5 assassins that can be played mid for SMITE

5 assassins that can be played mid


Assassin class is mostly dedicated to junglers due to their utilization of basic attacks and abilities. Most of the assassins have high mobility and burst damage and clear the jungle efficient. However, majority of their abilities are either single target oriented, lack damage over time or can only be casted short range. With that said, keep in mind that I’m not suggesting that an assassin is a better mid choice instead of a mage. No ! In fact, you’re pretty much going to be at a disadvantage. However, I’ve listed 5 assassins (in no particular order other than by the alphabet) who I believe can manage to pose a little bit of challenge for the enemy mid laner. I hope you enjoy reading this guide and try them for yourself šŸ™‚


Let’s start with Bastet. Even though she doesn’t have stealth, Bastet offers great mobility and DoT attacks, which makes the game less monotonic. Bastet is a little bit riskier to play, but in hands of good players she can use her abilities to poke both the minions and the enemy mid laner simultaneously. Make sure you use the abilities in a sequence to trigger your passive, which lets the second ability do 15% extra damage. Razor whip causes bleed, which makes a good damage over time ability and declaw has longer range, plus a slow. Bastet’s ultimate can be used to pick up enemy mid laner under tower or bodyblock an assassin that wants to gank you. Overall I think all of her abilities are very useful for mid lane, though she needs to watch an eye on her health and manage, due to her low sustain. If you’re not going against heavy CC mages like Anubis, Nox or Scylla, I suggest taking salvation as your first item. This will help you cast your ultimate or leap out of the danger zone.


Camazotz has really great sustain from his passive and abilities, which is why people often pick him solo. For the same reason I believe he would be suitable mid as well. Upon getting hit by an echo, Camazotz first ability screech can help you see the enemy for 15 seconds. You would be able to see if they’re going for mid harpies or red buff…or maybe ganking other lanes. His second ability “Vampire Bats”, is his main form of regen… and it slows the enemy too. You can use it when you’re being attacked by minions to fill up a portion of your missing hp back. The leap isn’t the greatest, but it does offer heal for each enemy you land on. So this is why I suggest using it when you’re being ganked and you know that your jungler will be present in the fight. Otwerwise I suggest you use it for escape. Camazotz ultimate is a good way to avoid damage and inflict damage in a safe way. The duration is four seconds, which allows you to have a little bit of time to think over your strategie. Should you tower dive or retreat ? You decide. Overall, Camazotz is a good sustainer, though you might want to watch out for CC due to his lack of mobility.

EnemaGod – “…he’s close to 2 buffs (speed and red) so he can proc his passive fast enough between lanes…”


And then we have Ratatoskr, The Sly Messenger. Now he might not have good sustain early, because you need tier 3 Acorn of Yggdrasil to have heal per ability. Ratatoskr’s dash, like any other dashes, can be used to juke abilities or engage. However his 2nd and 3rd ability upon successful hit reduces dash cooldown by 2 seconds for each enemy god hit, which means you’re gonna be more mobile during the ganks. Flurry is an okay clear ability that also reduces physical protections. Though you have to cast it short range. Acorn blast however, has a bigger range and can stun the enemy mid laner for 1s upon all 3 acorn hits. It’s a good way to shut down their engage or stop them from running away. Now, his ultimate might not be that good for mid lane in particular, since it takes a while for you to use it, but It’s an okay way to esape a critical situation. You’re better off using to rotate faster. Overall, I think Ratatoskr has a little bit of everything, which makes him a not terrible mid laner, but he doesn’t excel at any of the feats in comparison to other assassins.


The next pick in this list is going to be Susano, God of the Summer Storm. Let’s start with his passive. For each trained Ability on cooldown he gains extra movement speed. This can help run back and forth from the red buff to minions. His first ability does 3 different Aoe attacks. However those attacks don’t have long range (well except for the dash), which means you have to get closer to the danger zone. You might want to use this ability when the enemy mid laner cc is on cooldown.
Susano’s second ability Wind Siphon helps him tigthen the gap between him and the enemy, preventing them to esacpe ganks or pull them out of their tower. Though it has a short range as well, so make sure you’re in the right range to reach them. Jet Stream is a good ability to surprise attack the enemy, though it’s not good if you teleport to them, while they run to their tower. I believe this ability suits better to juke enemy mage abilities and escape ganks. And finally, his ultimate is a good way to coup the grace or counterattack the enemy ganks. If charged full, it also provides the knock up. While you’re at it, you can also clear some mininos at the same time. Overall, Susano can perform decently mid, due to his multiple hit abilities, great mobility and surprise factor.


Alright, let’s end this guide with Thor, God of Thunder. Thor is a free to play assassin, accessable for everyone, but he’s not one of the easier ones in terms of difficulty. To play Thor mid I highly suggest understanding his mechanics first (this applies for all assassins tbh, but mostly Thor). Okay, now let’s talk about his passive. Since you and your mid opponent both are going to be in lane, hopefully within 30 units of each other, Thor can gain +10 physical power. This is pretty good early game, but doesn’t afect the gameplay mid to late game. Thor’s first ability can be a good way to poke the enemy, juke an ability or simply rotate to the jungle camps. Tectonic rift can block the minions from pushing towards your tower or stun the enemy. Maybe block the mid harpies or other jungle camps. I don’t see any other benefits this can offer specifically for mid lane. Now Beserker Barrage is a great waveclear ability, but it’s short range so you have to be careful not getting CC’d by the enemy mid laner. And finally, Thor’s ultimate allows him to quickly rotate, escape a serious gank or simply tower dive a low hp enemy. Overall, Thor has a great kit to poke and waveclear, but with the lack of sustain, you need to keep an eye on your mana and health.


So these are the 5 Gods that I’ve picked for min lane. This guide is only relevant for this and maybe few other patches, until an existing assassins gets major changes or a newer one gets added. If you agree or disagree, please comment your opinions (prefer if you back them up with arguments) and stay tuned for more smite guides.


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