Papers, Please Guide

Papers, Please. North Korea mod (동무, 려권내라우)

Papers, Please. North Korea mod (동무, 려권내라우) for Papers, Please

Overview Papers, Please. North Korea mode (동무, 려권내라우) Description and Install Guide (소개 및 설치 가이드) 1. Introduction ※ Thanks to Lucas Pope ※     For the great leader! 위대한 수령 동지를 위하여! Glory to glorious sun! 위대한 수령 동지에게 영광을!   This is Team.DaePoDong, translate team from South Korea (NOT North Korean). 저희는 … Read morePapers, Please. North Korea mod (동무, 려권내라우)

Papers,Please 《請出示文件》民間簡體中文漢化包

Papers,Please 《請出示文件》民間簡體中文漢化包 for Papers, Please

Overview ※本漢化包取自於網路※在此純粹分享,創作所有權均為該翻譯作者所有 預覽圖 安裝方法 點我下載 [] 將PapersPlease_ch.rar壓縮檔下的 zh-CN-truePix.zip壓縮檔,((zh-CN-truePix.zip壓縮檔不解壓縮))放入遊戲目錄 路徑為X:SteamLibrarysteamappscommonPapersPleaseloc Mac 解壓縮後放在Contents/Ioc裡 (感謝@凱敬 提供) 找不到路徑的 試試另一個開遊戲目錄的方法:右鍵點遊戲>內容>本機檔案>瀏覽本機檔案 開啟遊戲 主畫面點左下板手圖示 進到設定介面將語言設定成中文(如下圖) 安裝方法的圖片流程 點擊右上的向下箭頭下載 下載後你會得到下圖這個檔案: 打開之後,對我是說 打開之後,你會看到下圖這個檔案 把 這個檔案放進loc裡面,如下圖 記得是loc 記得是loc 記得是loc Done 剩下就開遊戲進去設置,就完成了

All Endings

All Endings for Papers, Please

Overview Here are all twenty possible endings: (Spoiler Warning) Ending 1 How: This occurs if the inspector runs into debt (i.e. the inspector has a negative balance at the end of the day). When: Days 1–31 Ending 2 How: This occurs at any point if the inspector’s entire family dies from sickness because the inspector … Read moreAll Endings


JAK GRAĆ? for Papers, Please

Overview Jak grać w Papers, Please?? Dobre pytanie. Na początku gry sam miałem z tym spory problem, lecz rozgryzłem tajniki gry. 1. Na początku każdego dnia uszykuj sobie tzw książkę zasad, i sprawdź czy doszły jakieś nowe, aby w razie niezgodności móc do niej zasięgnąć.2. Zawsze sprawdzaj czy przekraczający granice ma ze sobą wszystkie potrzebne … Read moreJAK GRAĆ?

Гайд по получению всех значков

Гайд по получению всех значков for Papers, Please

Overview Руководство содержит спойлеры!!!!!!!!!!! + руководство переведено с Испанского Оригинал Значок Imporia (день 4) На таможню придет мама-импориантка и скажет, что через 6 лет она очень хочет увидеться с сыном. Анализируя их статьи, вы заметите неточность. Это несоответствие необходимо отметить, так как если вы заклеите его, ничего не сказав, то бейджа не получите. Упомянув об … Read moreГайд по получению всех значков

Fake king head photo download

Fake king head photo download for BattleBlock Theater

Overview This is a guide where you just save the image of a king head pls friend. Also use PIXLR to make custom heads. King head Pls friend this is a king head photo that you can save as a custom head. OOh yeah you might have to view this guide from Google.


BATTLEBLOCK THEATER- Half Life 2 Heads for BattleBlock Theater

Overview Conteúdo Brasileiro Huehuehue! basta clicar com o botão direito do mouse na battleblock theater, na sua biblioteca de jogos, então você clica em propriedades, logo em seguida clica em arquivos, navegar em arquivos locais e depois clica em gamedata, clica na pasta userfaces, e arrasta as cabeças nesta pasta, entra no batleblock theater e … Read moreBATTLEBLOCK THEATER- Half Life 2 Heads

BATTLE BLOCK THEATER- Playstation heads

BATTLE BLOCK THEATER- Playstation heads for BattleBlock Theater

Overview Conteúdo Brasileiro Huehuehue! basta clicar com o botão direito do mouse na battleblock theater, na sua biblioteca de jogos, então você clica em propriedades, logo em seguida clica em arquivos, navegar em arquivos locais e depois clica em gamedata, clica na pasta userfaces, e arrasta as cabeças nesta pasta, entra no batleblock theater e … Read moreBATTLE BLOCK THEATER- Playstation heads

How to play custom workshop maps

How to play custom workshop maps for BattleBlock Theater

Overview A basic guide on how to play workshop maps. Getting the map First off, you of course need a workshop map. For this, go to BattleBlock Theater’s Workshop page, which can be found here. Then, find the map you want. Once you’ve found the map, subscribe to it. Playing the map Now that you … Read moreHow to play custom workshop maps