SMITE: Top 10 assassins that work well in arena [patch 3.16] for SMITE

SMITE: Top 10 assassins that work well in arena [patch 3.16]


Hello everyone, This is a second guide I’ve made by consulting with Smite forum users which assassins are most suitable for arena. Obviously, everyone had their own picks, so I sorted out which Gods were mentioned most and, along with my personal opinion, I’ve mashed everything into one chunk. The assassins were ranked based on these four main factors: movement, stealth, damage and crowd control. Complexity has also been taken into consideration.Additional notes: Ao Kuang, Cabrakan, Ymir, Izanami and other gods can also be played like assassins, but I’ve decided to exclude them to not overcomplicate things.

Top 10 assassins that work well in arena

10. Awillix

Awillix is pretty good against gods that leap when they try to escape. Her flip is also great at countering enemy attacks, plus deals a lot of damage. Awillix is also very mobile, so she might not need to use recall. However due to no cloaking or teleport abilities, her surprise factor isn’t that great. She must rely on her leap to attack and that sets her escape on cooldown.

9. Fenrir

Fenrir is one of the easiest assassins to play. He’s good at engaging and dispositioning/relocating a single enemy with his ultimate. Fenrir’s brutalize is good against gods like Agni and He Bo cause it sticks on them during dash and wave ult. However Fenrir too lacks stealth and surprise factor, because he can either use jump and/or ult to engage. Both of them are easy to spot in an open area of the arena.

8. Mercury

Mercury is fast and does insane amounts of damage with his basic attacks. His ultimate is good, but can be risky if you use towards the oponent base. Other than his ult, Mercury has special delivery that lets him grab the target and spin them. You can also throw it to your teammates. However that ability puts Mercury at risk, cause he is spinning at the same spot, which makes him temporary immobile and easier to target.

7. Kali

Kali has a decent CC, engage and mobility, but her ultimate is very powerful, allowing her to dive to enemy base, bait assassins or just simply survive the battle. Also that hp regen upon killing your marked enemy helps her sustain.

6. Susano

I love Susano, because his straw hat and katana reminds me of Samurai Jack. Susano has great cc, mobility and surprise factor with Jet Stream, allowing him to teleport to his whirlwind. His ultimate can be used both defensively and offensively, making it very valuable in teamfights.

5. Serqet

Serqet is mobile, stealthy and has good CC. However her ult makes her an open target and vulnerable to enemy CC.

4. Loki

Loki is a paint to everyone’s butt. He has amazing stealth, decent mobility, a scary ult that can be used to engage or escape and a decoy absorb tower agro, while he kills you under it.

3. Hun Batz

Hun Batz is one crazy monkey. He has great mobility, cc and damage. Using monkey toss to surprise ult his opponents is cheeky and scummy like Loki’s ult. And if they manage to escape, use your leap to jump on their faces and rip their heads off šŸ™‚

2. Bastet

Bastet is even scummier than Hun Batz and Loki, because she can leap, toss her abilities and leap back safely to her previous spot. I’ve got numerous of complaint from enemy mages while playing as Bastet (and I don’t blame them). The kawaii pop bastet voicepack is insult to injury.

1. Thor

Ah, the almighty Thor. He has a teleport, wide cc, great ability damage and a dangerous ult. His abilities are made for teamfights. His tectonic rift + mjornir combo shreds squishy gods from a distance so he doesnt have to leap near the enemy like Bastet.