X3: Terran Conflict Guide

How to Mod X3 Terran Conflict / Albion Prelude safely for Vanilla

How to Mod X3 Terran Conflict / Albion Prelude safely for Vanilla for X3: Terran Conflict

Overview How to Mod X3 Terran Conflict without the ***Modified*** Tag on your Save Game. IOW Achievements are still available to earn w/ Awesome QoL changes and a Better Looking Game!Bigger Font Replacement and other Helpful Mods.Vanilla safe Graphical Overhaul Mods.Different HUDs/GUIs to choose from and which sites.Fixes for Bugs and other annoyances. Intro & … Read moreHow to Mod X3 Terran Conflict / Albion Prelude safely for Vanilla

Quick New User Guide

Quick New User Guide for X3: Terran Conflict

Overview A quick guide describing the game starts, missions, and a few words about the learning curve. Intro Egosoft’s X series is a pretty unique set of games. It has some things in common with Elite but that’s a bit like saying today’s third person shooters are a like the arcade game Defender. As such, … Read moreQuick New User Guide

Полное руководство X3: Terran Сonflict

Полное руководство X3: Terran Сonflict for X3: Terran Conflict

Overview В данном руководстве наиболее полно представлены основные аспекты игры. Общие сведения Расы и группировки Земляне. Относительные новички в игре, но не в игровой вселенной. Тысячелетие назад их проект терраформирования планет привел к катастрофе поистине вселенского масштаба, его отголоски сказываются до сих пор. Сами они оказались в изоляции, и лишь недавно было восстановлено сообщение с … Read moreПолное руководство X3: Terran Сonflict

X3:TC for Dummies

X3:TC for Dummies for X3: Terran Conflict

Overview X3:TC for Dummies has been designed with brand new players of the X universe in mind and comes with all the necessary information required to get started and good hints to get successful even faster.The inspiration of this guide was knowing how the new players feel, being thrown into a new world with no … Read moreX3:TC for Dummies

Dumbass Drivers! Handbook

Dumbass Drivers! Handbook for Dumbass Drivers!

Overview Your official strategy guide to winning Dumbass Drivers! as leaked by the Russian government.Dumbass Drivers! can be a difficult game for some. You will start at the very bottom and it will take a little time to improve your racing skills and beat the races and missions. You will need to balance races with … Read moreDumbass Drivers! Handbook

Warhammer :Dawn of War 1 [Fix ITA]

Warhammer :Dawn of War 1 [Fix ITA] for Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Game of the Year Edition

Overview Una piccola traduzione In italiano “Scritto in Ard minchia”Semplicemente in questa guida mettere Varie soluzioni tradotte e semplificate in italiano Ez ? ;_; Dove trovo File”[Di gioco?] Hai diverse soluzioni su come andare nella Proprietà dei file di gioco 1 Libreria dei giochi di steam 2 Tasto destro in Dawn of war 1 3 … Read moreWarhammer :Dawn of War 1 [Fix ITA]

How to click on Skirmish

How to click on Skirmish for Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Game of the Year Edition

Overview I see that a lot of players have a common bug that their mouse cannot click on Skirmish for whatever reason. This guide will help you to solve that. Solution 1 Go to settings, click on resolution, change it to a random resolution but remember your original, Once you changed your resolution you should … Read moreHow to click on Skirmish
