Blackwake Guide

Some of pirate jokes for Blackwake

Some of pirate jokes



Pirates Favorites

Have you heard about the new pirate movie?………. It’s rated AARRRRGGH!
what is a pirates favorite study subject? ……….arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt.
what’s a pirate’s second-choice job? ……….an arrrrrrchitect!
what’s a pirate’s favorite letter of the alphabet? ……….arrrr
What kind of socks does a pirate wear? ………. AARRRRGGHyle!
What’s a pirate’s second favorite mode of transportation? ……….A cAARRRRGGH!
What does a gourmet pirate add to his dinner? ……….A gAARRRRGGHnish!
What Star Wars character is really a pirate?……….AARRRRGGH-2 D-2!
What’s a pirate’s favorite country? ……….AARRRRGGHentina!
Why did the pirate go on vacation? ……….He needed some AARRRRGGH and AARRRRGGH!
where do pirates put their trash?………. in the GARRRRRRRRRRRBAGE can!
what is a pirates favorite doll?………….. BARRRRRRRRRRBIE!
where do pirates keep their cookies?……. in a jarrrr!!!!
how did the pirate become a lawyer? …….he passed the barrrrr!!!!
where do pirates like to eat? ……….. the HARRRRRRD rock cafe!
what are pirates afraid of? ……. the DARRRRRRRRRRK
what did the pirate do to his drowining first mayte?….. C P ARRRRRRRRR
where did the pirate put its car when it was done driving it?…. the PARRRRRRRRRKING lot
why are pirates the coolest?…… they just ARRRRRRRR!!!
where do pirates keep their weapons?… an ARRRRRRRRSONAL!
what’s a pirates favorite fast food restraunt? ………arrrrrr-by’s
where do pirates park their ships?…….. in the harrrrrrbor!
where do pirates get their haircut? ……….at the barrrrrber!
Why is there smoke all arond the pirate?……….He’s smoking a cigarrr.
Why does the pirate say AED?……….He knows mediacl Jarrrgon
What was the pirate’s golf score?……….parrrr
Why did the pirate move to Russia?……….To be czarrr…