The Adventure of Magical Girl

The Adventure of Magical Girl

About This Game

This is the sequel to “The Legend of Bean”.
Our story focuses on the adventures of three young girls named Firoro, Mirumiru, and Kukuri. They were students at the most advanced magical academy at Card Arden, the Sea Empire. Firoro made an extremely bold decision with serious consequences, which led to her embarking on a great adventure with her own life at stake… as a fugitive fleeing from the academy.

After the end of “The Legend of Bean”
Kaim and Azal were unable to get used to the court life, so they gave up their lordship to become mercenaries wandering the lands. Unfortunately, they had to subsist mainly on grass, living a rather plain lifestyle… but that eventually changed when they met the three girls from the magic academy. A new story was to begin for them, as well.

  • Magical Girl + JRPG
  • Lovable, addicting characters
  • Exciting story full of twists and witty or hilarious dialogs
  • High-quality maps, monsters and graphics, along with a lush music score enhance the experience
  • Turn-Based
  • Over 30 different monsters to fight, each with their own strengths, and modifiers for them as well for even more variety.

the prequel《The Legend of Bean》