Reference tier list based entirely off of win rates listed on tiermonster.com and smite.guruI am not very good at Ranked Joust just yet, but am trying to get better and since all the tierlists I can find otherwise are old or from relative unknown people, I figured I’d just put one together for me and my friends at least to reference based simply off win rate.
Legend for Tier Definitions
First off, as of TODAY (January 15th, 2017) if you want an actual tier list for Ranked Joust, you want this video from Trelli Relli:
As for the rest of this guide, again as in the description, I am not a highly skilled Joust player (yet), this list is based solely off of win rates. It will NOT take into account the prevalence of that god at lower skill tiers deflating (or inflating) its score or its ability to counter a highly picked god. Use this tier list as a reference only and take all of this information (particularly these “definitions”) with a grain of salt.
Though of course, win rate is win rate, so gods with very good or very bad win rates are likely actually very good or very bad… It’s everything in between (Tiers B through S) that might be questionable.
Win rates are often reported in tenths of a percent, which I will round to a non-decimal win rate. I am also basing all of thise off of PC and not console (since we’re on Steam).
S+ >56% win rate
Gods you should probably ban (or first pick) because they are so strong
S 54-56% win rate
A+ 52-53% win rate
A 49-51% win rate
B+ 47-48% win rate
B 45-46% win rate
C <45% win rate
Probably shouldn’t play these gods in Ranked… Unless you really know what you’re doing (so why are you reading this? Please teach us!)
D <40% win rate
Yeah, please don’t pick these… It’s really not working for everyone else; why would it work for you?
Tiermonster.com Win Rates
Win rates taken from each individual god’s page, by choosing the Queue W/R option and taking the PC result for Ranked: Joust.
S+ >56% win rate
Bacchus, Cabrakan, Chang’e, Ullr
S 54-56% win rate
Artemis, He Bo, Medusa, Odin, Raijin, Sobek, Susano, Terra
A+ 52-53% win rate
Ah Puch, Aphrodite, Ares, Cupid, Fafnir, Jing Wei, Kali, Khepri, Skadi, Vulcan, Xbalanque, Zeus
A 49-51% win rate
Ah Muzen Cab, Amaterasu, Anubis, Chiron, Chronos, Erlang Shen, Freya, Geb, Guan Yu, Hun Batz, Isis, Kukulkan, Kumbhakarna, Neith, Rama, Sol
B+ 47-48% win rate
Agni, Anhur, Athena, Awilix, Bastet, Chaac, Hades, Hou Yi, Nemesis, Nike, Nox, Poseidon, Ravana, Sylvanus, Vamana, Xing Tian, Ymir, Zhong Kui
B 45-46% win rate
Ao Kuang, Apollo, Bakasura, Bellona, Camazotz, Fenrir, Loki, Ra, Scylla, Thor, Thoth
C <45% win rate
Arachne, Hel, Hercules, Izanami, Mercury, Ne Zha, Osiris, Ratatoskr, Sun Wukong, Tyr
D <40% win rate
Janus, Nu Wa, Serqet, Thanatos
Smite.guru Win Rates
Sometimes these are different from tiermonster.com, and I’m going to take advantage of the option to limit the region to NA/EU/OCE since those are the most populated regions…
Win rates taken from each individual god’s stats page by choosing the NA/EU/OCE tab and the Ranked: Joust (3v3) option.
S+ >56% win rate
Bacchus, Cabrakan, Chang’e
S 54-56% win rate
Ah Puch, Artemis, Chiron, Cupid, Fafnir, He Bo, Hun Batz, Osiris, Sobek, Zeus
A+ 52-53% win rate
Ah Muzen Cab, Anubis, Aphrodite, Ares, Geb, Kali, Medusa, Odin, Xbalanque
A 49-51% win rate
Anhur, Athena, Awilix, Freya, Jing Wei, Khepri, Kukulkan, Kumbhakarna, Neith, Rama, Skadi, Sol, Terra, Thor, Vulcan, Xing Tian
B+ 47-48% win rate
Agni, Chaac, Erlang Shen, Hou Yi, Nike, Ra, Raijin, Scylla, Thoth, Ymir
B 45-46% win rate
Camazotz, Guan Yu, Hades, Isis, Nox, Poseidon, Ratatoskr, Sylvanus, Ullr
C <45% win rate
Apollo, Arachne, Bastet, Chronos, Fenrir, Hel, Hercules, Izanami, Loki, Mercury, Ne Zha, Susano, Thanatos, Tyr
D <40% win rate
Amaterasu, Ao Kuang, Bakasura, Bellona, Janus, Nemesis, Nu Wa, Ravana, Serqet, Sun Wukong, Vamana, Zhong Kui
Combined Win Rate Based Tier List
So why are there sometimes huge discrepancies between the two websites? Like with Ullr and Raijin being much lower on smite.guru than on tiermonster.com? Or Osiris being much higher on smite.guru than on tiermonster.com? I have no freaking idea!
It could be that one website takes stats from the whole of Season 3 while the other only takes stats for a few weeks or a couple months… That seems the most likely reason to me, but I don’t have any confirmation of this from the sites (so if you know, tell me!), so I can’t say for sure.
So! What I plan to do is probably average the two for starters and put them together here. I’m also considering incorporating pick rate somehow, since that can show important information, like a certain god might have a higher win rate because no one plays them unless they really like the character (which might explain Osiris on smite.guru). But that would be much more complicated, so I’m not sure that’ll work out.
Until then I hope you find this useful.
S+ >56% win rate
S 54-56% win rate
Ah Puch
A+ 52-53% win rate
A 49-51% win rate
Ah Muzen Cab, Amaterasu
B+ 47-48% win rate
Agni, Anhur
B 45-46% win rate
C <45% win rate
D <40% win rate
Ao Kuang