Fistful of Frags Guide

How to make a theory on FoF. for Fistful of Frags

How to make a theory on FoF.


Hi everyone. This is my first guide. Actually this is not a guide. This is a theory. Yes its shocking a little but lets get into it.So what can i theorize on a game? I theorozed and finded out something interesthing. The story.Like if Team Fortrres 2 got a story why not this game? And i started searching. Lets get started….1. Clue : the pump shotgun : this shotgun was made in 1897 which is the time when the wild west era was ended like 20 years ago.2. Clue : maps : so the pump shotgun was invented when the spagethi western was dead. But the maps show something else. The maps are from the 1860s. Little towns, trains, and some old time mexican towns! So we still dont know when do this take place.3. Clue : the factions (sorry but i dont remember they names) : rednecks indians mexicans and rangers. The rednecks are simple bandits who are fighting against the indians. The indians had enough that the rednecks are terrorizing them (i dont know if this is true but in 2 team shootou these guys are fighting) so they buy weapons and join the bandin life. The mexicans are just mexican bandits. The rangers are rangers. They fight for something but i still dont know what is it please write your ideas in the comments. So this 4 factions is lookes like that they are in the same time as the maps.4. Clue : the props in the maps : yes. the props. I looked in the maps. Searched for clues. What did i find? Platform trucks. Modern ones. Like what the hell? Conclousion : weapons are from between 1860s and the 1900s, maps are from the 1860s or 1870s, factions are from 1860s or 1870s. and modern items. Just hear me out. What if……Fistfull of Frags…… is a movie? Like the platform trucks are with the studio? And the weapons and factions are just for action and story? What if the Gaben easter egg on the newspaper is a cameo in the movie? Just….wow…. Sorry for the bad english im not from the UK or from the USA or from Australia etc…..I hope you liked this theory im new to the community and leaving a comment is not illegal 😀