Muck Guide

Гайд по выживанию

Гайд по выживанию for Muck

Overview короче, делаем все быстро, залетаем, обыскиваем землю на наличие камней, ебашим деревья, по фасту делаем кирочку, ебашим камни и всех нахуй ебашим киркой, добываем руды, плавим, делаем мечи и броню, выбиваем монетки и лутаем сундуки. Всё. невероятный гайд

How to Open the Game

How to Open the Game for Muck

Overview This will teach you ultimately how to open the game STEP 1 – DOWNLOAD THE GAME This part is one of the hardest steps and what you are going to want to do in Go to the store page, Click the big ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ blue download button, then click install. STEP 2 – FIND THE … Read moreHow to Open the Game

How to make tasty guacamole

How to make tasty guacamole for Muck

Overview Peel and mash avocados in a medium serving bowl. Stir in onion, garlic, tomato, lime juice, salt and pepper. Season with remaining lime juice and salt and pepper to taste. Chill for half an hour to blend flavors. 🙂

if u noob read this

if u noob read this for Muck

Overview 🙂 how to get wood?!??!?! 1. get rock chop chop 2. get workbench 3. get wooden tools stone!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!! get wooden pickaxe find rock smack that rock untill break get furnace from workbench iron????????!!!!!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! get iron and smack it get furnace guess what?!!!?!? place it get coal into smelt thing get iron and make it … Read moreif u noob read this

A Good Strat for muck!

A Good Strat for muck! for Muck

Overview So, you wanna get good at muck? Well, I’ll tell you! First start off with any good seed like: 689132638. Then you go to the hut, get the Mithril sword and other items, get some wood, and grind until you get mithril, or Adamantite tools! The nights will be pretty easy, since you have … Read moreA Good Strat for muck!

Гайд от человека который прошел игру

Гайд от человека который прошел игру for Muck

. Заспавнились, ищите камень, ищите тотем призыва, если каменные големы – убегайте, кто-то другой – крутитесь и бейте. Не зацикливайтесь на ресурсах долго, в первые ночи фармьте деньги и открывайте самые дешевые сундуки, не сидите на одном месте, база просто ни к чему. Грибов достаточно для выживания, мясо бесполезно, грибы респавнятся поэтому проблем не будет. … Read moreГайд от человека который прошел игру

how to not survive in muck

how to not survive in muck for Muck

Overview 1. set ur game to hardcore this will be helpful2. turn on survival mode3. just wait to the night and run trough the map . DONT OPEN CHESTS congrats you died by being hit from GOLEM how to not survive very easy!

How i Mine

How i Mine for Muck

Overview Hoe to mine help a lot with mineing Mine You Right Click to Mine it taked me 20 hours to find out how to mine so i just saved 20 hours of your life thx me later