Princess.Loot.Pixel.Again Guide

PLPA Artifacts: List and Description for Princess.Loot.Pixel.Again

PLPA Artifacts: List and Description


Below you can find list of known artifacts (currently 46 out of 46). All of them have been divided into different categories depending on their impact.


The full list of explored artifacts presented in in-game Depository:

  • If you picked up artifact at least once, there’s an image of it;
  • if not – you will see a black square instead.

All artifacts in Depository numbered here “from-right-to-left” and “from-top-to-bottom”:

If you know artifact’s name, but have no idea about its effect, then press Ctrl+F and use popped up “window” for fast search.

If you want to find out, what artifact is hidden behind “black square” in Depository, then type its number into search field with “#”, for instance, for 11th artifact it should be “#11” without spaces and quotes.

For artifacts 1-4 please use zero (0) before the number for less amount of search results to check, for example, for 2nd artifact please type “#02” without spaces and quotes.

For better understanding in which paragraph you can find particular artifact, please use following information:

  1. The blood tooth, The blue tooth, The golden tooth, The golden heart
  2. Bottle of death, Mjolnir
  3. Coupon, Pact, Pact 2.0
  4. Clover, The Candle, Dice, Hourglass
  5. Heart amulet, Magic mushroom, Magic ring
  6. Holy grail, Gamepad, Hermes boots, Holy shield, The elder helmet, Lager, Medallion
  7. Totemus, Crying baby, Bob
  8. The map, The glasses of the dwarf, Alchemicon, Fisherman, Helmet of a miner, Ring of CI8, Lockpick, Candlevania, Safety pins, Cloud in a jar
  9. Powder, Economicon, Emerald
  10. Diamond pickaxe, Cross
  11. Guitar hero, Shuriken, Boomerang, Kunai, Dynamite

General Information

During your walkthrough you can obtain special magical items – artifacts. There’re 5 ways to get any of them:

  1. buy in a shop – special “room” marked on map with the following symbol:

    Usually, you can find it on each level with 1-2 artifacts offered.
    Here you pay for artifacts with gold – 900 coins by default, 450 coins if you have “Sale” artifact.

  2. buy from Begemoth – some kind of a black market dealer (reference to Master & Margaret), special “room” as well, marked on a map with the following symbol:

    Usually not presented on each level unless you have “Pact” artifact. Here you pay for artifacts reducing your maximum health amount – 10 hearts by default or 6 hearts if you have “Pact 2.0” artifact.

  3. find – randomly, usually behind locked front-faced door; rarely in a secret place (behind breakable wall);
  4. get from special green-brown chest – usually, in special “room”: after you picked up the artifact you have to defeat some enemies; rarely, such chests might be given to you as a reward for defeating common enemies in random “room” or be found in secret places.
  5. defeat a boss – in the end of every 2nd level there’s a boss fight and reward is an artifact.

Generally, artifacts can be divided in two groups:

  • passive (P): either increase your stats / cause additional damage to your enemies or give some usefull abilities; all passive artifacts are cumulative – they do not replace each other or other artifacts (paragraphs 1-9);
  • active (A): they fulfill special “ART” slot and consume mana each time being used – usually, it is different kind of magic weapons or healing item(s), partly cumulative – they replace each other (paragraphs 10-11), but don’t replace passive artifacts.

1. Bonuses – Action (P)

These artifacts give some additional bonus when you perform certain action. Passive.

# in Depository
The blood tooth
gives a high chance to be healed after you kill any enemy
The blue tooth
gives a high chance to obtain some mana after you kill any enemy
The golden tooth
gives a chance to deal damage to the enemy when you pick up gold coins
The golden heart
gives a chance to be healed when you pick up gold coins

2. Bonuses – Attack (P)

Artifacts below provide some additional bonus to attack. Passive.

# in Depository
Bottle of death
gives a chance to deal +5 toxic damage per second for 5 seconds
gives a chance to deal 30 points damage to at least 1 random enemy in the “room” while you’re hitting another enemy in that “room”

3. Bonuses – Trade (P)

Artifacts below provide a discount in a shop or discount / privilege on black market (Begemoth’s “outlet”). Passive.

# in Depository
50% OFF in all shops for the whole walkthrough
guarantees meeting with Begemoth on every level *

* Clarification: due to random level’s generation this artifact doesn’t always work properly – there’re level’s structures (map’s layouts) where no provision exists for Begemoth’s “room”.
So, sometimes, after you obtained this artifact you can encounter a couple of levels without Begemoth.
Quoting the developer “Will be fixed soon”.

Pact 2.0
reduces amount of maximum health you need to pay to Begemoth:
6 instead of 10

4. Boosters – Fortune (P)

These artifacts boost “Fortune” parameter on +1 point. Passive.

# in Depository
The Candle

5. Boosters – Health & Mana (P)

Artifacts below increase your Health or Mana. Passive.

# in Depository
Heart amulet
increases maximum Health amount per 10 points, doesn’t restore Health.
Magic mushroom
increases maximum Health amount per 10 points and restores Health at the same time.
Magic ring
increase maximum Mana amount per 10 points and restores Mana at the same time.

6. Boosters – Stats (P)

Artifacts below boost some (or all) of hero’s main parameters. Passive.

# in Depository
Holy grail
Damage +5 points
Damage +5 points
Hermes boots
+1 to Speed
Holy shield
Defense +5 points
The elder helmet
Defense +5 points
All stats +1
All stats +1

7. Companions (P)

These are Companions you can get – every one of them produces some damage to the enemies. Passive.

# in Depository
throw stings in 8 directions, each brings 5 points of damage
Crying baby
tears in 8 directions, 5 points of damage each
brings 30 points of damage, but only when touched by the enemy, for better use you have to either run from the enemy or cross trajectory

8. Perks (P)

These provide different additional abilities. Passive.

# in Depository
The map
discloses map’s layout
The glasses of the dwarf
helps to notice traps: red skull will show trap’s activation point
identifies all effects of potions, without it every bottle marked as “unknown effect”
gives ability to see what’s behind closed door
Helmet of a miner
allows to notice what’s behind breakable walls
Ring of CI8
sends spikes in eight directions every time you are being hit (thanks to Alien Dude for the info)
provides a chance to open door or chest without wasting a key, but works only if you have spare keys; in other words, if the amount of keys you have is 0, then Lockpick is useless
makes all chandeliers breakable – destroy them to get coins / bombs / keys
Safety pins
allows you to walk on spikes without taking any damage
Cloud in a jar
unlocks triple-jump

9. Rewards (P)

These artifacts give you some kind of reward. Passive.

# in Depository
increases bomb’s damage from 50 to 70 points
2x multiplayer for all your to-be-collected coins, ones you have already collected won’t be multiplayed
gives 500 coins (one-time deal)

10. Magic – Items (A)

Active, consumes certain amount of mana. Each one replaces previous one in “ART” slot (or replaces Magical Weapon).

# in Depository
Diamond pickaxe
can be used instead of bombs to demolish breakable walls, consumes 5 mana per 1 use, can’t bring damage to enemies
heals, 5 mana for 5 hearts

11. Magic – Weapons (A)

Active, allows to cause additional damage, but consumes certain amount of mana. Each one replaces previous one in “ART” slot (or replaces Magical Item).

# in Depository
Guitar hero
basically, 5-7 points damage per 0.25 second for 2 seconds to each enemy in the “room” (increases when you pick up damage or stats bonus), consumes 4 mana
16 points of damage (increases when you pick up damage or stats bonus), consumes 1 mana
13 points of damage “there” and 13 more when “back again” (increases when you pick up damage or stats bonus), consumes 2 mana
throws 3 kunai in a “W” pattern dealing 13 damage if at least 1 hits (increases when you pick up damage or stats bonus), consumes 2 mana
can be used as an Item to demolish breakable walls or as a Weapon dealing 70 points of damage; consumes 4 mana in both scenarios


That’s all for now. Do not hesitate to like / dislike (on top of the page, right below guide’s description) and comment below.