Retro RPG Online 2

Retro RPG Online 2

About This Game


The Server is Offline now as we are working on a vastly improved version. At the moment development is going into re-doing quite a few parts of the Engine. Some big changes are to the Graphics Engine as it will use the GPU much more. When re-released as either an update to this sequel or an entirely new game or sequel it will likely become FREE-TO-PLAY.

The revenue generation model will most likely come from exclusive cosmetics, and/or some slight advantages in-game like an XP Bonus of most likely no more than 25%. We understand that Players do NOT want PAY-TO-WIN and all decisions will take that into account. Allot of the game assets used in this sequel will be re-used until we can generate enough profit to start creating custom content.

All the game business decisions have not been finalized and are subject to change. I have noticed that this game can offer a unique game experience similar too old school overhead RPG’s of the 90’s era. We aim to replicate that single-player experience yet port it to a larger scale multiplayer experience. This is a big undertaking and we appreciate your patience. To give a realistic time frame to when it becomes available for testing and in a playable state, I am aiming for roughly early 2022.

If you have paid for a copy please get a refund, because as I said it will be FREE-TO-PLAY.

Thanks for your patience and I look forward to testing the game with some of you who are very keen to play.

Kind regards
Lead Game Developer
Joshua Langley.