Victoria II Guide

Divided We Stand Mod Countries for Victoria II

Divided We Stand Mod Countries


This Guide Pertains to the countries to the nations in the Divided We Stand Mod in Victoria II.

The Country Tags

# DWS Mod States
ABR = “countries/Alberta.txt”
ACA = “countries/Acadia.txt”
ALA = “countries/Alabama.txt”
ARI = “countries/Arizona.txt”
ARK = “countries/Arkansas.txt”
CAA = “countries/Cordoba.txt”
CAL = “countries/Californian Republic.txt”
CDO = “countries/Colorado.txt”
CNN = “countries/Connecticut.txt”
CRN = “countries/North Carolina.txt”
CRS = “countries/South Carolina.txt”
DAK = “countries/Dakota.txt”
DEL = “countries/Delaware.txt”
DES = “countries/Deseret.txt”
FLO = “countries/Florida.txt”
GOR = “countries/Georgia Republic.txt”
IDA = “countries/Idaho.txt”
ILL = “countries/Illinois.txt”
INA = “countries/Indiana.txt”
IWA = “countries/Iowa.txt”
JEF = “countries/Jefferson.txt”
KAN = “countries/Kansas.txt”
KEN = “countries/Kentucky.txt”
LIN = “countries/Lincoln.txt”
LOU = “countries/Louisiana.txt”
MAI = “countries/Maine.txt”
MAR = “countries/Maryland.txt”
MAS = “countries/Massachusetts.txt”
MIC = “countries/Michigan.txt”
MIN = “countries/Minnesota.txt”
MIS = “countries/Missouri.txt”
MSS = “countries/Mississippi.txt”
MTN = “countries/Montana.txt”
NEB = “countries/Nebraska.txt”
NEV = “countries/Nevada.txt”
NHM = “countries/New Hampshire.txt”
NIK = “countries/Nickajack.txt”
NJS = “countries/New Jersey.txt”
NWM = “countries/New Mexico.txt”
NYK = “countries/New York.txt”
OHO = “countries/Ohio.txt”
OKA = “countries/Oklahoma.txt”
ORE = “countries/Oregon.txt”
PEN = “countries/Pennsylvania.txt”
SEQ = “countries/Sequoyah.txt”
SUP = “countries/Superior.txt”
RHD = “countries/Rhode Island.txt”
TEN = “countries/Tennessee.txt”
TEX = “countries/Texas.txt”
VER = “countries/Vermont.txt”
VIR = “countries/Virginia.txt”
WAS = “countries/Washington.txt”
WES = “countries/Westsylvania.txt”
WIS = “countries/Wisconsin.txt”
WYM = “countries/Wyoming.txt”
BCA = “countries/Baja California.txt”
CHU = “countries/Chihuahua.txt”
CPS = “countries/Chiapas.txt”
DUR = “countries/Durango.txt”
GMH = “countries/Guerrero Michoacan.txt”
HID = “countries/Hidalgo.txt”
JAL = “countries/Jalisco.txt”
OAX = “countries/Oaxaca.txt”
RGD = “countries/Rio Grande.txt”
SON = “countries/Sonora.txt”
VRA = “countries/Veracruz.txt”
YUC = “countries/Yucatan.txt”
ZCT = “countries/Zacatecas.txt”
ONT = “countries/Ontario.txt”

#DWS Mod Federations
CAS = “countries/Cascadia.txt”
FED = “countries/Federal States.txt”
GLK = “countries/Great Lakes.txt”
PLA = “countries/Plains.txt”
WST = “countries/Western States.txt”

# Common Great Powers
ENG = “countries/United Kingdom.txt”
RUS = “countries/Russia.txt”
FRA = “countries/France.txt”
PRU = “countries/Prussia.txt”
GER = “countries/Germany.txt”
AUS = “countries/Austria.txt”
USA = “countries/USA.txt”
♥♥♥ = “countries/Japan.txt”
ITA = “countries/Italy.txt”
KUK = “countries/Austria-Hungary.txt”

# Scandinavia
DEN = “countries/Denmark.txt”
FIN = “countries/Finland.txt”
NOR = “countries/Norway.txt”
SCA = “countries/Scandinavia.txt”
SWE = “countries/Sweden.txt”

# Western Europe
BEL = “countries/Belgium.txt”
CAT = “countries/Catalonia.txt”
FLA = “countries/Flanders.txt”
IRE = “countries/Ireland.txt”
NET = “countries/Netherlands.txt”
POR = “countries/Portugal.txt”
SCO = “countries/Scotland.txt”
SPA = “countries/Spain.txt”
WLL = “countries/Wallonia.txt”

# Germany
ANH = “countries/Anhalt.txt”
BAD = “countries/Baden.txt”
BAV = “countries/Bavaria.txt”
BRA = “countries/Braunschweig.txt”
BRE = “countries/Bremen.txt”
COB = “countries/Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.txt”
DZG = “countries/Danzig.txt”
FRM = “countries/Frankfurt am Main.txt”
HAM = “countries/Hamburg.txt”
HAN = “countries/Hanover.txt”
HES = “countries/Hesse-Darmstadt.txt”
HEK = “countries/Hesse-Kassel.txt”
HOL = “countries/Holstein.txt”
LIP = “countries/Lippe-Detmold.txt”
LUB = “countries/Lubeck.txt”
LUX = “countries/Luxemburg.txt”
MEC = “countries/Mecklenburg.txt”
MEI = “countries/Saxe-Meiningen.txt”
NAS = “countries/Nassau.txt”
NGF = “countries/North German Fed.txt”
OLD = “countries/Oldenburg.txt”
SAX = “countries/Saxony.txt”
SCH = “countries/Schleswig.txt”
SGF = “countries/South German Fed.txt”
WEI = “countries/Saxe-Weimar.txt”
WUR = “countries/Wurttemberg.txt”

# Italy
LOM = “countries/Lombardia.txt”
LUC = “countries/Lucca.txt”
MOD = “countries/Modena.txt”
PAP = “countries/Papal States.txt”
PAR = “countries/Parma.txt”
SAR = “countries/Sardinia-Piedmont.txt”
SIC = “countries/Two Sicilies.txt”
TRE = “countries/Trieste.txt”
TUS = “countries/Tuscany.txt”
VEN = “countries/Venice.txt”

# Eastern Europe
BOH = “countries/Bohemia-Moravia.txt”
KRA = “countries/Krakow.txt”
CRI = “countries/Crimea.txt”
EST = “countries/Estonia.txt”
HUN = “countries/Hungary.txt”
LIT = “countries/Lithuania.txt”
LAT = “countries/Latvia.txt”
POL = “countries/Poland.txt”
SLV = “countries/Slovakia.txt”
SWI = “countries/Switzerland.txt”
RUT = “countries/Ruthenia.txt”
SIE = “countries/Siebenburgen.txt”
UKR = “countries/Ukraine.txt”
CZH = “countries/Czechoslovakia.txt”

# Balkans
ALB =”countries/Albania.txt”
BOS =”countries/Bosnia-Herzegovina.txt”
BUL =”countries/Bulgaria.txt”
CRE =”countries/Crete.txt”
CRO =”countries/Croatia.txt”
CYP =”countries/Cyprus.txt”
GRE =”countries/Greece.txt”
ION =”countries/Ionian Islands.txt”
MOL =”countries/Moldavia.txt”
MON =”countries/Monte♥♥♥♥♥.txt”
ROM =”countries/Romania.txt”
SER =”countries/Serbia.txt”
SLO =”countries/Slovenia.txt”
TUR =”countries/Ottoman Empire.txt”
WAL =”countries/Wallachia.txt”
YUG =”countries/Yugoslavia.txt”

# Africa
ALD =”countries/Aldjazair.txt”
CNG =”countries/Congo Free State.txt”
EGY =”countries/Egypt.txt”
ETH =”countries/Ethiopia.txt”
MAD =”countries/Madagascar.txt”
LIB =”countries/Liberia.txt”
MOR =”countries/Morocco.txt”
NAL =”countries/Natalia.txt”
ORA =”countries/Oranje.txt”
SAF =”countries/South Africa.txt”
SOK =”countries/Sokoto.txt”
RHO =”countries/Southern Rhodesia.txt”
TRI =”countries/Tripoli.txt”
TRN =”countries/Transvaal.txt”
TUN =”countries/Tunis.txt”
ZAN =”countries/Zanzibar.txt”
ZUL =”countries/Zulu.txt”

# Cental Asia
ABU =”countries/Abu Dhabi.txt”
AFG =”countries/Afghanistan.txt”
ARM =”countries/Armenia.txt”
AZB =”countries/Azerbaijan.txt”
BUK =”countries/Bukkhara.txt”
GEO =”countries/Georgia.txt”
HDJ =”countries/Hedjaz.txt”
IRQ =”countries/Iraq.txt”
KHI =”countries/Khiva.txt”
KOK =”countries/Kokand.txt”
MUG =”countries/Mughalistan.txt”
NEJ =”countries/Nejd.txt”
OMA =”countries/Oman.txt”
PER =”countries/Persia.txt”
YEM =”countries/Yemen.txt”

# India
HND =”countries/India.txt”
AWA =”countries/Awadh.txt”
BAS =”countries/Bastar.txt”
BER =”countries/Beroda.txt”
BHO =”countries/Bhopal.txt”
BIK =”countries/Bikaner.txt”
BUN =”countries/Bundelkhand.txt”
GWA =”countries/Gwailor.txt”
HYD =”countries/Hyderabad.txt”
IND =”countries/Indore.txt”
JAI =”countries/Jaipur.txt”
JAS =”countries/Jaisalmer.txt”
JOD =”countries/Jodhpur.txt”
KAL =”countries/Kalat.txt”
KAS =”countries/Kashmir.txt”
KUT =”countries/Kutch.txt”
LAD =”countries/Ladakh.txt”
MAK =”countries/Makran.txt”
MEW =”countries/Mewar.txt”
MYS =”countries/Mysore.txt”
NAG =”countries/Nagpur.txt”
NEP =”countries/Nepal.txt”
ORI =”countries/Orissa.txt”
PAN =”countries/Panjab.txt”
SHI =”countries/Shimla.txt”
SIK =”countries/Sikkim.txt”
SIN =”countries/Sind.txt”
TRA =”countries/Travancore.txt”

# Eastern Asia
ATJ =”countries/Atjeh.txt”
BAL =”countries/Bali.txt”
BHU =”countries/Bhutan.txt”
BRU =”countries/Brunei.txt”
BUR =”countries/Burma.txt”
CAM =”countries/Cambodia.txt”
CHI =”countries/China.txt”
DAI =”countries/Dai Viet.txt”
JAV =”countries/Java.txt”
KOR =”countries/Korea.txt”
LUA =”countries/Luang Prabang.txt”
JOH =”countries/Johore.txt”
SIA =”countries/Siam.txt”
TIB =”countries/Tibet.txt”
MGL =”countries/Mongolia.txt”
WIA =”countries/Wiang Chhan.txt”
PHI =”countries/Philippines.txt”
MCK =”countries/Manchukuo.txt”
GXI =”countries/Guangxi Clique.txt”
SXI =”countries/Shanxi.txt”
YNN =”countries/Yunnan.txt”