AdVenture Capitalist Guide

How to become a multimillionaire in a few steps [events included] for AdVenture Capitalist

How to become a multimillionaire in a few steps [events included]


This is a tutorial, or better, suggestions to reach some goals in this game. First of all, this is not completed yet. I’m working on this, and there will be a lot of updates soon. We can define this as a BETA release, so you can give me suggestions or ask me questions about everything related to this game, and contribute to the realization of this project. Feel free to rate this to contribute to a further development. Thanks.Stay tuned.

Robot Event Out (Outdated)

Buy 150 skeletons

Farm money till 1110 to buy the manager for skeletons

Buy first skeleton upgrade

Reach 300 skeletons

Farm money with skeletons till you buy the second skeleton upgrade.

Reach 450 skeletons.

Buy 25 Cleaning Routes and the manager.

Buy first Routes Upgrade, then reach 75 routes.

Easter event (Outdated)

Hello, in this section I’ll give you some tips to easily earn all event badges:

In this event you will have a new feature, the micro-management: Clicking on the “RUN” icon you will be able to speed up the investiment of your chose. To swap the investiment you would like to speed up, just click on the irish little man near the investiment. If he is highlighted, then you will speed up that specific investiment.

1) You will start with micro eggs. Just click, and click again, till you can buy another one, then click again.. till you can buy the manager for the eggs. Do this speeding up the investiment, so you can do faster.

2) Buy the shamrock. Continue speeding up the micro eggs though. They will give you the best profit at the start.

3) Buy shamrocks till money earned are more than eggs. Now switch micro investiment to shamrock and start click like you never did in your life.

4) Do the same for every new investiment till you reach money pot of gold.

5) After the boost of money pot, the other investiment will be harder, but they will ugrade after only 5 bought.

6) Buy 5 of everithing and just farm money till you reach some angels, 10 are enough for the first reset.

7) Do the reset and start again, earning more money.

8) Just farm money till you reach all the event goals. You have 8 days to do that and they are enough. That’s it.

Remember to give a like to this tutorial if it helped. Thank you.
For any questions, write below this guide. Hope it helped. Happy Easter!!!

Superhero Event (Outdated)

Tap super king till you reach 50.

Buy superking manager

Buy 50 superkings, buy the upgrade for supekings in the upgrade section.

Buy honey badgers. buy manager for honey budgers.

Buy 10 black knights.

Buy upgrade for black knights.

Buy 50 superkings. Then watch the unlock section to see which upgrades will make you earn less money in the evil part (like 0.5 multiplier). So just focus on one side, i suggest the good one not the evil one. Enjoy.

Any updates will be added soon, this is the first day, so it should be enough.

First Earth steps for beginners.

❖ Invest on lemons. Yeah, lemons will make you millionaire soon.

❖ Buy managers. Do it as soon as you can. They will really make your life easier, as it is said.

❖ Buy everything you can. Literally. In the early game this is the best way to improve your earnings.

❖ Focus on oil company in the beginning. This will give you the best profit.

Reset your game when you reach around 200 or 300 angels. I personally did a reset at 1000 but you can do it sooner. This will make you earn a lot of money after the reset.

Be sure to do a reset every time you overcome the number of angels you sacrificed before. This doesn’t mean you have to do a reset after you have only 1 more angel + the amount of angels of the previous game, try to reset after you have a 1.5x or a 2x of that amount.

❖ You are now introduced to the game (more a less). Consider a few other things: always check the multiplier bonuses on the “unlocks” section, so you can see which of the investiments must be the priority. This is important if you want to make the game faster, and while playing you will understand better what i want to say.

❖ Follow this steps and you will be a rich swag business man soon.

This is enough for now to get started to this addicting game, be sure to take a look at this guide at least once a week to read any new updates.

—-Update for this guide will be applied soon—-


❖ In the latest version of Adventure Capitalist, you will be able to play events every month (more a less). These are like free-DLCs, made to make the game more enjoyable for those who have played for a long time, and in the same time to give some extra bonus to everyone.

❖ Each event will have a special feature, and you will be able to find the right way to maximize the profit as soon as you can.

❖ The events generally last 7 days, so it’s important to check the game often to ensure the best profit.

❖ During every event, you will be able to earn extra megabucks, special badges, and EXTRA FREE GOLD !!!

❖ I’ll try to give you some suggestion at the start of the next event, dated the 24th of March.