In this guide we will be talking about how much Emily is a B!TCH!!!
Reason 1
After beating the game, this is how I felt.
Reason 2
My named myself Glen Coco, and she still dosen’t love me!
Reason 3
I was honest with her when she asked me how I felt about Coldplay, and she hated me for it!
Reason 4
She is dating some loser named Brad for a really stupid reason!
Reason 5
She didn’t see how cool I was when I broke the fourth wall!
Reason 6
Most of the guides on here are about getting with Emily, and yet we still hate her!
Why? because no matter what, she will never gives us sweet, sweet S.E.X
Reason 7
She broke my heart, therefore she tried to kill me!
Reason 8
Emily never showed me what she looked like, so she probably looks like this!
Reason 9
She is always talking about her problems like i’m her damn therapist!
Reason 10
She trolled me into thinking I was about to play Half Life 3!