Hello, today I will share with you my way of playing Terra.
What I wish to share with you in this guide is :
- Who is Terra
- How I see Terra fitting in in Smite
- Basic knowledge of Terra’s abilities
- How I build her
- The Trump
- Arena
- Joust
- Assault
- Siege
Who is Terra
Terras background can be summed up in one sentance.
Familly problems.
She gave birth to the titans, who were then imprisoned by their father (because he feared they would become stronger than him) and later saved with the help of Terra.
When the youngest titan, Saturn, was “in charge” the prophecies told that he would be defeated by his children.So he, logicly, ate them.
But Jupiter escaped and split Saturn open, letting his siblings out.
When they were free they killed the titans (Terras children).
Terra’s Wiki page[smite.gamepedia.com]
In Smite:
Terra is a Magical Power Guardian with alot of AOE CC and utility.
As far as in-game design goes… A++ for the Hi-Rez design team.
I mean look at this dance, LOOK AT IT, IT’S AMAZING (I DON’T OWN THE VIDEO !!!)
How I see Terra fitting in in Smite
Lemme just get something out right now.
The second I jumped in a game with Terra I fealt like I found my new main.
It took me 1 game to get decent with her and 3 to understand her kit 100%.
She is hard to play ? Really Hi-Rez ? Really ?
In my opinion Terra was a very healthy addition to the Smite roster.
She has really stong CC and utility with average at best healing.
While this is ok, the real kicker is her ultimate, which I will talk about later.
You can’t be a ♥♥♥♥♥ while playing her, go HAM.
Playing her passivly is just..meh..I guess.
Basic knowledge of Terra’s abilities
Passive-Standing Stones
When Terra uses her second or third ability she summons standing stones. While they are active Terra is immune to knockups, deals bonus damage and slows enemies for 30% with her auto attacks for the duration of her standing stones. If Terra smashes a standing stone this passive will be applied for 3 seconds.
The slow and bonus dmg helps alot when your 2 and 3 are on CD.
First ability-Force of Nature
Terra dashes forward, dealing damage to all enemies in her path. If she hits one of her standing stones she breakes them, causing them to proc their secondary effect, and she may dash again.The second dash CAN’T allow Terra to dash a third time
This ability is amazing for escape and engages.
Second ability-Crushing Earth
Terra summons two standing stones at the targeted location. Enemies that pass between these stones are slowed for 20%. Terra may recast this ability to slam the two stones together stunning all enemies that were between the stones,. If Terra dashes through one of this stones the stone explodes, dealing damage in a cone area.
Using your first ability you can proc both stones to do the damage.
This ability has both OFFENSIVE and DEFENSIVE capabilities. With good positioning you can use it to block auto attacks and some spells SUCK IT HOU YI(be careful howerver, this also blocks your allies spells and autos).You can also block off choke points and disposition enemies or trap them between the stones.
Third ability-Monolith
Terra summons a standing stone that heals allies over time.. If Terra shatters it with her first ability the stone explodes, rooting enemies in the area and dealing damage over time.
To be honest this heal is really crapy unreliable. It just doesn’t heal enough with each tick. While the root is ok it can be broken with WHICH IS ABOLUTE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
You shoudn’t pay attention to the 3 HP thing, you will brake it way before them if they don’t focus it and it’s safe if you cast it in the back line for healing.
Ultimate ability-Terra’s Blessing
Terra buffs all of her allies, giving them bonus movement speed, mana cost reduction and bonus cooldown reduction and putting 4 stones on them. When an ally is damaged 4 times by enemies the stones are consumed to heal the ally.This ability has global range.
Terras ultimate is OP. I mean, you get movement speed, MANA COST REDUCTION AND CDR.
It is an awesome engage tool if your allies are ready to fight. Trully a tide turner of an ultimate. The heal just about covers the damage taken so it’s decent.
How I build Terra and max abilities
The way I max abilities on Terra is
Maxing last might be the reason I don’t feel the heal effects that much.
Now, the way I build Terra is a bit odd.
I build her as a bruiser guardian because I think she is quite tanky on her own and needs just a few protection items, but she does need a fair bit of health to compensate.
My build path goes in this order
The rest is up to you, but my full builds look something like:
Why Mystical mail ? Simple really. The item has a decent protection stat as well as a really good health boost. The passive is excelent because it allows you to deal some consisten damage just by being near to the enemy.
I take these boots just because of the 150 health and the Crowd Control Reduction…That’s it
This item gives you some bonus Magical Power and a bit of mana. The passive works well on Terra because, if someone squishy gets caught out alone, it’s an easy kill, even if it’s a 1v1. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you proc your Monolith Damage over time it will proc the Soul Reaver passive on the highest max health target.
Void Stone is a good way to get some Magical Protection and Magical Power with some Magical Power reduction for your enemies.
Ethernal staff gives some health and mana, that’s nice, but it also gives you 2.5% of you health as bonus Magical Power, and you know we got alot of health from our build, as well as from all the items.
Gem of Isolation gives health and mana, like Ethereal Staff, but it also gives a slow when you damage an enemy, so it’s good when you proc the Monolith Damage over time or get multiple people in Crushing Earth.
Bulwark is a good item overall, nothing much to say there.
Terra is a god that fits well with someone who likes supporty and/or engage characters.
So if you played Sejuani in LoL and just got into Smite, Terra is a good pick.
Is Terrra stong: Somewhat
Can she compare to the popular Guardians (Fafnir, Athena,or whatever you kids play on conquest these days): Probobly not
Is she fun to play: Yes
Can she 1v1: Only against squishy gods.
Is she flexible with the way you build her: Yes
Is she hard to play: ♥♥♥♥ NO
Should you get her: ♥♥♥♥ YES
As I said at the begining, I could really get a feel of her kit almost instantly.
I really like her design (them thighs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) and victory dance.
Also her golden/legendary/diamond skins are almost out.
If you see any grammar mistakes please tell me.
Big thanks to my friend who put up with all of my BS while I was trying out the builds.
I keep playing her cause she is thicc