Half-Life 2 Guide

How to rise in the society of our benefactors for Half-Life 2

How to rise in the society of our benefactors


This guide shall teach you how to do great and rise for our benefactors

The beginning as the simple citizien

As a citzien you must obey the law, the civil protection,the voice of our benefactors,and do more in order to rise.You must tell the CCU everything you know about criminals and potential rebels,even if it is a family member or good friend.If you want to do more you can ask the civil protection units for tasks and work to do,for example cleaning the streets,assisting the CCU or more.If you do so for long enough you will get the choice to either join the civil protection or to be a privileged citzien.

The path of guarding civilized society

If you choose to join the MPF (Metropolitan Protection Force) you shall read this chapter in order to know more.
When recruited you will pursue your duty to establish and protect civilized society by Guarding important places and persons,arresting criminals,documenting,reporting and the most important task of all:Protecting civilized society.
As you rank up and rise in the MPF you will get the choice to either retire as a privileged citizien or to join the overwatch which pursue the most important tasks of our benefactors.

The path to being a good citizien

By performing the tasks and duty as a citizien to do everything possible good for our benefactors and the MPF you will get more privileged.You will get “loyalty” points which you will get by performing your duty and tasks.The more points you get the more privileges you receive.

with atleast 25 points you must wear a bracelet so the MPF recognizes you,you are allowed to get one full extra ration on one day of your choice in the week,you are allowed to perform low crimes and you get permission to join the MPF.As you get more points you get more privileged by recieving more rations and private MPF bodyguards.Life can be so great.You just need to do everything for our benefactors
