Muck Guide

Гайд по Достижениям Muck

Гайд по Достижениям Muck for Muck

Overview Это руководство на данный момент не полное и будет дополнятся!!! Достижения “Easy Peasy” Пройдите игру на легком уровне сложности. “Learning the ropes” Пройдите игру на нормальном уровне сложности. “Hardcore gamer” Пройдите игру на уровне сложности геймер. “What the muck” Пройдите игру таким образом, чтобы ни один из игроков в лобби не поднимал бонусы. “Set … Read moreГайд по Достижениям Muck



Overview This muck seed for update 3 spawns players next to a Smith’s Hut containing semi early game weapons, crafting materials, and gold coins. Nearby players can also find a cave with early tools. The Seed The seed featured in this guide is: rocknrollmuckdonalds Copy and paste this seed into your pregame lobby and you … Read moreMUCK SEED FOR BEGINNERS (Early Loot)

Spawn In Caves Seeds?!

Spawn In Caves Seeds?! for Muck

Overview A showcase of seeds where you spawn in, on, or around a cave. Requested by: Sailor Jediete 8,8 cm L/71 About The Process Finding seeds in Muck is a challenge. Using some mods however we can help aid us in our efforts of searching through the vast universe of seeds. Please consult this guide … Read moreSpawn In Caves Seeds?!

Muck Commands

Muck Commands for Muck

Commands Current list of commands: /debug – Toggles debug information on the right side of the screen /seed – Shows the seed. /ping – Pings the server. /kill – Kills you.

How to play Fallout New Vegas

How to play Fallout New Vegas for Fallout: New Vegas

Overview Hi there, today i will be teaching you how to play Fallout New Vegas on steam. The basics of new vegas GET FOMM AND GET AN UNOFFICIAL PATCH I AM SERIOUS List of bugs or glitches TOO MUCH

Fallout NV Hunters Challenge

Fallout NV Hunters Challenge for Fallout: New Vegas

Overview An introduction/guide to a challenge inspired by the Far Cry 3 & 4 “Kill all animals challenge” What is this?/Rules The entire premise of this challenge is to kill one of every non-human enemy in the game, the rules are as follows: Hardcore mode must be enabled Difficulty is at max No fast traveling … Read moreFallout NV Hunters Challenge