Community guide for groups looking for new members to play DCS World. Please leave a comment and we’ll add new entries.
DCS Community Groups
Here are some great community resources for DCS World:
We are actively looking for new members constantly and would love to have some new guys around. We are Hoggit, a gaming group that formed from Reddit (find us here). We are a nonformal group over 1,700 readers stong looking to help players learn any of the DCS modules, primarily the A-10C. We also run missions quite often. Every Tuesday we have a training session called Tuesday Night Noob, the goal of that is to familiarize players with the modules and tactics. If interested feel free to join us on Reddit and our Steam Group. When you join make sure to say hello on our Reddit or Steam Group!
Would love to have anyone who wants to join.
See group page for details
UVP – czech DCS comunity website. Czech support, videos, pilot’s experiences.
UVP – stránky české komunity. Česká videa, návody, podpora, zkušenosti pilotů.
We are flying on A10C, Ka50, FC3. All levels are welcome. We have training missions every week.
We are flying on almost everything. Everyone is welcome. We have many materials for new pilots.
Jsme virtuální letci sdrcem i duší. Rádi vám pomůžeme v těžkých začátcích. Máme pro vás připravené návody, videa, mise a to vše v češtině. Neváhejte a navštivte nás na
With TAW at over 2500 members its DCS division houses over 50+ active members and has been up and running since 2013, We intend to become the biggest dcs community in the world. Every weekend we have two training sessions Saturday optional and Sunday mandatory, Times are held from 18:45 to 20:00 EU and NA (North america), During the week we have plenty more training sessions, In-house competitions, pvp, Mission building lessons, Weapons training and so on, We cater for all types of players even if youve never flown before, Our T.I’s (Training instructors) Will help you through any aircraft you wish to learn. Its not just about TAW we also enter different competitions like red flag and joint warrior hosted by the 104th. We also have a dedicated public,Training and event servers for your use. Using a rank and badge qualification system we like to reward our members for the commitment they put into TAW DCS. Above all were here to have fun.
If you wish to apply for TAW DCS then please go to www.taw.net and register. Or add
Division officer DO SMooSHu
Staff officer SO TAW_Coxy, TAW Tictaq
Via steam.
Si alguien esta buscando gente con la quien volar, podeis pasaros por escuadron111.com y apuntaros, es gratis 😀 , hy teneis 4 o 5 pilotos que vuelan habitualmente, y cuando nos juntamos los habituales con los perezosos podemos volar hasta 10 tios
Tenemos Servidor de TeamSpeak 3 propio, foros, paguina web, academia de instruccion de vuelo… y diversion 😀
Un saludo
DCS Community Groups (cont.)
We are a DCS community that has players hop in our Teamspeak and DCS server and just talk n’ fly. We have our own squadron if some people actually want to act serious, but really, we are all just a bunch of at-home flight sim pilots. We fly all aircraft, and we are open to ANY and ALL who want to join. No age limit bull, just fun.
Teamspeak IP:
A place for pilots of the Mi-8 to get together.
Making it easier for WWII pilots to find each other in the “DCS jungle”
7. wirtualna eskadra działań specjalnych
Jesteśmy miłośnikami wirtualnego wykonywania lotów symulatorami śmigłowców. Wybraliśmy za swój wzór powstającą od niedawna 7 eskadrę działań specjalnych stacjonującą w 33 Bazie Lotnictwa Transportowego w Powidzu. Przeznaczenie 7. eds, wykonywane zadania, ich charakter i wyposażenie pozwalają nam w wirtualnym lotnictwie na zastosowanie naszych statków powietrznych do naśladowania działalności tej młodej eskadry. Chcemy szlifować swoje umiejętności pilotażu by godnie naśladować lotników tej formacji zgodnie z jej mottem: “Consilio Et Animis”.
Skupiamy się na wykonywaniu lotów, przede wszystkim symulatorem DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight oraz DCS: UH-1H Huey od Eagle Dynamics.
Staramy się traktować nasze hobby poważnie jednocześnie nie zapominając, że robimy to “for fun”.
vFlying Jokers is a Norwegian virtual wing flying DCS series. We are primarily a combat simulator gang that always welcomes new members!
Flying Jokers was a Norwegian military acrobatics team that was active in the 60’s and 70’s. They flew F-86 and F-5 before the end of 1973, they were part of 332nd wing at Rygge. Although they were known for acrobatics, vFlying Jokers primarily focus on the combat part of DCS!
Want to fly online in a friendly, humorous atmosphere so check out our website. We will at times, especially on Fence in Monday fly our mission as seriously as we are capable. But we must first of all have fun! Also it is the case, the more the better.
__________________________________________________ ____________
vFlying Jokers er en norsk virtuell luftving som flyr DCS serien. Vi er først og fremst en combat simulator gjeng som alltid ønsker nye medlemmer velkommen!
Flying Jokers var et norsk, militært akrobatikk team som var aktiv på 60 og 70 tallet. De fløy F-86 og F-5 før det var ♥♥♥♥t i 1973. De var underlagt 332 luftving på Rygge. Selv om de var kjent for akrobatikk er nok den krigførende muligheten i DCS den veien vi har valgt å gå, men noen innslag av akrobatikk er vi også kjent for å gjøre!
Ønsker du å fly online i en vennlig, humoristisk atmosfære så sjekk ut hjemmesiden vår. Vi vil til tider, spesielt på Fence in Monday fly våre oppdrag så seriøst som vi evner. Men vi skal først og fremst ha det gøy! Også er det jo slik, jo flere jo bedre.
Registrer deg og si hei på [link]
“Aerial Adversaries” is looking for some friendly casual gamers and simmers
We are a small group with our own Teamspeak server and a dedicated server for hosting up to 20 pilots. We all have varied skill levels and are looking for players that are casual and want to learn this unique sim. We have also included Elite Dangerous and Arma 3 in our games list.
Saludos somos una comunidad de pilotos virtuales de mexico y latinoamerica usamos las plataformas DCS world, IL-2 sturmovik,IL-2 CoD entre otros, si desean unirse a nuestro escuadron son bienvenidos tenemos servidor de TS-3, y hosteamos misiones con regularidad y si no quieren pertenecer al grupo igual son bienvenidos para vo
Кооперируемся народ!
Чтоб по всем интернетам не искать где когда и с кем полетать. Создал в стиме группу для кооперации. Присоединяйтесь заходите в чат, создавайте события и т.д.
Ну или если какая нибудь подобная группа уже есть поделитесь!
DCS Community Groups (cont. 2)
Because this is only aimed at german austrain and swiss Pilots i will continue in german.
Das Virtual Tactical Fighter Squadron 51 stellt sich vor…!
Liebe DCS Community,
wir das Virtual Tactical Fighter Squadron 51 wollen Euch gerne eines unserer Projekte vorstellen:
Wir sind ein DCS World Geschwader, das sich Anfang des Jahres 2015 gegründet hat. Eines unserer Ziele ist es neben dem aktiven Flugbetrieb die Deutsche DCS World Szene bekannter zu machen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir ein Community Webdesign gestartet, bei dem nicht nur unser eigenes Geschwader im Vordergrund steht. Wir versuchen auch über vieles was in DCS World, anderen Simulationen oder im echten Leben passiert zu berichten. Aktuell bauen wir eine eine Redaktion auf, die auf unserer Homepage bspw. über die Entwicklungsfortschritte neuer DCS Module, Neuigkeiten von der Luftwaffe und vielem mehr berichtet.
Um das zu schaffen haben wir einen sehr starken Partner an unsere Seite geholt. Unterstützt werden wir bei unserem Vorhaben von unserem offiziellen Sponsor „Plantronics.com“, dem Weltmarktführer in der Herstellung von Kommunikationsheadsets.
Um das genannte Projekt allerdings voranzubringen, brauchen wir aber vor allem eure Unterstützung. Wir such neben neuen Piloten auch noch einige Redakteure die Lust haben zu recherchieren und Beiträge zu verfassen.
Dafür haben wir mit unserem Sponsor ein Event geplant, bei dem es natürlich auch etwas zu gewinnen gibt. Wenn Ihr wissen wollt um was es dabei geht, dann komm doch zu uns auf die Homepage.
Wir freuen uns Euch begrüßen zu dürfen!
Blue Sky Stab vTFS51
Jagdgeschwader 443 ist eine Gruppe von Spielern, die Spaß und Interesse an zivilen oder militärischen Flugsimulationen haben. Willkommen ist jeder, der sich angesprochen fühlt und mit den Regeln eines gesellschaftlichen Miteinanders (auch im Internet!) vertraut ist.
Die Gruppe innerhalb von Steam soll ein Sammelsurium für Fans der Fliegerei werden ohne besondere Spielvorgabe, hauptsache es ist eine Flugsimulation.
Ich glaube das Fans dieser Art von Spielen, gerne auf eine solche Gruppe zurückgreifen, um sich miteinander auszutauschen und sich Tipps und beratung holen.
Halt alles rund um das Thema Flugsimulationen.
Jagdgeschwader 443 is a group of players who have fun and interest in civil or military flight simulators. Everybody who feels addressed and with the rules of social interaction (including the Internet!) Is familiar.
The group on Steam is a smorgasbord for fans of flying without any special handicap, the main thing is a flight simulation.
I think the fans of this kind of games, like to rely on such a group in order to exchange ideas and tips and advice to get.
Keep everything on the topic of flight simulations.
Tämän ryhmän tarkoitus on toimia hetken mielijohteesta järjestettyjen DCS-lentojen ilmoituskanavana. Näin saadaan järjestettyjä pieniä lentoja nopealla varoitusajalla ilman, että asiaa täytyy kysyä kaikilta erikseen. Kutsu kaikki toastin tilanneet (ryhmään kuuluvat) lennolle luomalla uusi tapahtuma ajankohdalla “now”. Jos et halua viestejä, eroa ryhmästä. Tapahtuman lisäämiseen vaaditaan moderaattorin oikeudet, jotka lisätään kaikille automaattisesti tai viimeistään pyyntöä vastaan.
Don’t get forced in;
Just join the Force,
Use the Force,
BE the Force!
Camaraderie is Key
Are you tired of playing solo, and ready to take that leap into
coordinated online gameplay? Are you looking for a flying
community, full of virtual pilots with that same mind set? At
the 355th we value team spirit and cohesiveness. We fly with
a smaller set of quality (v) Pilots, which ensures realistic,
in-depth, and engaging flying experiences. Each wingman has
a sense of loyalty to the next pilot, and we want you to be a
part of our community!
What the 355th has to offer:
Quality Training
Quality Flying Experience
Extended training classes
Digital Combat Simulator
Benchmark Sims 4.32
Quality Webdesign/ Forums
Less Strings Attached, put on the big boy pants
Outside of our Training program, nothing is “mandatory” – “FUNdatory”??is more the word.
The 355th put’s no pressure nor burdens on any pilots. We fly because we want to. We show up because we want to, we don’t want to let our wing man down.
Don’t you like it when there is a support structure to help you become a better (v) pilot? Our
friends at the 355th will provide you with just that, and more. You invest hundreds/thousands of hours to flying, thousands of dollars to build your computer and home cockpit. The 355th wants to make that money worth it.
E isso ai pessoal o Flight Deck e o mais novo grupo Brasileiro focado em DCS, com treinamento especificos, desenvolvimento de missoes e muito mais.
Visitem nosso grupo oficial aqui na STEAM em:
[link]E saiba mais.
O Flight Deck VNAO e um grupo Brasileiro voltado a simulação de aviação militar no DCS. Site oficial com noticias do universo do DCS Word. Forum dedicado para discussões e materias de aviação e outros.
Ferramenta dedicada a criação de missões e eventos.
Todos os interessados no simulador são bem vindo a fazer parte do Flight Deck VNAO.
Acesso nosso site e se aliste:
E acompanhe as novidades pela nosso grupo na steam:
Ou nossa pagina oficial no Facebook:
DCS Community Groups (cont. 3)
Suomalainen DCS simulaattori yhteisö.
Pääasialliset DCS Finland moduulit tärkeysjärjestyksessä:
Eagle Dynamics: F/A-18C Hornet (2015-2016 beta julkaisu)
Eagle Dynamics: A-10C Warthog
Eagle Dynamics: Flaming Cliffs 3
Leatherneck Simulations: MiG-21Bis
Eagle Dynamics: Kamov Ka-50
We are a new European Wing set up in the world of DCS, We came together as a group of like minded individuals that enjoy flying with one another. Whilst we partake of some procedural elements during training and in our missions, the ultimate aim is to have fun. We are currently looking to expand our ranks and to this end we are actively seeking new members. We would love to hear from those of you, that may have an interest. We fly a diverse range of modules and missions from FC3 to Helos…from Modern Era to World War II.
We Fly most nights be it missions or learning something new, and enjoy taking part in Online events such as BLUEFLAG. Our weekly missions usually take place on a Sunday night which we often design ourselves. They are built to provide us with a semi realistic and in-depth flight…… but most of all to enjoy ourselves.
We have our own Team Speak channel, Facebook group, Twitch and YouTube channels. Our group Promo video can be seen above and if you feel you would fit in with us and you meet our basic criteria below, then drop us a line. Happy flying and we look forward to hearing from you shortly.
• 18+ Minimum
• DCS World 1.5 Live and OpenBeta.
• Joystick/Hotas/TIR or similar/Mic.
• A fun disposition and enjoy banter, with a serious side for mission nights and online events.