The Waska campaign or Waska battles were six battles in the war of the relm. Waska was a small fortross that belonged to the oda. Before the war started the oda noticed the once enemy but know allies (the otomo and yamana were enemies) were massing troops near waska. The oda noticed it and turned waska city into a castle and gave it a larger garrison. The war of the relm started and the first battle of waska began. The yamana’s are was small but deadly, the oda garrison was large but wasn’t trained for a long time. But the captain of the castle was smart and only deffended the top level and put his troops into yari wall. The yamana were sloughtered and there 2460 man army was left with 60 men. The oda lost 100 men out of the 4000 man army. That was part 1 hope to see you in part 2