SMITE® Guide

How to get the Bellona Tier 5 Skin! for SMITE

How to get the Bellona Tier 5 Skin!


Step by step guide on how to get the bellona tier 5 skin in smite! (While able to get any way)

How to get the Bellona Tier 5 Skin.

Step 1: Wait for skin to be released.
Step 2: Log onto smite and select the “Purchase gems” button.
Step 3: Open your wallet and procede to cry as you give Hi-rez $100 dollars (or $65 dollars for a limited time.)
Step 4: After buying the largest gem package, proceed to buy all of the divine uprising pantheon chest until you’ve aquired every single skin.
Step 5: You should be given the “Free” Bellona skin. If not, I would recommend appealing to Hi-rez Studios Support, but since they already made you their ♥♥♥♥♥, it’s kind of pointless.
Step 6: Realize how much you just spent on an intangible, virtual item and play with your new skin while holding back tears because you need to morgage your house after not being able to pay the bills. (This is provided you can even play with your new skin with all the other people out there who also are now Bellona mains.)
Step 7: Have fun! I guess…

EDIT: This guide no longer works due to Hi-Rez Changing Skin Availability. Here is an updated version.

Step 1: See the amazing tier 5 skin, and desire to purchase it.
Step 2: Realize you can’t because Hi-Rez locked it if you didn’t buy it.
Step 3: Read the following Hi-Rez Quote.
“You shouldn’t have missed out, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nerd. Now give us more money for this half-ass skins.” -Some Hi-Rez Skin Designer, Probably