Don’t Starve Guide

Shipwrecked Crock Pot Recipies

Shipwrecked Crock Pot Recipies for Don't Starve

Overview All the new crock pot foods and how to make them! Regular Shipwrecked Recipies Banana Pop +20 +12.5 +33 Requires: 1 Banana, 1 Ice, and 1 Twig Cannot have: Meat or Fish Bisque +60 +18.75 +5 Requires: 3 Limpets, 1 Ice California Roll +20 +37.5 +10 Requires: 2 Seaweed, 1 Fish Ceviche +20 +25 … Read moreShipwrecked Crock Pot Recipies

Every Character Explained

Every Character Explained for Don't Starve

Overview All of the information about every character. Expect lots of wit and facts.(If it looks like an image is missing, it’s because it is. All of my steam screenshots were deleted, might fix later idk.) Wilson Wilson is the first character in the game, requiring 0 EXP to unlock, and he’s the first character … Read moreEvery Character Explained

Survive alone

Survive alone for Don't Starve

Overview This guide is not a detailed walkthrough made to learn how to play Don’t Starve. This is a guide made for fun information, small tips and mini helping things. It contains fun facts and smart stuff you should now. (This guide will be randomly updated) Cooking Easy Cooking (Please pay attention! The pictures are … Read moreSurvive alone

Все о тигровой акуле.

Все о тигровой акуле. for Don't Starve

Overview В данном руководстве вы узнаете все о тигровой акуле – первом “серьезном” боссе в Don’t Starve : Shipwrecked. Основные характеристики. Основные характеристики. Логово акулы. Логово акулы. Легкое убийство. Легкое убийство. Выпадаемый лут. Выпадаемый лут. P.S: Если вам чем-то помогло мое руководство, то буду признательна любому комментарию или лайку. Спасибо за внимание и не голодайте … Read moreВсе о тигровой акуле.

Guida Italiana Don’Starve! (Italian guide Don’t Starve!)

Guida Italiana Don'Starve! (Italian guide Don't Starve!) for Don't Starve

Overview Ciao,questa è la guida Italiana di Don’t Starve!Hello,this is an italian guide of Don’t Starve! Sopravvivenza ►Questa è una vecchia guida di Don’t Starve, scritta il 2013, di conseguenza mancheranno alcune cose nuove e si potrebbero presentare lievi incongruenze. Comunque la guida ha consigli utili nonostante le nuove patch, quindi non preoccupatevi!◄ Amici, questa … Read moreGuida Italiana Don’Starve! (Italian guide Don’t Starve!)

Insanity Guide

Insanity Guide for Don't Starve

Overview This guide basically explains the insanity update and how to prevent going insane and having creatures from the shadows kill you. 1: What is Insanity? Insanity is a new feature added in the Feb. 19th update called “Insanity”. Having too low Sanity level will cause you to see scary things and have creatures from … Read moreInsanity Guide