SMITE® Guide

SMITE: Top 5 warriors that work well in arena [patch 3.17] for SMITE

SMITE: Top 5 warriors that work well in arena [patch 3.17]


Hello everyone, my name is Justas and I present you my third guide of smite. I’ve consulted with smite forum members and we decided together to pick top 5 warriors most suitable for arena gameplay. The Gods were picked based on CC, damage, mobility, support and teamwork capability. NOTE: The picks are based on the majority of votes. Everyone has their own top 5, and this guide was made by summing up all feedback into one pile. Enjoy I suppose.

Top 5 warriors most suitable for arena

Honorable mentions:

Tyr: Really good and underrated in arena. Has switch stance that allows him to use a 4x wombo combo and shred the enemy. Despite long blink cooldown, he can still be very useful.

Chaac: One of the best team support warriors. Has healing and ultimate that silences the enemy in a large radius. However he lacks damage and CC.

Bellona: Has good damage, decent stun ultimate, but her main benefit is the basic attack disam, which prevents gods like Freya, Chronos or other attack speeders from going mental. However she lacks movement and has mediocre CC.

Sun Wukong: Good at poking, great mobility, Ultimate helps him stay alive. Despite the benefits, his tiger stun is the only form of decent CC and he lacks team support abilities.

05. Hercules

Hercules is tanky, has good cc and does a lot of damage. His stomp/dash combo is really good at isolating a single target from the enemy team or forcing them to use purification. His ultimate is easy to juke, but combining it with Odin’s wall of spears or cabrakan’s fissure wall allows it to bounce and deal extra damage. Hercules also has a great regen that heals a certain amount of enemy damage he took while the ability was active. This helps Hercules sustain and stay in combat longer. Allthough Hercules is tanky and strong, he lacks mobility and team support.

04. Guan Yu

Guan Yu, in my opinion, is complete opposite of Hercules. He might not do a lot of damage and lacks CC, but instead has great mobility and team support. His healing ability might not be as good as Aphrodite’s, Ra’s or Hel’s, but it’s better than nothing. The heal pop can save a low hp god from dying to tick damage like Anubis’ kit or Kukulkan’s tornados. However Guan Yu is very mana hungry like Hercules, so I usually buy breastplate of valor on both of them.

03. Amaterasu

Amaterasu feels like a hybrid between Hercules and Guan Yu. Decent mobility and damage. She’s also tanky with the mirror damage absorb and divine presence self heal. Her movement buff speed aura ability is one of the best support abilities from warriors and can be really useful in arena. It’s not as fast as sprint, but still good.

02. Erlang Shen

Erlang Shen is almost perfect: he has great mobility, great cc, good damage and sustain. Erlang and Amaterasu basic attack oriented so don’t have to rely on abilities to inflict serious damage. The only thing Erlang lacks is team support. Unlike Guan Yu and Amaterasu, he can’t heal or buff allies, but he can use his CC to force enemy beads and sanctuary.

01. Odin

Surprise, surprise, who would’ve thought ? Odin received most votes as number one warrior in arena, mainly because of his wall ultimate. I personally think Erlang Shen should be above him, cause he has more mobility and cc. However this guide is made based on the majority. Odin’s does a lot of damage, but it’s better to save it for escape. I think many people voted him number one, because of his ultimate, which is understandable, given it has a really short cooldown and fairly long radius. His ultimate is great at isolating targets in the circle if they dont have leaping abilities. So if you’re a mage (excluding Sol, Scylla Hades, Freya, Chronos, Raijin and maybe Nu Wa ?) you must buy phantom to escape early.