So you want Great Trader Achievement. You are at the right place…
What you need to know
For me, it was velvet, because its one of the most expensive items in the game, so decision is on you.
Recommended: Velvet
If you want to trade like a real merchant, it’s not only about stuff you want to sell. You also have to research how much item (which you want to sell) cost and then sell in the cities, where you want to send caravan, for a higher price than you actually bought it.
Recommended: (For velvet) Chernigov to Smolensk (In Chernigov velvet cost about 100 thalers and in Smolensk velvet can be sold for 1000 thalers and higher) Prices might be different in your game.
Knowly issues with this achievement
Every player must have noticed (after you complete Trader Achievement) that Great Trader Achievement doesn’t count your progress. Some people say that its broken but TRULY its broken only a bit. So lets be clear:
Only issue which doesn’t matter very much is that Steam DOESN’T show your progress in this Achievement but he IS counting your progress.
1. Send a caravan (depends on your decisions where)
2. Be whole time with your caravan until you get too close to a city
3. Save the game and then let your caravan get to the city to finish their job
5. Then load your game and perform steps 3,4 WITHOUT SAVING again until you get Great Trader Achievement!
Thanks to Ashfall (Steam User)for guide, how to complete achievements on MaB WFAS
Thanks to Ajaxmarek (Steam User) for the tip from what to which city send caravan with the velvets
And many others…
I hope this guide helped you!