解决单人游戏不能存档问题 Solving the campaign saving problem
Overview 警告:本文所列出情况可能仅使用于极少用户,如果你在游戏过程中并没有遇到这个问题,请忽略这篇文章。同样地,本文不保证可以解决所有单人存档问题,笔者仅在自己的电脑上解决了问题。Attention: The issue this article address might happen to a few people, if you are not one of them, please ignore this article. And this article might not solve this problem on your computer. All I know is it works for me.————————————————————————————————–遇到的问题:在进行《泰坦陨落2》游玩的过程中,多人模式可以正常使用, 单人模式可以进入游戏,但无法保存,如主角死亡,则回到关卡开始界面。退出游戏时也不会存档。此外,游戏内的设置(如关闭自动骑乘泰坦)无法保存。—————————————————————————————————Issue: When playing Titanfall2, while the multiplayer mode works properly, the campaign … Read more解决单人游戏不能存档问题 Solving the campaign saving problem