SMITE® Guide

Extensive Smite Class Guide (Mages) for SMITE

Extensive Smite Class Guide (Mages)


An in depth look at the mages of Smite

Mage Overview

The mages of Smite are one of the main sources of damage on any team. They have very good damaging abilities and can have some CC. Mages are one of the best classes to start to learn the game with. It teaches you to get quicker and quicker at casting abilities and secure some kills for your team. In this guide I will give you some tips on how to become a better mage:


  • Agni
  • Ah Puch
  • Anubis
  • Ao Kuang
  • Aphrodite
  • Chang’e
  • Chronos
  • Freya
  • Hades
  • He Bo
  • Hel
  • Isis
  • Janus
  • Kukulkan
  • Nox
  • Nu Wa
  • Poseidon
  • Ra
  • Raijin
  • Scylla
  • Sol
  • The Morrigan
  • Thoth
  • Vulcan
  • Zeus
  • Zhong Kui

Gameplay Style

Mages are good at dishing out loads of damage and doing a bit of CC so that the rest of your team can finish the kill. Every mage is different just like any other class but there are a few mages that can do unique tasks that other classes can’t. Mages can easily have multiple types of gameplay based on how you use them. Here are some of the different types of mages:
Finishers specialize in destroying multiple enemies at once when paired with a “setup” guardian. They can easily get a multikill if the setup is done right.

  • Chang’e
  • Hades
  • He Bo
  • Kukulkan
  • Poseidon
  • Ra
  • Scylla
  • Sol
  • Thoth
  • Vulcan
  • Zeus

These gods are very useful at performing specific tasks for their team. You can put a lot of gods into this category but here are some basics:

  • Aphrodite (Healing)
  • Chang’e (Healing)
  • Hel (Healing)
  • Janus (Peeling and mobility)
  • Nu Wa (Map Vision)
  • Ra (Healing)

Power houses:
Power houses can easily dish out enough damage to half hit anyone that isn’t building tank. These gods are some of the most lethal in the game and have very high multikill potential.

  • Agni
  • Ah Puch
  • Anubis
  • Ao Kuang
  • Chronos
  • He Bo
  • Janus
  • Nox
  • Scylla
  • The Morrigan
  • Vulcan
  • Zeus
  • Baron
    *Freya and Isis are okay if built right

These mages are better when build a bit tanky with items such as Warlock’s Sash or Etherial Staff so they can stay in battle for longer and have high sustain as well as dish out decent damage:

  • Hades
  • Zhong Kui

And then there’s Raijin…

How to know if you are a good Mage

Mage’s require a pretty decent build to get the most out of them. They also require you to stay in the fight long enough to do damage and not die. This sounds pretty basic but it gets a bit more complicated than that. You should probably be in most if not all team fights so that you can deal lots of damage onto the enemy. Here are some basic rules to follow to become a better mage:

  1. You will have to not get scared off in team fights. You need to be the constant damage output for your team so that you can gain some pressure.
  2. Make sure not to get left behind. Mages can’t take on a whole team so they need to stick with theirs.
  3. Get better at combo chains. Most mages like Chronos have abilities that intertwine to make them more lethal. You should practice at getting better at those and you will become a fine mage.

I like to show the work of Raynday as he gives a basic overview of how to be better at specific roles. Make sure to subscribe to him as he works really hard to improve the Smite community.

Lethal Tips

Here are a few tips that will help you become a more effective mage!

  • Make sure you are in the team fights. Your role is crucial to damaging the enemy either to get the kill or get your team in general the kill.
  • Builds are important!!! Make sure you are building your god properly. Refer to the gameplay styles list to get the general idea. If you are a healer, you should probably get items that will benefit your healing abilities and so forth with all of the gods.
  • If you think you are about to get ganked, you probably are. Mages are one of the most vulnerable classes as they don’t have many escapes. Just make sure you are always in the know of where you are supposed to be. This will take some practice but it is relatively easy.

Feel free to let me know how I can make these guides better. I really appreciate the feedback and thank you guys for the support over this series so far!