This guide will show you how to be professional Call of Duty hater and how to provide very,very,very “appropriate” arguments against people who like this franchise.
Let’s get started…
First and probably the most important step:
You always need to compare Call of Duty to Battlefield despite the fact that it’s 2 different games and the only thing that makes them similar that they both are First person shooters.
Second step:
Always say that Call of Duty is completely same game every year,despite the fact that the recent Call of Duty games have invented – Survival mode against aliens(F U C K I N G ALIENS!1!), ghost pirates,Michael Myers,Exo Suits,Zombies in Exo suits – it’s all NOTHING special and completely unoriginal and has been in previous games multiple times already.
Third step:
Always ,I repeat – ALWAYS! watch newest Call of Duty videos on YouTube and don’t forget to leave a comment that shows your furious hate on the franchise.
Sometimes to prove your point mention that Battlefield franchise is WAY better than Call of Duty franchise.
Fourth step:
Buy any Call of Duty, play it for 0.3 hrs on Steam and write negative review on it,because you surely had enough time to experience the game and detect it’s infinite amount of flaws.
- Fifth step:
Always leave a following question on any Call of Duty video,forum or post:
“Who Even Plays This Piece Of Garbage?!” (Capitalizing every letter is critically important.)
And don’t even pay attention at the following statistics….
Now you have become a professional Call of Duty hater.
Go now,spend your time well sending threats to all people who dare to defend this stupid franchise.