King’s Quest Guide

Achievement Guide [WIP] for King's Quest

Achievement Guide [WIP]


Roadmap to complete King’s Quest achievementsWILL BE UPDATIING TILL COMPLETE

Chapter 1

Napping on the Job
Took a Brief Nap.

In the Prologue, you’ll come across a bed on the floor that you can hide in. Get in the bed 3 times until he admits taking a nap.

In The Mouth of Danger
Walked into a Dragon’s Mouth.

Still during the prologue after stepping on bones and walking up to the dragon make your way down the hall while hiding in the beds. When you reach the end of the corridor continue walking. The dragon will eat you.

A Secret Entrance
Found a Mysterious Cave Entrance.

After talking to the trader with the two unicorns go behind the unicorns and there is a path. Follow this all the way into the cave and all the way to the end. You’ll get a short scene saying this is for another story and the achievement will pop.

Unicorn Snack Food
Was a Snack for a Majestic Unicorn.

Use the hatchet on the unicorns 4 times while the trader is trying to repair his caravan.

A Prickly Situation
Walked into the Spiniferous Thornweeds.

Cross the river after cutting down the tree and head up the path. You will notice a well in the background. Attempt to head towards it through the thornweeds and you’ll get this achievement.

Helping Hat
Complete three acts of Charity.

This achievement is for helping the three merchants in town, the blacksmith, the baker and the herbalists.

Helping the blacksmith is the easiest of all and starts now that you have found the village. Just NEVER leave the door to the town open in order to prevent wolves from getting in.

To help the baker you have to get rid of the beehive above the picnic table, next to the floating island. In order to do that, go there and read the letter. I believe this will trigger the guard collecting fruits from a tree next to the pumpkin field close to town to complete his job. Go there, pick up the fruit picker and then go back to the picnic table and use the fruit picker on the beehive to get rid of the bees.

It is still possible to get rid of the beehive after it’s knocked down using the fruit picker. This should be a better solution since you can also do the “Purple Badger Don’t Care” achievement this way if you need it.

The important thing to remember is that giving the ingredients to the baker to complete the pie is the likely cause of the main quest advancing, what makes his date with his fiancee happen and you miss the chance to get rid of the beehive and help him. So, whatever you do, get rid of the beehive before advancing anything from the main quest related to the baker!

The last thing you need to do, is to complete the potion the old couple is making. To do that you first need to complete the well with Achaka so you learn how to shoot a bow properly. After that climb the hill close to the first sign pointing to the floating island and cross the chasm using an arrow with the rope. Continue on the only path and a fight with some goblins will start. Defeat them and save the merchant to get a blue feather. Deliver that to the potion shop and then progress with the story until after you win the duel of speed against Whisper. Now, you’ll be near him crying close to the frogs. You need to colect his photo from the board close to the king statue if you haven’t already and ask him to sign it. After that, ask him to get a frog for you. Deliver this frog to the potion shop to complete your last task

Be aware that you’ll only get the achievement after finishing the game if you did everything right.

Graham the Basilisk
Walked on Water.

Before helping the knights to cross the river at the arena, walk down to the river’s edge near to stepping stones and look for the last bunch of reeds. Push forward at this point and you should walk across the water.

Fed a steak to a Wedzel Wolf.

Once you retrieve the steak from the trap in the woods head through the village to the dark path near where you met the trader with the unicorns. Use the steak from your inventory on a bush and the achievement should pop up.

Purple Badger Don’t Care
A Dyed Badger ate Bees.

Now that you have Misteak go get the honey badger in the bushes. Proceed to the village and go to the trinkets store and dip the honey badger in the pot to make him purple. Then go to the picnic area and knock down the beehive. You just need to use the honey badger on it to unlock the achievement. Once it poped take your fruit picker and clear the hive from the table to progress in the Helping Hat achievement.

Horn Blower
Blew on many Horns.

When you travel south you will come across a red horn. Blow on it 9 times in a row.

Froggy Throat
Tried to Catch a Toad, Got a Frog in Throat.

Now simply walk to the next area and try to catch a frog 6 times.

That’s the Ticket
Presented an Eye to enter the Tournament.

Story related. Can’t be missed

Dead End Dancer
Danced in the Dark.

After you go down the well a second time (this time with Aschaka) he will jump down into a pit. Don’t follow him and instead continue into the cave. After a few dance moves the achievement will unlock.

Opening Knight
Opened door to Achaka three times.

Once you are in the room to move the weapons and put the shield up simply walk back to the door you came through. Get pushed back by Aschaka 3 times.

Strong Minded
Defeated Acorn in the Duel of Strength.

Story related. Can’t be missed

Fast Feather
Defeated Whisper in the Duel of Speed.

Story related. Can’t be missed

The End?
Told the Story about becoming a Knight.

Story related. Can’t be missed