Tree of Life Guide

Инструкция для чайников

Инструкция для чайников for Escape Dead Island

Overview Итак все что вам нужно знать на корабле катана и alt джипиарес + зомби с когтями если увидите стреляйте с дроби или автомата он у лаборатории там бункер в нем автомат стреляет потр дроби, и на всякий лаборатории займут у вас от 3 до 5ч так что вы знаете на что идете ради плюшки … Read moreИнструкция для чайников

Как поднять % побед в World of Tanks Blitz?

Как поднять % побед в World of Tanks Blitz? for World of Tanks Blitz

Overview В этом руководстве я постараюсь рассказать вам про основы. Что вам потребуется, чтобы точно начать поднимать процент побед в World of Tanks Blitz. Вступление Как поднять процент побед в World of Tanks Blitz? Тема очень важная и актуальная для многих игроков, которые хотели бы знать, как же это сделать. Сейчас мы поговорим про основы. … Read moreКак поднять % побед в World of Tanks Blitz?

Best Tanks By Tier!

Best Tanks By Tier! for World of Tanks Blitz

Overview This has been asked quite a few times.. And it is difficult to just choose one, instead of choosing one from each class.I will not include premiums, as some of them are just plain P2W. (I’m looking at you, FCM…) I will include some scouts as an alternative, even though they have higher MM.T1: … Read moreBest Tanks By Tier!

How to play this game

How to play this game for World of Tanks Blitz

Overview Make sure your wallet is full 🙂 1 Turn on your computer. 2 Launch Steam.exe 3 Search “World of Tank Blitz”. 4 Install this game. 5 Go to your steam library. 6 Choose “World of Tanks Blitz”. 7 Click play button. 8 Loading… 9 Choose your first tank. 10 Now its time for tutorial. … Read moreHow to play this game

Endless gems

Endless gems for Medieval Defenders

Overview Here is a guide to enjoy the game 🙂 Cheat guide 1. select “hidden elements” to disc “С” 2. we follow to the address << C: Users User name AppData Roaming 8floor MedievalDefenders >> open < profile.xml > with a text editor I prefered notepad (just in case back up original profile.xml before you … Read moreEndless gems

graphical tweaks

graphical tweaks for Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy

Overview removing fog, less stutters, better draw distance & occlusion, improved depth of field & SSR/SSS, tone-mapping (sharpening), fix for TAA’s blurring, etc… [1] about it is a preset for various graphical tweaks for “Spyro: Reignited Trilogy”, that mostly improves or enhance the visuals those tweaks (apart from fog, blur and anti-aliasing) are very subtle … Read moregraphical tweaks

Reignited vs Original: the differences

Reignited vs Original: the differences for Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy

Overview the list of various differences between the original games and Reignited Trilogy: dialogs, censorship, features, design, etc [1] Sparx Sparx has been redesigned to more closely resemble an actual dragonfly, with the legs/joints and less goofy eyes. which is more realistic, I give it that, but a bit jarring mod to return original Sparx’s … Read moreReignited vs Original: the differences