Muck Guide

Use these seeds

Use these seeds for Muck

Overview Seeds that are likegood Something to drag people in i dunno The seeds on Muck are pretty rad besides one thing. The best seed Here are My guesses of the best seeds. The seeds dani – makes the grass purple sh*tsaladsandwich (the * is an i) – gives 2 steel picks karlson – a … Read moreUse these seeds


How for Muck

Overview good cool yes

Hold up

Hold up for Muck

Overview Ring ding ding ding ding yo momma sus

How to sugon MUCK.

How to sugon MUCK. for Muck

How to sugon MUCK Step 1: Start Game Step 2: Launch world Step 3: S T O N E Step 4: Start battle Step 5: D I E 🙁 Step 6: Get gun and win.

Muck: The Order of the Stone

Muck: The Order of the Stone for Muck

Overview A simplified guide to a strategy that works on all of the modes. Days 1-3 (days will start on the first hour/night time) Day 1 Day 1 is usually the easiest day. Loot all the black chests nearby spawn, grab a stone and mushrooms. On the chance that a small patch of 3 mobs … Read moreMuck: The Order of the Stone

S E E D list?

S E E D list? for Muck

Overview good multiplayer seed- sh*tsaladsandwich (replace * with i) 2 iron picks in the cabin across the lakegood seed-lesbianloverstons of adamantite iron pick in hut very easy to gather materials lots of good trees around and a gronk spawn point near spawn-hobbylobbylots of huts early tools and stations lots of iron and mithril aswell and … Read moreS E E D list?


muck for Muck

Overview muck muck [/b]muck[/b]