Sceelix - Procedural Power

Sceelix – Procedural Power

About This Software

A powerful procedural engine

Create parameterizable 3D scenes and game objects at design or run time using Sceelix’s unique node-based language and integrate your creations directly into your game engine.

With Sceelix you can:

  • Reduce production time
  • Create all different types of content using our single, easy to manage, unique, visual, node-based language
  • Create the final content or quick prototypes
  • Generate the same or different content every time you run your game (design/run-time)
  • Assign behaviours, physics, textures, etc procedurally
  • Manipulate placeholders procedurally and swap them with your own creations and prefabs
  • Create new nodes composed of other nodes or by using Sceelix’s complete API