A small guide on how to disable everything on-screen for screenshots or videos.
Enable dev console
You can disable the HUD via the developer console. But you can’t open the dev console ingame before you make some changes.
Go to your game folder
Normaly located at …SteamsteamappscommonSanctum
Open up the folder “Engine” -> “Config”
You should see these files:
Open up “BaseInput” with any text editor. I highly recommend using Notepad++ as it is always very handy when it comes to modding and configurations. For now the normal editor from WIndows is enough.
Find the line “[Engine.Console]”
Remove the ; infront of the next two lines.
In the picture I also deleted the dev comment starting with the two \. Make sure your config looks like the one in the picture and do not change any other lines.
You can choose a key to open up the console ingame. In this case it is F3. Entering special keys might not work.
You now have enabled the dev console in Sanctum. Save the file and start the game to see if it works Ingame.
It doesn’t work?!?!
Try binding another key to the console. If you use F3 and it won’t work, use a letter (e.g. P). If no key works make sure you have edited the right lines in the configuration file. Do not edit any other lines except “ConsoleKey”, “TypeKey” and the dev comment starting with \.
Toggle HUD on and off
Now that you are able to open up the console ingame we need to bind two keys to the HUD on/off command.
Type into the console:
setbind F1 hudvisibility 0 and hit Enter. Now type in:
setbind F2 hudvisibility 1 and hit Enter.
Close the console by hitting the same key to open the console again.
You should now be able to make the HUD disappear by hitting F1 and bring it back with F2.
Congrats, you disabled the HUD.
But wait. What about the character’s hands?
That’s right. Your hand(s) are still visible making complete screenshots impossible. Currently there is no way I know to toggle on and off the visibility of your hands. But there is a command to turn them off. However this makes you unable to place any more blocks or shoot guns. You have to restart the mission for that. With two more key bindings you can quickly restart your mission (not the game) to reset your console command.
Make everything invisible
In order to make your hands invisible too we need two more key binds.
We bind the command to restart the mission to F5 and the command to toggle off you hands to F6.
Type into the console:
setbind F5 restartgame hit Enter and then type in:
setbind F6 throwweapon and hit Enter again.
Now to test everything:
- Place a block and a tower
- Get in position for the screenshot
- Toggle off the HUD (F2)
- Switch to your weapons (So that you could upgrade them, this removes the blue glow of a selected tower.)
- Remove your hands (the ingame ones only!) by hitting F6
- Make a screenshot (F12)
- Restart your mission (F5)
- Repeat
I hope this was helpful. Upvote this guide so more people can see it and leave a comment.
Edit 2021:
I’ve been messing with the console all over again and there’s the
weaponvisibility command.
You can bind the HUD to F1 and F2 and then use the command
to make your weapons invisible.