SMITE® Guide

How to play EVERY GOD in EVERY ROLE! (Yes... I know its stupid) for SMITE

How to play EVERY GOD in EVERY ROLE! (Yes… I know its stupid)


Okay… So I started a youtube series where I play Every single role, with every god. Just started a few days ago, but I hope as It gets further into it, It will help some people out!


-Finish up a few gods that pissed me off to the point of committing multiple war crimes against the state

-Re make some old videos

-Upload and edit this at least 2 times a week


-Cry again

-Make it one more day.

ACHILLES – Protecc the hecc out of that ankle

Okay! So Achilles is a great god at the moment. He is not top tier, but he is great non the less. The order in which roles he should be played in area as follows.

1. Solo lane

2. Support

3. Jungle

4. ADC

5. MID


For Support gameplay, Here is a video.

The biggest thing to remember as Achilles Support, is that you DO NOT NEED DAMAGE TO GET KILLS! You have an Execute. Build TANKY! Gank mid as much as you can.


For Achilles MID, Here ya go!

So IMO, ACHILLES MID IS NOT GOOD!!! DON’T DO IT! But if you do, make sure you are building lots of ability damage and cooldown. Ganking and farming is also KEY if you want to do well.


SO! Achilles Solo! Right now Achilles is a fairly strong solo. There are gods better, sure, but he is a solid pick if you want to pick him up! Here is a little game play of him! Just a warning, solo lane is my LEAST PLAYED lane. So I am not the best person to try to teach this haha. I am getting better and playing it a lot more however!

So again, focus mainly on getting him tanky. His execute will help a ton. Focus on cooldown and slowly poking down your opponent. Once you are ahead in your lane, start ganking mid and farming as much as you can, without losing your tower.


So you want to play Achilles as the ADC? You are sick. However, its not all that bad. So you want to focus mainly on Damage, and even a little attack speed. Here is the video!


Jungle!!! Something Achilles is really good with! Build a classic damage build with a little protection like glad-shield, mantle or something to help you survive!

Vid here




OKAY! I AM BACK! Today we have agni! I played every single role with him, and I found out a few things. One, he is really a hit or miss god in any roles besides mid. In the supp role, the enemy team did almost NO damage to me. So here we go!

======= AGNI MID ========

Okay. Its mid agni. Its really simple, go a burst build, or a lifesteal build. You will pop off late game.

====== AGNI SUPPORT ======
So as I said above, agni support can do decently well if you play your cards right! Gank a lot and make sure to use your stun as much as you can, and you should be good!

====== AGNI SOLO ======

Agni solo went well for me, you want to build a half tank, half burst build. Make sure you get cooldown and use your passive to help you!

====== AGNI ADC =====

Just don’t….

==== AGNI JUNGLE ====

So yea! Go a burst build or Lifesteal, and GANK ALL THE TIME! It will help you stay ahead and reach your late game damage so much faster!


Best places to play agni are in this order, IMO
1. MID
5. ADC

AMC – hard no

Ah yes… The bee dude. One of my least favorite gods in the game, AMC brings very little to the table in conquest, in my own personal opinion. However, if you are good with him, you can try this yourself as well!

==== AMC SOLO =====

AMC solo does work a lot better than a lot of people think, and that is because of his high sustain. Make sure you use your 1 and passive you your advantage, and you should be able to stay ahead!

++++AMC ADC++++++++
Yea… Its a hunter in the adc lane. Just make sure to use your passive and you should be good

=========AMC MID=========
This can work better than you think. Build some nice dmg curve items and you should be pretty even all game. Its not great, but its not bad.

============AMC SUPPORT ================
Okay… So Just don’t? It is not meant to be for a reason… The recording was legit so bad, because we kept giving up at 10 mins…..

=============AMC JUNGLE==============
Read above. Your clear is awful, and really the only thing you have going for you, is that you have a little extra sustain with your one

AH PUCH. The god of meh…


Ah yes, Ah puch. I feel like a lot of people have fun playing this god, lets be honest, hitting someone for all of their hp by 5 mins in the game, it a lot of fun! The issue is however, you lack being a good choice in any roles. He has been put at the bottom of tier list for as long as I can remember, and we are going to find out why!

==========Ah Puch Solo==========

Ahhh… I recorded this a while ago, so forgive me for just not updating. The early game went a lot better than I thought it would, however late game, I felt like I was just playing a secondary mid lane, without doing much for the team. I was able to slow, and give the enemy team an anti heal, but other than that, you don’t bring very much.
========== Ah Puch Jungle ================
I regret nothing. This match was honestly a blast, and I think it went to show how a good team can make or break a jungle. Your burst damage from the jungle is not all that bad, but where you lack, is in the mobility department. You are not able to rotate on the same scale as any assassin, and even most gods overall.
=========Ah Puch Support========
This was my return to the series after an interesting time in my life! That being said, I wish my return had been stronger haha. It was fun to play, but that is about all he has going for him. He does’t have anything that can help his team directly, and only has a slow that is useful for your adc. Pick someone else.

Amaterasu – Sunny-D Girl

===========Amaterasu Overview=============
Ah, finally a good god. Ama has been in a good place for most of season 7, and it shows, she can be played in any role, without being absolutely destroyed… Most times…. Mid is kinda iffy. Like a slice of cake that has been in the fridge for way too long, but it looks okay.?

========Amaterasu Solo========
THIS IS YOUR LANE! OWN IT GIRL! You can rule the game from this role if you play it right. You have better sustain than most gods in the game, movement speed that makes a certain mexican mouse from Looney-Tunes jealous, and a smile that would even make susano blush. You got this

==========Amaterasu Jungle==========
Yet another time that we see a solo laner, defecting into the role of jungle. Have you no shame? It makes sense honestly though, because you can do damage no matter what build you want to go. Hybrid, basic atk, or even full ability based is usable. I don’t know why more people don’t do this!

===========Amaterasu Adc=========
So at first, I really thought I was going to be support this match. No, stop laughing! I mean it! The NuWa went rouge on me, and then I had to improvise… and boy did I. Had I gotten the early game Items I needed to be able to have more pressure than I did, I think it would have gone a lot better. Either way though, it was fun, and I will remember this match for the next 6 minutes,

===============Amaterasu Mid===================
It was better than I thought it would be. The best thing to remember, is that if you get close to them, its over. They lose. You should be winning almost every time, unless their team is helping them. Just remember to hold your lane, wait for your chance, and kick ass.

=============Amaterasu support========
Yea! Its not hard. Just build tanky and play it safe till mid game. then you should be able to stun with your ult, slow with your 3, and heal with your one all the way to victory!

ANHUR – Sandy Kitty Cat

========ANHUR OVERVIEW==============
Anhur has always been one of those weird gods for me. I like to play him, and I find his kit very clean, and useful, but I never really have FUN playing him. I play him when I want to win. Thankfully, thats what we want! So lets get into this, and try him out!

===========ANHUR Jungle==============

Honestly, the cat works okay in the jungle. I don’t think you will see him be top pick for the role in the spl any time soon, but if you know what you are doing with him, his burst damage with his 1 and ult are honestly insane. If built right, a one shot with your ult is not impossible, and with his short cooldowns, he makes a solid pick…. Not as good as ANY assassin, but ya know… Not the worst.