IED Kitty posted this on Forums, so I decided to put it on Steam with several changes as well.Original: http://forums.eugensystems.com/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=58343
1) all the vowel letters are pronounced in their “basic” form always.
That means that when you come accross an A it’s just pronounced “ah” (like A in Arm)
E = “eh” (like in Error)
i = “eeh” (like in Indian) [ one note, just the letter “i” in some models stands for Israel, so iSherman is such a case.]
O = “oh” (like in “oh” my god israeli DLC is a reality!)
U = “ooh” (like in Uber, or Uzi)
2) consonants:
SH = always pronounced like in english, i.e “Sh”erman
CH or H= this is a little different i saw people struggle because it’s not native to the English language, here’s a few examples on how to pronounce it that i’m sure you’ll get:
as in – A”ch”med (the arabic name)
or “kha” like the brutal leader – Genghis “khan”
or a russian guy wit a heavy accent says “ch”elicopter or “ch”ello (in russian it’s just the letter X)
G = pronounced Ghi/gha/gho. G as in Gear or Gate, not General.
That’s it, with those you got everything you need to know on how to easily pronounce the israeli unit names. Below, if you wish there’s a list so you can make sure per unit.
PikUd – Commnand (pronounced Pi-kud (remember the “pi” sounds like “pee” no “pie”)
HapAk – acronym for “Forward command room” which just means a command unit/station/vehicle (pronounced Ha-paak (again, that Ha sounds like “kha”)
BardelAs – Cheetah (pronounced baar-deh-laas only quickly obviously)
NUN NUN – Weapon carrier (Noseh Neshek) (pronounced noon-noon)
ZElda – American Jewish Girl (lol) (pronounced like the famous game, like you would in english)
NagmachOn – Little APC (pronounced naag-maa-chon)
AchzarIt – Cruel in feminine tense (pronounced aach-zaa-reet) (remember the note about the “CH”)
AnafA – Hern (pronounced ah-naa-fah)
SayfAn – Fencer (pronounced sai-faan)
Oshkosh – nicknamed after it’s manufacturer, it’s a HEMTT (pronounced osh-kosh)
RIO – after manufacturer again, model is M35 (pronounced ree-oh like Rio-de-Janeiro)
Yas’Ur – Petrel (pronounced yaas-ur, there’s a small pause where the ‘ is, most people get it right)
HAMER means and pronounced EXACTLY like Hummer (the US HMMWV)
BarkAn – Thistle (pronounced baar-kaan)
BazAk – Fast (pronounced bah-zak)
DorbAn – Porcupine (pronounced dor-baan (it’s the giant kind)
GavnunI – Humped (pronounced gaav-nu-ni)
GivAti – unit name that stems from the word Hill (pronounced Ghiv-ah-ti)
MesaYA’aT – Unit that supports ( pronounced meh-sah-yah-aat)
MiluIm – Reserve (forces) (pronounced mi-lu-eem)
RovaIt – Infantry unit (pronounced roh-vah-eet)
ShaYEtet – Special flotilla/UDT (pronounced shah-yeh-tet)
TzanhanIm – Paratroopers (pronounced tsan-cha-nim)
HovEt – Batter (One from baseball) (pronounced cho-vet)
MachbEt – Bat (again, from baseball) (pronounced Mach-bet)
DrakOn – Dragon (pronounced dra-kon)
LAish – Lion from Torah (pronounced lah-eesh)
MakmAt – acronym for “Heavy Self-Propelled Mortar” (margema kveda mitnaya’at), (pronounced Maak-maat)
RochEv – Rider (pronounced roh-chev)
DohEr – one who rides (but more like gallops or hurries) (pronounced doh-her)
ROmach – Pike (weapon) (pronounced roh-mach)
KardOm – Axe, or a decapitating tool (pronounced kaar-dom)
ShenAv – Ivory (pronounced shen-ahv)
SholEf – one who draws/pulls (out a weapon) (as in when you yell “pull” and some guy pulls plates so you can shoot them with your shotgun) (pronounced sho-lef) (Words written in Hebrew on the turret side are “TOMAT merkava” meaning “Self-propelled gun Merkava”)
Mag’Ach – Thrust (pronounced ma-gach)
MerkavA – Chariot (pronounced mer-ka-va , emphesis on the VA, a lot of people mistakingly say merKAva)
MerkavA 3 BAZ – the BAZ is pronounced “bahz” which is an acronym to the words “BArak Zoher” – shining/glowing lighting.
SHO’T KAL – Whip (pronounced shot-kaal)
BEdouins – Arab ethnic group which serve in the IDF, a well-known tracking/recon unit (pronounced beh-doo-ins)
MaglAn – Ibis (pronounced maag-laan)
TirAn – named after Straits of Tiran (pronounced tee-raan)
HafIz – Keeper (pronouced ha-fits)
PEreh – Wild (pronounced peh-reh)
OrEv – Crow (pronounced o-rev)
MapAts – Bang (as in the Big Bang) (pronounced mah-pats)
ZachlAm – Tracked vehicle (pronounced zach-laam)
LahatUt – Trick (one that a magician or a juggler would do) (pronounced lah-ha-toot)
PEten – Black desert cobra (pronounced peh-ten)
TZEfa – Viper (snake) (pronouced tse-fah)
NImrod – Nimrod is a Biblical figure, grandson of Noah, he’s supposed to be great hunter of sorts (pronounced neem-rod)
Ayit – Eagle (A is stressed) (pronounced a-eet)
KurnAss – Hammer (pronounced koor-naas)
BAZ – Falcon (pronouced baaz)
AkEf – Buzzard (another predator bird / bird of prey) (pronounced ah-kef)
RA’am – Thunder (pronounced rah-ahm / rah-am)
LavI – Young lion (pronounced lah-vee)
NETZ – Hawk (pronounced nets)
BarAk – Lightning (pronounced bah-rak)
ShAhak – Sky (pronounced sha-chaak)
NEsher – Vulture (pronounced ne-sher)
KFIR – Lion cub (pronounced kfeer)