Hi there! This guide will show you, how you can skip the long unnecessary intro in Just Cause 3.
I wrote a small program to automate the steps 2-4. You can read more about it on my GitHub[]
Ofc, the manual way below still works.
1. Open your JC3 directory.
Right-click Just Cause 3.
Choose “Properties”.
Change to the “Local Files” tab.
Click “Browse Local Files…”.
2. Create a new folder called “dropzone”.
3. Create a new folder in “dropzone” called “videos”.
4. Create an empty file (e.g. a text file) and rename it to “corona_video.bikc” and put in the “videos” folder.*
5. Next you’re going to need to add a few commandline arguments to enable the dropzone directory:
If you don’t have any DLC’s installed, add this (without the quotes):
“–vfs-fs dropzone –vfs-archive patch_win64 –vfs-archive archives_win64 –vfs-fs .”
And if you do have any DLC’s installed, add this (without the quotes):
“–vfs-fs dropzone –vfs-archive patch_win64 –vfs-archive archives_win64 –vfs-archive dlc_win64 –vfs-fs .”
You can easily set this through Steam by right-clicking Just Cause 3,
Choose “Properties”.
Click “Set Launch Options…”.
Paste the arguments line into the text box, and click “OK”.
*Windows may hide known file extensions preventing you to create a bikc file. To show file extensions, open the File Explorer and press “ALT+V” and then HF.
And that’s it!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments, or add me.