How to run a Muck
Overview Step 1: Open game a very important stepStep 2: Have friends it’s optionalStep 3: Recreate the universe and think about your existenceStep 4: Reject humanity return to monke
Overview Step 1: Open game a very important stepStep 2: Have friends it’s optionalStep 3: Recreate the universe and think about your existenceStep 4: Reject humanity return to monke
Overview For Muck Update3 Health and Armor Red Pill – HP amount is increased by 10 per 1 item Blue Pill – SHIELD capacity is increased by 10 per 1 item Broccoli – HP regen is increased by 0.25 per 1 item.(Nerfed in Update3) HP Regen = 5 * (0.05 * number_of_broccoli) Dracula – HP … Read moreAll powerups (with numbers)L UPDATED ⅂
Overview With this tutorial, it’s pretty simple! Introduction If you clicked this tutorial, then you are probably wondering how to open the inventory. Steps It’s pretty simple, just follow the steps below: 1. Try to locate a TAB button on you keyboard (It’s usually located on the left site of the keyboard) 2. Press the … Read moreHow to open an inventory!!!
Overview aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA hi hello this is how u get popular guide how, please help quick hes after me here u go 1. make guide 2. wait 3. get bad rating guide 4. cry 5. come back later and see ur top rated 6. boom now please rate good bye ples rate help[
Overview Making a stupid guide like this one will get you lots of steam points and money.Step 1Make sure to have actual grammar to seem EPIC.Step 2Make sure to put something about rating up and favoriting the guide.The EndThank you for reading.
Overview All the powerups in Muck Attack ups Orange Juice (White)- + Attack speed Dumbbeli (White)- +Base strenght Robin Hood Had (White) – Increased draw speed, arrows speed & damage Juice (Blue) – Get a boost when landing a crit Horshoe (Blue)- Increased critical chance Crimson knife (Blue)- Lifesteal Bulldozer (Blue)- Chance to knock back … Read moreGuide to all the Powerups in Muck
Overview Об одной из функций Muck Как какать? Никак. (это фейк хихихихахаха)
Overview Прив, этот гайд для Muck и тут будут сиды с классными картами найденными игроками или же мной. Seed. Seed – sh*tsaladsandwich ( заместо * пишите i ) позаимствовал у Foxbyte_Xx ( на карте встретит хижина в самом начале . ) 2 Seed – Hard/Normal/Easy ( Нашёл этот сид я, много мифрила и адамантита ). … Read moreSeed for Muck ( Russian )