Hey there so on this guide ill share some of my gameplays where hopefully it can help you with your game.
TW Rome II,campaign with Egypt,LEG,1st Chapter
TW Rome II,campanha com Egipto,LEG,2º capitulo
TWR II,campaign with Egypt,LEG,3rd Chapter
TWR II,campanha com Egipto,LEG,4º capitulo
TWR II,campaign with Egypt,LEG,5th Chapter
TWR II,campanha com Egipto,LEG,6º capitulo
TWR II,campaign with Egypt,7th Chapter,Legendary
TWR II,campanha c/ Egipto,8º Capitulo,Legendário
TWR II,campaign with Egypt,9th Chapter,Legendary
TWR II,campanha c/ Egipto,10º Capitulo,Legendário
TWR II,campaign with Egypt,11th Chapter,Legendary
TWR II,campanha c/ Egipto,12º Capitulo,Legendário
TWR II,campaign with Egypt,13th Chapter,Legendary
TWR II,campaign with Egypt,14th Chapter,Legendary
TWR II,campanha com Egipto,Legendary ,15º Capitulo
TWR II,campaign with Egypt,Legendary ,16th Chapter
TWR II,campaign with Egypt,Legendary ,Final chapter ,Defeat
TWR II,campanha com Egipto,Legendary ,Capitulo Final ,Derrota