Sid Meier’s Civilization® V Guide

How to civ for Sid Meier's Civilization V

How to civ


L34R T0 PL4Y


So you want L34RN T0 PL4Y? One the basic things is city placement. Best spots are next to mountains and rivers (or near wonders). Building a city on a hill will give defensive bonuses to the city, but you can`t build a windmill in there.
As you see, Venice is build next to a river, which allows gardens, watermills and hydroplants


There are a lot of units. Everything from warriors to GDRs (Giant Death Robot). Also there are civilian units, such as settlers, great people and missionary. Too bad there aren´t kubelwagens
That is a roman tank, if you are wondering


A way to boost your empire into… basically everything


Gives bonuses, can cause wars

Again this picture. The tiny gate symbol on the city banner indigates religion, in this case, propably


Good one´s for a starter:Persia, America, Germany. Here´s a link to civilopedia:


Good one´s to have: Ethnic units and IGE. Ethnic units gives new skins to most units on most civilizations and IGE to spawn infinite nukes.

Link to IGE: [link]

Link to Ethnic units: [link]