These weapons to me are the most powerful ones in the game.
I dont think anyone should go after this weapon unless you have at least 30-40 stims. Yes i know thats a lot but you have to fight a legendary deathclaw.It is located at ”DEAD WIND CAVERN”. Located northwest of harpers shack.
This weapon is located at ”BLACK MOUNTAIN”.It is located on a ”NIGHTKIN SNIPER”, by the radio tower.There will be a lot of super mutants and nightkin so dont go unless you have 10 stims and over.
The alien blaster is found north east of brooks tumbleweed ranch.There should be some aliens kill them all, the weapon is located on the ”ALIEN CAPTAN”.You can also see their ship located on the hill located north east of the campsite.If you play fallout 3 that is the same crashed ship you see on the mother ship.For the alien blaster to be there you must have the perk,”WILD WASTELAND”. and if you dont have wild wasteland, there will be a rare Gauss rifle there instead, guarded by a gruop of mercenaries.
This weapon will cost but it’s worth it. This weapon costs 30,231 caps. And is located at the ”GUN RUNNERS”.North of ”NCR SHARECROPPING FIELDS”.Good luck collecting those caps.