Fallout: New Vegas Guide

Cazador-How to beat it

Cazador-How to beat it for Fallout: New Vegas

Overview I will teach you how to beat the most feared bug in the waste the CAZADOR Cazador-The Encounter You are on a dusty trail walking and then down the far road you see it you hear it and it sees you. The cazador has spotted you you must stand still and not break eyecontact … Read moreCazador-How to beat it

How to walk

How to walk for Fallout: New Vegas

Overview Please pay attention to the tutorial because it is very difficult to achieve it successfully1. Launch the game2.open your save game or create a new3.this step is very difficult !! you are sure to continue ?You can return to re-practice the previous steps4. Press w for walk5.enjoy

how to jump

how to jump for Fallout: New Vegas

Overview Press spacebar spacebar is the big button at the bottom of your keyboard your keyboard is in front of you now you know how to jump, gj jump thank you French (surely white flaging) tu dois presser ta barre d’espace. la barre d’espace est le gros bouton au milieu de ton clavier. ton clavier … Read morehow to jump


辐射新维加斯精品资源整合 for Fallout: New Vegas

Overview 辐射新维加斯精品资源整合Mod,Enb和周边资源注:本人仅做整合,各内容所有权为各帖中的作者所有 —-指南部分—- fnv无限加载解决办法(窗口模式运行,有时加载会无响应,但请等待片刻即可,这样就不会无限加载了) 辐射:新维加斯维基百科: 吧友创作整理: http://tieba.baidu.com/f/good?kw=%B7%F8%C9%E4%D0%C2%CE%AC%BC%D3%CB%B9&cid=6 BN13 新维加斯WIKI条目汉化整合贴: BN13 新维加斯攻略心得整合贴: 3DM新维加斯资料区: 辐射:新维加斯音轨: 辐射圣经: 译文版(到7) WIKI原版 所有避难所资料: 莫哈维废土观光指南: 特殊武器地点: 成就指南: 战斗系统详解 by@legendMiG25 大篷车扑克教程: by@legendMiG25 能量武器指导: —-资源部分—- 辐射新维加斯mod外网n网: 美化enb:传送门: ENHANCED SHADERS 这个差不多是原版强化,喜欢沙漠样子的建议使用其中的Vanille版(不过我是被亮到了);ENB of the Apocalypse苍凉西部末日风格;Rudy ENB同样是启示录复古款式;Desert ENB如题沙漠ENB。 正版可用汉化: 地下掩体mod:{LINK REMOVED}http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=3048683005&uk=3745311171 【清泉镇富商】在酒吧门口的神秘商人{LINK REMOVED}http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=3483567959&uk=3745311171 【大苹果】将纽约搬进游戏!注意:bug较多,未测试是否影响成就{LINK REMOVED}http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=3513190749&uk=3745311171 优秀mod: mod合集(请小心安装)某些mod可能导致无法解锁成就 MOD整合by丝绒绿茶 放出几个吧友精品贴与站点,各位大神们请各取所需~ 另外对这方面了解的欢迎来补充 mod·N网前100名mod推荐及安装指导 BY 临__也: 贴中作者从新维加斯最全面的MOD资源站Fallout New Vegas Nexus上超人气mod中优中选优作介绍(大部分为增强游戏性的,邪恶向的也有少量⊙▽⊙ … Read more辐射新维加斯精品资源整合



Overview These weapons to me are the most powerful ones in the game. MERCY I dont think anyone should go after this weapon unless you have at least 30-40 stims. Yes i know thats a lot but you have to fight a legendary deathclaw.It is located at ”DEAD WIND CAVERN”. Located northwest of harpers shack. … Read moreMOST POWERFUL WEAPONS IN MOJAVE

辐射:新维加斯 Windows 10 优化指南

辐射:新维加斯 Windows 10 优化指南 for Fallout: New Vegas

Overview 优化游戏,减少崩溃跳出与卡顿并改善游戏体验。同时适用 Windows 7 及 Linux 1. 基础工具 链接 简介 天邈汉化补丁[keylol.com] 天邈暂无 DLC 汉化。民间汉化[bbs.3dmgame.com]完整,但错译较多 可选:字体美化[keylol.com] 终端乱码临时解决方案[tieba.baidu.com] xNVSE[github.com] 脚本扩展引擎。覆盖到游戏目录 Mod Organizer 2[www.nexusmods.com] 下文 MOD 和 NVSE 插件都需要本软件安装 2. NVSE 插件 均为 Mod Organizer 2 安装 链接 简介 NVAC – New Vegas Anti Crash[www.nexusmods.com] 闪退无法游戏必装,同时避免游戏过程跳出 NVTF – New Vegas Tick Fix[www.nexusmods.com] 减少游戏卡顿,并修复 60 FPS 以上导致的问题 JIP LN … Read more辐射:新维加斯 Windows 10 优化指南
