Here are the fixes for all multiplayer related problems.
Connection Problems Fix
Q: You can not connect to the Online Server!
A: This could be caused by Microsoft 😉 (restriction of the simultaneous TCP/IP connections [reduction of worm activities]). A possible solution will be found here: for Vista, for XP and for both as part of a Tool.
Q: Do you have problems when hosting a game or joining one?
A: In this case, download this archive which has a Regkey. Unpack it and double click on the .reg file. Now your hosting or joining problems should be solved.
Q: I sit behind a router and / or a firewall and have connection problems when I want to play Multiplayer mode. What can I do?
A: If you’re behind a router and /or a firewall that is (or are) monitoring your connections, then you’ll have to do a couple of things to play “Two Worlds” on the Internet in a problem-free manner.
Two Worlds needs at least a UDP port, through which your PC is accessible. In principle, you could choose any one, as long as it doesn’t intersect with other people sitting behind the same router – if that isn’t the case, we recommend Port 17771. Activate this port in your firewall (permitting incoming and outgoing connections!), or, if you’re using a firewall that bases its rules on applications, then allow “Two Worlds” to connect to the Internet.
In your router, forward the selected port to your own computer (the options for this are mostly to be found under names like ‘Forward’ or DNAT). Enter the port and the IP of your computer in the local network. If you can choose a logfile, then use UDP or Datagram.
Now start “Two Worlds”, open Settings and check the ‘Custom Port’ box in Network page.
Now enter your selected port, e.g. 17771. If you have a router and you want to host a game, you’ll usually have to check the ‘NAT Resolver’ box as well. The settings in the text field beside it should be the default ones.
The same procedure is required for Port 17171!
If you carry out these steps, Multiplayer battles on the WarNet should now be no problem. Try hosting a game and ask someone to join it. If this works, everything’s ok.
* If nobody can join your game – in spite of you having carried out the above procedures, try switching on the ‘NAT Resolver’ and make sure your NAT address is the same address as the server you connect to. If that still fails, add a port to the end of the NAT address that is already forwarded, such as hawk.2-worlds-us.com:17171
If it STILL doesn’t work, try activating Port 17172 UDP in your firewall, or even forward this port from the router to your computer and open all ports for TCP/IP too.
Playing With Your Friends
To connect to your friends while playing Two Worlds you will need a program called “Hamachi” other programs may work, but I and many others use Hamachi.
You can download Hamachi for free although you will need to download “Hamachi Unmanaged.”
[link]After downloading you or a friend will need to create a network, the other person(s) will need to join this network.
Now after that you will need to go into the game and get into the multiplayer town as usual and you guys should be able to connect.
Note:You can do this with anyone as long as they are connected to your Hamachi network.