Outlast Guide

Full Story Behind Outlast + Whistleblower DLC (Murkoff Corp and Asylum) HUGE SPOILERS for Outlast

Full Story Behind Outlast + Whistleblower DLC (Murkoff Corp and Asylum) HUGE SPOILERS


A full explanation of everything that is going on during your journey into the asylum and all the controversial projects going on such as wallrider etc…

Full story of why you are inside the asylum and Murkoff

In a nut shell (obviously ***HUGE SPOILERS***):

Decades ago, the CIA’s mind control and behavior modification experimental program MK Ultra included witting and unwitting human experimentation under the occasional supervision of imported post-WW2 Nazi scientists. Some of these were carried out in mental institutions or other facilities where forgotten, disposed of persons that no one would be likely to miss were housed.

One such facility, Massive Mountain asylum, was recently reopened under the operation of Murkoff Corporation. It revived (fictional) aspects of MK Ultra related research in an attempt to conjur supernatural forces.

An investigative journalist travels to the asylum in an attempt to find dirt on and discredit or destroy Murkoff Corporation. He arrives at the asylum only to become hopelessly trapped inside, discovering that the experiments are continuing and involve subjecting patients to nightmarish fear, imagery, and other stimuli based on a formula the scientists refer to as the Morphogenic Engine.

This process gradually drives them mad and, through a not quite fully explained supernatural mechanism, allows telekenetic control over one’s own mollecules, creating the biological equivalent of a psychically powered nanomechanical super weapon. This becomes “The Wallrider,” a ghostly wraith haunting the asylum and which can only be “killed” when its host – the still imprisoned patient named Billy Hope – is dead.

The journalist discovers all of this and cuts off Billy’s life support. The Wallrider enters the body of the reporter instead, who is by now close to death as the result of the escalating horrors he’s been subjected to over the course of the game. As he limps to what he thinks is freedom, he is gunned down by Murkoff’s paramilitary forces. As conciousness leaves him, we hear what sounds like the Wallrider entity leaving him and killing the commandos and wheelchair bound German scientist leading them.



Waylon Park is a software engineer working at Mount Massive Asylum for the Murkoff Corporation. After several encounters working directly with the Morphogenic Engine and witnessing the torture that Eddie Gluskin endured, he decides to send an email to Miles Upshur reporting on the corruption of Mount Massive. Shortly after sending it, he is caught by his employer, Jeremy Blaire. As punishment, Blaire has Park committed and forced to endure the tests of the Morphogenic Engine. However, after The Walrider breaks free and begins causing chaos at Mount Massive, Park manages to escape his restraints, taking a camcorder with him. He roams the facility as surviving guards and personnel try to escape from the newly-freed prisoners, trying to find a radio that he can use to contact the authorities. During this time, he consistently eludes a bearded, cannibalistic prisoner named Frank Manera, who wields a mechanical circular saw blade and tries to kill him in many ways, including trapping him in a furnace. Just as Park manages to find a radio, Blaire appears and destroys it, insisting that no one can reveal the secret of Mount Massive. He leaves Park to die at the hands of Chris Walker, only for Park to escape.

Park eventually wanders into a secluded area of the Vocational Block, where a variant by the name of Dennis, inflicted with dissociative identity disorder, captures and offers him as a sacrifice to a prisoner named Eddie Gluskin, whom he calls “The Groom”. While initially eluding Gluskin, Park falls into an elevator shaft and gets a piece of debris lodged in his right shin, reducing him to a limp. Park is eventually captured, where he discovers how Gluskin repeatedly tortures and mutilates male prisoners’ genitals, treating them like his brides, before brutally killing them. He attempts to kill Park in the same way, but Park manages to escape at the last second with the help of another prisoner who attacks Gluskin. After Gluskin kills the other prisoner and returns to kill Park by hanging him in a gymnasium full of hanging bodies, Park puts up enough resistance so that Gluskin is caught up in the multiple ropes of his pulley system, and eventually impaled by a loose wooden beam.

As daylight finally breaks, Park continues throughout the asylum, discovering that Murkoff’s paramilitary forces have already arrived at the scene and are killing every person they see. Park manages to elude them as they are all killed by the Walrider and makes it to the main atrium. There he finds a wounded Blaire, lying against the front door and pleading for help. However, as Park approaches, Blaire stabs him in the stomach with a glass shard, declaring that no one can know the truth. But before he can deliver the finishing blow, he is attacked and killed by the Walrider. Park staggers out the open front door and past the military vehicles, towards a red Jeep waiting by the security gate. As Park enters the Jeep and starts it up, he notices a dark figure, Miles Upshur’s Walrider-sustained broken body, slowly exiting the asylum with a dark mist surrounding it. He manages to escape and slam through the entry gates just as the figure exits the asylum.

In the epilogue scene, a fully-recovered Park has gotten in contact with a leaking organization to submit his secret information on Murkoff to. Park is sitting at a laptop with the video file of all his recorded video from the asylum, ready to be uploaded to the internet. A man associated with the leaking website standing in front of his desk informs him that it will be more than enough evidence to ruin the Murkoff Corporation, but warns Park that doing so will result in Murkoff doing everything it can to punish him in return, including threatening his family. Despite some initial hesitation, Park ultimately decides to take the risk and uploads the video, as the credits roll once he closes the laptop.
