This War of Mine Guide

Trade value of items for This War of Mine

Trade value of items


* See comments for updates *Each item has a certain value, this is an estimate done by selling 1 item at a time to the Trader (Franko) who comes at your door.


Each item has a certain value, typically Bandages at the high end while Clean Water is at the lower end. Note that at different times of the year items may change in value. Item values fluctuate during events, and wood and firewood becomes more expensive (Fuel, Components, Wood cost about twice more) during the winter. Basic trade ratio is 0.8 and 0.95 with Katia(about 20% more).

This is an estimate done by selling 1 item at a time to the Trader (Franko) who comes at your door, so it may be undervaluing some of the low value items. E.g. Cigarette’s value is probably closer to 1.75 components.


Alcohol: 23
Ammo: 7
Bandages: 55
Bed: 36
BlockedHole: 46
Book: 3
CannedFood: 30
Chair: 15
Cigarette: 4
Coffee: 3
Crowbar: 22
ElectricParts: 10
Filter: 7
Guitar: 50
Guitar_broken: 20
GunPowder: 2
Hatchet: 48
HeatLamp: 48
HeaterFuel: 3
Helmet: 45
Helmet_broken: 15
HerbalMeds: 42
HomeGrownTobacco: 5
Hooch: 27
Joint: 2
Knife: 34
LockPick: 12
Machinegun: 74
Machinegun_broken: 20
Materials: 2
MedIngredients: 15
Meds: 64
Mixer: 48
Parts: 5
Pistol: 43
PistolShells: 2
Pistol_broken: 15
Plants: 4
QualityJoint: 3
Radio: 14
RawFood: 18
SawBlade: 15
Shotgun: 54
Shotgun_broken: 15
Shovel: 29
StaleFood: 9
Sugar: 3
Termostat: 48
Tobacco: 10
TradingItem: 25
Trap: 85
Vegetables: 18
Vest: 74
Vest_broken: 20
Water: 2
WeaponParts: 5
Wood: 3


Thanks to sumpfkrautmonster.