagascar.txt”
LIB =”countries/Liberia.txt”
MOR =”countries/Morocco.txt”
NAL =”countries/Natalia.txt”
ORA =”countries/Oranje.txt”
SAF =”countries/South Africa.txt”
SOK =”countries/Sokoto.txt”
RHO =”countries/Southern Rhodesia.txt”
TRI =”countries/Tripoli.txt”
TRN =”countries/Transvaal.txt”
TUN =”countries/Tunis.txt”
ZAN =”countries/Zanzibar.txt”
ZUL =”countries/Zulu.txt”
# Cental Asia
ABU =”countries/Abu Dhabi.txt”
AFG =”countries/Afghanistan.txt”
ARM =”countries/Armenia.txt”
AZB =”countries/Azerbaijan.txt”
BUK =”countries/Bukkhara.txt”
GEO =”countries/Georgia.txt”
HDJ =”countries/Hedjaz.txt”
IRQ =”countries/Iraq.txt”
KHI =”countries/Khiva.txt”
KOK =”countries/Kokand.txt”
MUG =”countries/Mughalistan.txt”
NEJ =”countries/Nejd.txt”
OMA =”countries/Oman.txt”
PER =”countries/Persia.txt”
YEM =”countries/Yemen.txt”
# India
HND =”countries/India.txt”
AWA =”countries/Awadh.txt”
BAS =”countries/Bastar.txt”
BER =”countries/Beroda.txt”
BHO =”countries/Bhopal.txt”
BIK =”countries/Bikaner.txt”
BUN =”countries/Bundelkhand.txt”
GWA =”countries/Gwailor.txt”
HYD =”countries/Hyderabad.txt”
IND =”countries/Indore.txt”
JAI =”countries/Jaipur.txt”
JAS =”countries/Jaisalmer.txt”
JOD =”countries/Jodhpur.txt”
KAL =”countries/Kalat.txt”
KAS =”countries/Kashmir.txt”
KUT =”countries/Kutch.txt”
LAD =”countries/Ladakh.txt”
MAK =”countries/Makran.txt”
MEW =”countries/Mewar.txt”
MYS =”countries/Mysore.txt”
NAG =”countries/Nagpur.txt”
NEP =”countries/Nepal.txt”
ORI =”countries/Orissa.txt”
PAN =”countries/Panjab.txt”
SHI =”countries/Shimla.txt”
SIK =”countries/Sikkim.txt”
SIN =”countries/Sind.txt”
TRA =”countries/Travancore.txt”
# Eastern Asia
ATJ =”countries/Atjeh.txt”
BAL =”countries/Bali.txt”
BHU =”countries/Bhutan.txt”
BRU =”countries/Brunei.txt”
BUR =”countries/Burma.txt”
CAM =”countries/Cambodia.txt”
CHI =”countries/China.txt”
DAI =”countries/Dai Viet.txt”
JAV =”countries/Java.txt”
KOR =”countries/Korea.txt”
LUA =”countries/Luang Prabang.txt”
JOH =”countries/Johore.txt”
SIA =”countries/Siam.txt”
TIB =”countries/Tibet.txt”
MGL =”countries/Mongolia.txt”
WIA =”countries/Wiang Chhan.txt”
PHI =”countries/Philippines.txt”
MCK =”countries/Manchukuo.txt”
GXI =”countries/Guangxi Clique.txt”
SXI =”countries/Shanxi.txt”
YNN =”countries/Yunnan.txt”