Niche – a genetics survival game Guide

Console commands / Cheats for Niche - a genetics survival game

Console commands / Cheats


Niche has in-built developer console where various commands could be type in. and yes, you can obtain achievements


during the game press F1 to open a console. enter one of the following commands below to get various useful (and not) effects. console has a hint-feature and you can choose between various inputs with UP and DOWN buttons

if F1 doesn’t work for you, then try ALT+F1 or ALT+1 or ALT+NUM1 – oddly, but for some players a different combination works

  • console commands are not case-sensitive
  • some console commands are bugged and can screw your progress, crash the game or softlock it. it is highly recommended to make backup of your save-files, which are located in
    %APPDATA%LocalLowTeam NicheNiche – a genetics survival game


removes all grass on the current island. it messes with the spawning of wild-animals, and might be an issue if you are short on nest materials

DetectAll True/False

removes fog-of-war (invisible areas) after you have visited them. area will be keep visible even, once a Nicheling had visited them. as “ExploreAllFields” command above, it does mess with spawning of wild-animals and may lead to throttle and stuttering

ChangeBerryCount %number%

gives you a certain amount of food. you can input both positive and negative numbers to either increase or decrease the food supplies. there is no command for giving the nest materials

IncreaseAge %number%

changes the age of an animal. you can input both positive and negative numbers to either increase or decrease the age: too high age will kill an animal, while using something like “IncreaseAge -10000” will render an animal (almost) immortal. it works on wild-animals too

there is a bug with decreasing Nicheling’s life below zero. consider the following

a Nicheling has “17 days to live”. you decrease his life by 500. now he has “-483 to live”. you save the game, exit and load back. now that Nicheling will be in baby-status for 483 days!

in order to fix that issue you need to manually increase Nicheling’s life to a zero (“IncreaseAge 483”, in case above), end turn, then increase his age by 6 (to make that Nicheling an adult), end turn one more time, and then you can decrease his age below zero again

TakeDamage %number%

deals a damage to an animal. only positive number can be used here and, obviously, using a large number will kill an animal (including wild-animals)

SetTribeSizeLimit %number%

limits tribe’s size to a certain amount of Nichelings. after reaching the said limit you no longer can mate (until some of Nichelings will die)


changes the Nicheling’s gender. changing the gender of pregnant Nicheling can break the game. the gender of Rogue Males can be changed too, and they still will try to mate with your females (fruitless, tho)

SetGene %gene1% %gene2%

changes one Nicheling gene to another. %gene1% is for active gene, and %gene2% is for recessive one. genes could be combined in any way, for example if you need a Nicheling with one Bearyena’s claw and one Digging Paw, then you could use a command:

SetGene PawCarnivore PawDig

some changes (mostly the pattern-based genes) will come in effect only after reloading the game

the following genes are available:

-[Horn]- -[Eyes]- -[Ears]- HornNone EyesNormal EarsMedium HornRam EyesShortSighted EarsBig HornSavanna EyesBlind EarsRound HornAntlers EarsCarnivore (Bearyena) HornAntenna HornMegaloceros -[Snout]- SnoutBigNose SnoutNormal (Short Snout) SnoutPurr SnoutCarnivore (Bearyena) SnoutPoisonFangs SnoutSpit (Derp Snout) SnoutCrack SnoutBat SnoutPlatypus SnoutStickyTongue SnoutGilled DiggingTrunk SnoutBeak SaberToothFangs -[Body]- BodyNormal BodyWater BodyBig BodySpiky BodyLean BodyToxic BodyHeat BodyArmadilo (Armored Body) -[Paw]- -[Legs]- PawNormal (Runner Leg) PawBatWing HindLegsNormal PawNo (Deformed Paw) PawFlying WebbedHindLegs PawBerry (Nimble Fingers) PawWebbed HindLegsCarnivore (Bearyena) PawCarnivore (Bearyena) PawDig PawMummut (Mammoth Foot) PawVelvet PawClaw -[Tail]- TailScorpion TailPeacockFemale TailStinky TailPeacock FishingTail FluffyTail (Medium Tail) SwimmingTail TailHammer TailFin -[Fur Color]- -[Eyes Color]- -[Horns Color]- FurColor1 (Chestnut Brown) EyeColorOrange HornColorRed FurColor2 (Beige) EyeColorYellow HornColorBrown FurColor3 (Red Brown) EyeColorViolet HornColorWhite FurColor4 (Moss Brown) EyeColorBlue HornColorBlack FurColor5 (Yellow) EyeColorGreen FurColor6 (Red) EyecolorBrown FurColorWhite EyeColorBlack FurcolorBlack -[Pattern Color]- -[Pattern Kind]- -[Pattern Shape]- PatternColorBidge PatternMask PatternShapeA PatternColorRed PatternNone PatternShapeB PatternColorBrown PatternStripes PatternShapeC PatternColorWhite PatternDots PatternShapeD PatternColorBlack -[Pattern Size]- -[Pattern Density]- PatternSizeHuge PatternDensityVeryThick PatternSizeBig PatternDensityThick PatternSizeMedium PatternDensityMedium PatternSizeSmall PatternDensityThin PatternSizeTiny PatternDensityVeryThin -[Immunity]- -[Fertility]- -[Albino & Melano]- ImmunityGeneA FertilityHigh Albinism ImmunityGeneB FertilityMiddle Melanism ImmunityGeneC FertilityLow NoAlbinism ImmunityGeneD FertilityNo NoMelanism ImmunityGeneE ImmunityGeneF -[Blood Factor]- ImmunityGeneG Hemophilia ImmunityGeneH NormalBloodClotting ImmunityGeneI ImmunityGeneJ ImmunityGeneK ImmunityGeneFamily (Adam’s Homeland gene)

the following genes do exist in code, but have no effect (not working):

SnoutRam BodySnow SnoutAntlers PatternWarningColor TriceratopsShield


moves an animal from one spot to another one. first click on animal you would like to move, then right-click on the spot where you want him to move on, then type the command – and voila


deletes an animal from the game, simple as that

AddStatusEffect / RemoveStatusEffect
AddStatusEffect %effect%
RemoveStatusEffect %effect%

adds or removes various status effect from an animal. some of those status effects could be bugged, for example adding “Pregnant”-effect to a Nicheling can softlock the save-files

there is one more command – “ActivateStatusEffect”, it has the same effect as “AddStatusEffect”

the following effects are available:

Pregnant Hot Stunned PickedSmellyFruit BabyAnimal Burning Paralyzed RolledInMud YoungAnimal Cold Poison HiddingInCover Healing Frozen SleepSickness TemporaryWaterBreathing Bleeding CooledByShadow Swarmed LowOxygen HeavyBleeding CooledByWater ParasiteLeech CommonCold Tamed WarmedByPack

JumpToWeather Normal/Rain/Snow

changes the current weather. using of “JumpToWeather Snow” on non-winter island will advance advance time to 100 days forward and will not lead to snow (bug, I guess)



increases the chance of spawning of a specific animal, entity, food-supply or whatever. that command quite buggy and you need to spam it a lot in order to spawn anything. could be even more buggy with “ExploreAllFields” and “DetectAll” commands (I honestly couldn’t make it work at all)


doesn’t work. should had to regenerate an entire island with new animals


locks the cursor, making unable to move it around. probably needed for the touch-screen devices


makes the cursor invinsible. as with command above – probably designed for the touch-screen devices

DeleteAllPlayerAnimals / GameOver

make you lose a current game. why you need it – is a totally different question


removes all your achievement progress for this game. in case of need to remove a specific achievement from the game – use Steam Achievement Manager[]

if you want to thank me…

…then check my guide about fixing various game issues: launching, crashing, optimization, stuttering, gamepads, etc. the guide is huge, but the topic is broad to begin with