How to get good
Overview If you read this you will be good. here you go Play the game until you have 10,000 hours and just like that you got good.
Overview If you read this you will be good. here you go Play the game until you have 10,000 hours and just like that you got good.
Overview In 3 steps 「1」 Open chat by pressing [ENTER] 「2」 Type /seed 「3」 Press [ENTER] again
Overview szybki poradnik jak skakac/poruszać sie jak małpa (bunnyhop)1. Posiadać klawisze A oraz W (analogicznie w drugą strone) W oraz D2. Trzymać shift (sprint) oraz spacje (jump)3. Połączyć kombinacje tych klawiszów patrząc się 30° w prawo (używając przycisków A oraz W) lub w lewo (W oraz D)To tyle, biegasz (skaczesz) jak Usain BoltPraktyka: 😎🤙
Overview All the items in Muck and how to get them Woods Tree First tree you will chop down. A rock is needed to chop it down. Used to craft a workbench, bark, and wooden tools. Birch Second tree you will chop. A Wooden Axe is needed to chop it down. Used to craft Steel … Read moreUpdate 2 Items Added! All the items in Muck / Muck wiki
Overview Second Seed with Night Blade at SPAWN! seed Seed 1: 221294511 New seed: drugs kinda weird
Overview How to plauy How to plauy firt boot up game, then idk because i didnt plauy it yet
Overview how to be epic, like dani step 1 get a good seed. ive had good success w/ sh*tsaladsandwich. (replace * with i) step 2 challenge as many enemies as possible to rack up gold step 3 open all the chests you find yeah now big chunk will be a minor inconvenience >:)
Overview so basically to save your game you first need to host a world and play on it for a while and then you build a 1×1 house and each house should have 69 walls placed inside of each other then tab out and BOOM you saved the game. Also saves will never happen this … Read moreHow to save the game