Get Gud
Overview A Guide On How To Get Good In Muck.because you need it. Step 1: Get Friends, You need friends. Step 2: Get Good Seeds… Done! You are now better (still bad)
Overview A Guide On How To Get Good In Muck.because you need it. Step 1: Get Friends, You need friends. Step 2: Get Good Seeds… Done! You are now better (still bad)
Overview Всем привет, сейчас я вам расскажу как стрелять из лука Крафт стрел Чтобы стрелять с лука, вы должны скрафтить стрелы, сделайте верстак, откройте его и скрафтите стрелы Крафт станка Чтобы сделать лук, вам надо скрафтить станок, делается он из 25 берёзы и из 10 кремня Крафт тетевы Чтобы сделать лук, вам нужна тетева, чтобы … Read moreКак стрелять с лука
Woods [ENG] Tree First tree you will chop down. A rock is needed to chop it down. Used to craft a workbench, bark, and wooden tools. Birch Second tree you will chop. A Wooden Axe is needed to chop it down. Used to craft Steel Tools. Firm Third tree you will chop. A Steel Axe … Read moreAll elements of the game | Все элементы игры
Attack Ups [ENG] Orange Juice | Attack speed Dumbbeli | Base strenght Milk | Damage Horshoe | Increased critical chance Crimson knife | Lifesteal Bulldozer | Chance to knock back enemies Sniper Scope | Small chance to deal chunky damage Adrenaline | Falling below 30% of max hp will boost damage Knuts Hammer | Deals … Read moreItems from chests | Вещи из сундуков
Overview Upon reaching Day 25 we set out to find the sky limit. We built 7000 stairs and continued onto the stars.We found there was no Sky limit or Limit outside of the map (m) Muck Enthusiast content
Overview A full wiki on everything there is in the game. Items, crafting, powerups, everything! (Excluding Achievements) Introduction THIS GUIDE IS INCOMPLETE AND WILL BE FINISHED IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS So please be patient. More information is on the way, along with Images and Gifs! In this guide can find all knowledge of what … Read moreFull Wiki | Everything you need to know BONERS!
Overview This is a guide on how to walk. Step 1 Get up from your chair. Step 2 Move your legs. End Now you can walk! Now give me your steam points.
Overview Step 1: Open game a very important stepStep 2: Have friends it’s optionalStep 3: Recreate the universe and think about your existenceStep 4: Reject humanity return to monke
Overview For Muck Update3 Health and Armor Red Pill – HP amount is increased by 10 per 1 item Blue Pill – SHIELD capacity is increased by 10 per 1 item Broccoli – HP regen is increased by 0.25 per 1 item.(Nerfed in Update3) HP Regen = 5 * (0.05 * number_of_broccoli) Dracula – HP … Read moreAll powerups (with numbers)L UPDATED ⅂