Top 10 mages that you should pick in arena Smite is my favorite game of all time. As crazy as that sounds, I grew attached to it, the moment I’ve played my first match. My favorite class is mage, cause they have awesome looking abilities and aoe damage, which I prefer over basic attacks. In this guide I will pick 10 mages and tell you why they are best suited for arena. This is my first guide so dont expect it to be detailed. Also I’m Lithuanian, so pardon my grammar.Since I cant find any recent God winrates in arena, I’m going to pick my 10 based on personal opinion. Let’s begin with number 10.
Top 10 mages that work well in arena
10. Nu wa
Nu wa is pretty awesome, cause her ult helps pick up kills from low hp oponents, unless they pop aegis. She has a fog that can increase movement speed and hide clay soldiers to surprise the enemy. With full cdr she may be dangerous late game. But her waveclear isn’t good early and she doesn’t have abilities for a sucessful escape.
09. Janus
Janus has CC, high single damage and reach with his ultimate, but due to the open area and lack of walls, his portals arent that great for escape. I’ve seen players dodging abilities by placing the portal below themselves and that works, but also it makes you a target after you land. Also his waveclear isn’t great either.
08. Anubis
Anubis is one of my favorite mages in Arena, because he can easily kill you, once he lands his mumify. The reason why I put him in 8th place is because he has amazing waveclear early and can be used to pick up squishies fast (allthough he is a squishy too) For those who started to get the hang of Anubis recently, I suggest taking blink to get a surprise kill on the enemy who has no escapes. Sadly, his 1 and ultimate imobilizes him, which makes him vulnerable.
07. Kukulkan
Kukulkan tornadoes are super powerful. he too has a phenomenal waveclear and a bit of cc, but I chose him over Anubis due to the fact that his ultimate doesnt put him in a suicidal position. I suggest starting with a book of thoth or a lifesteal item that gives you decent mana, like polynomicon. Just keep watching your mana and dont over extend, otherwise you wont be able to ssslither away.
06. Poseidon
Poseidon is a pain in the butt to the enemy team due to his whirlpools. Seriously, those things are just as bad as Ares ult. Also, his cracken is a good way to throw the entire enemy team off your ally they’re chasing. He might not have a good escape, but all his abilities can prevent the enemy from catching up.
05. Sol
Sol is cancer. Her abilities are cancer. Her voicepack is cancer. She has aoe, cc, both ability and basic attack dammage plus temporary immunity. Are you serious ? However her ultimate is one of the worst in the game, thus why I didnt put her in first place.
04. Nox
Nox is fantastic. She has a silence and a hard root that both do damage and can be both used on a single squishy to destroy him/her. Also she can go inside an all God to escape or engage the enemy. And the coup de grace ultimate to finish low hp enemies. Build full cdr, maybe add some pen and you have a dangerous weapon in your hands. Her only weakness is getting cc’d herself or wasting her entire kit at once.
03. Scylla
Scylla is little, but her damage is big. What better way to use her oneshot ultimate than on entire enemy team one at a time or all at once. She also has good escape with her 3, a decent root and her wonderful passive. Dont even bother building full power, cause you’ll reach the cap with or without it.
02. Chronos
Chronos ultimate is probably one of the best in the game. He can easily bait with it, also ge cast his abilities without costing mana.Allthough Chronos’ waveclear isnt that good early game, he becomes super dangerous late game. I see a lot of people building him basic attack based tho he is just as good with his abilities, that’s why I go CDR boots and chronos pendant (cause it has his name).
01. Isis
Ok… you’re probably wondering why I haven’t picked Hel or Aphrodite. Well… healers arent that relevant in arena, because you can easily return to base, heal up and still make it to the portal. Isis ultimate can heal too based on the damage dealt inside the radius, but it’s not that great compared with Chronos’. So why then pick Isis as number one ? I think she deserves to be called best arena mage, because she has a detonatable CC, a helpful passive, a dispell that takes away magical protection and slows plus one of the best waveclear abilities in the game, which also makes Isis mobile while casting and immune to root and knockback. If you build her full cdr, the spirit ball becomes a nightmare for the enemy team and it does a fair amount of damage.
In my opinion, CC is the biggest factor in teamfights, that’s why I picked Gods like ISIS, Chronos, Nox, Scylla over healers and high damage dealers with low CC. Also waveclear is important as well so I included Gods like Anubis and Kukulkan in the top 10
Honorable mentions:
Freya – great if fed, but can easily be kited.
Ao Kuang – he’s more of an assassin than a mage. He has CC in ult, but mostly players use it to execute the enemy, rather than stop them.
Ah Puch – he once was super strong, but they nerfed him.
Vulcan, Zeus – good at dealing damage, but doesn’t have enough CC or escape
Zhong Kui – loses stacks on death, also his ultimate is slow while arena is fast paced.
Welp this is my top mages who I suggest you play as in arena. If you have any questions, please comment down below. More guides comming soon.