Best seed I have found
Overview This seed has a lot in it and thought I would shareThe Seed: “h”Fun fact: I haven’t even played the game yet so this was a lie new section untitled
Overview This seed has a lot in it and thought I would shareThe Seed: “h”Fun fact: I haven’t even played the game yet so this was a lie new section untitled
Overview M U C C HOW TO M U C C? Step 1: Go to the bathroom at 3am Step 2: Summon Dani Demon 2.1 – Pour milk on floor 2.2 – Say “T H I C C” three times 2.3 – Wait for 2 hours Step 3: Say “I love you and i want … Read moreHow to M U C C
Overview how to hakcc MUCK play the game normally hacking is for losers LOL hakccing steps
Overview Fair warning, if you’re playing multiplayer, only do this strategy if you’re the host, as others might get the urge to leave if they are getting one-shotted by every single mob while you are roaming around the map at lightning speeds doing 2K crits on enemies with a wooden sword.I don’t plan to drag … Read moreHow To Absolutely And Utterly Break The Game
Overview this muck guide will teach you how to muck in the game called muck step 1 download muck step 2 make a muck step 3 pick up rock not that rock, this rock not that wheat, this rock step 4 hit gold with wheat step 5 … Read morehow to muck
Overview why there a vbuck? Idk who cares so about the easter egg…… hmm I have none. But u know what? I have a cookies want sum well I cant send it.. its mine only so,,,,yeaa get gud nubshut up now don’t be shy and give me award “gun emoji pointing at you” now muck … Read moreSecret Kralson easter egg!!!!
Overview ok sofre coinadn other thing too okthis difficultsiri order pizzar from 911ok stepbro #1fi1rst open gamstepbro ~”#2kill thingy angy mobsstepbro #3 helluo your vomputer has virusthnank forl o lk-ooking at my guideerat e 10030234981/210 thamk mm ueah so basicly wanna do stuf stepbro 1 get money stepbro 2 use money im gettinn ripped tonight.. … Read morefre coin